Damian v/s Dragons-3

Damian who was done with the dragon who tried to eat him looked at the other dragons who were looking at him.

Damian growled and said, "What! You want a piece of Rath too. Fine Rath was going to do that anyway!!!" and then unsheathed the two long claws on his hands and jumped towards the Dragons.

The Dragons who saw the humanoid tiger coming towards them immediately too flight and started to prepare their attacks.

"Let me tell you something you other overgrown lizards who are trying to fly and escape from Rath!!! No one goes away until Rath says so because Rath go before everybody!!! Now come down and face Rath like a Dragon you are!!!" and jumped in the air and made platforms with his enchantments to reach their heights.

Seeing the humanoid tiger jumping in the air all of them were surprised except for the one dragon who clicked his tongue and said, "His enchantments are better than I thought." and fired his roar to destroy the enchantments.

Damian who saw the roar attack coming towards him growled and said, "Let me tell you something you big light beam that came from that overgrown lizard's mouth!!!! You may be big but Rath's roar is bigger!!!" and started directing magic in his mouth and then gave out a loud roar firing a beam of his own magic towards the roar coming towards him. Damian then enhanced his beam to get bigger and stronger than the one. owning towards him and just like that the Dragon's roar was overpowered immediately by Damian's making the others widen their eyes in surprise but all of them soon snapped out of trance and moved away from the path of roar coming towards him.

One of the Dragons who just avoided the beam by an inch gave a sigh of relief and said, "That was close."

But suddenly he heard a voice, "Hah You think that was close!!! Rath is even closer!!!"

The dragon turned its head and saw the humanoid tiger just in front of him with a huge grin on his face.

Damian put his hands together and smacked the dragon on the head with all his strength sending him crashing down on the ground.

He then let himself fall freely and put his arms in a cross and crashed into the dragon once again.

Damian then stood in front of the dragon and said, "2 down 10 to go."

"You are hot headed, how about I cool you a bit."

Damian immediately looked up and saw a huge water ball coming towards him.

Seeing the ball Damian's instincts immediately acted up and he jumped away from his place. He looked towards the one who fired the water ball and saw the dragon grin.

"So you are a scaredy cat who is frightened of water as well, huh."

Damian growled in anger and pointed his finger towards the water dragon and said, "Let me tell you something you over grown lizard with wings who have a hobby of spouting water!!! Rath is not scared of anything!!! Rath scarier than anybody!!! You want to see how scary can Rath get th-" before he could finish a huge rock crashed into him and threw him away.

The rock dragon who fired the huge rock towards the humanoid tiger had a frown on his face and said, "This cat is very talkative."

Suddenly the boulder started to shake and soon Damian got up with the boulder in his arms.

Damian growled at the rock dragon and threw the rock towards the dragon with all his might making the dragon slide a few metres back before coming to a stop. This really hurt him as the boulder was made of his own magic making it effective against him.

"Nobody interrupts Rath when Rath is saying something!!!!! Only Rath can speak when Rath is saying something!!!!" and then Damian jumped on the rock dragon and started punching him causing various crack marks to appear on his rocky skin.

Damian the. got off from the rock dragon as he noticed s roar attack coming towards him and his behind the rock dragon.

He then grabbed the Dragon's tail, enhanced his strength to the maximum and started to spin the huge dragon's body making all the other dragons totally surprised by the tiger's strength.

Damian then threw the rock dragon towards the dragon who attacked him just now making both the dragon to fall down and the other dragon to pass out because of the rock dragon's weight!!!

"3 down 9 to go!!"

Seeing that three of them have already lost the leader dragon got pissed and said, "You all surround him, though it may be shameful for us Dragons, let's attack him at the same time."

All the dragons frowned at this idea, it was totally against their pride to gang up on such a puny creature but still all of them gritted their teeth and surrounded Damian although they had a reluctant expression on their faces.

Damian looked at the Dragons surrounding him and growled and said, "Let me tell you something you weak overgrown lizards with wings!!! Rath knows that you all are scared to fight Rath alone, but Rath will not go down!!! Rath will press this omnitrix-" and then pressed the omnitrix symbol on his chest and immediately got covered in light and started changing.

Soon the light started to dim down and a huge humanoid brown rock like creature was revealed.(Gravattack)

"-and Gravattack you." Damian then opened its arms and all the Dragons surrounding him started to revolve around him at high speeds.

Damian then curled up into a ball and started floating up taking all the Dragons both concious and unconcious one's with him and started to revolve at even greater speeds making the Dragons just look like a blur.

"What happened, don't want to gang up on me. Come on~ I am waiting."

The dragon were unable to say anything as they were feeling nauseous being revolved at such high speeds and soon started to lose consciousness.

Damian who saw that most of them were with unconscious or were on the brink of it threw them towards the ground making huge crater with a dragon implanted at the centre of all of them.

He then reverted back to his human form and slowly landed on the ground.

He checked all the Dragons to see if they were dead or not and sighed seeing that all of them were alive.

He then took out some sleeping gas that he had made and stored and then made all the dragon take a in the gas enough to let them remain unconcious atleast for a day.

He then sighed and waited for Belserion to come as he told him that he would deal with the aftermath.

Suddenly he felt a magic signature which was nothing compared to his own, it was much much greater than his. He tensed up and turned around and said, "Come out! I know you are there!" and stared at a particular direction.

After continuing to stare for a while Damian got pissed and fired a blast towards the direction and immediately a blast in counter of his own was fired back.

"Please stop, I am not here for a fight." and then a man with black hair and wearing black clothes along with a white toga appeared in front of him.