
Damian stared back at the black haired man with ridiculous amount of magic for a while not letting his guard down. He can feel that the man in front of him was dangerous and not knowing what his intentions were made him even more suspicious.

Damian narrowed his eyes and asked, "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

The black haired man who already hung his hands up in the air to show that he had no hostile intentions said, "I am just a normal mage looking around the world for various magic around the world and just got curious when I felt so commotion in the magic energy nearby, so I came to check, what was going on."

Damian snorted and said, "Normal mage my ass, like hell a normal mage has that much amount of ethernano."

The black haired man widened his eyes and said, "You can feel my magic even after me suppressing it?"

Damian smirked and said, "What can I say, my senes are quite good. Now what actually were you doing here?" and took out his sword and got in his stance.

The black haired man smiled and said, "I told you I was just curious about the fluctuations in the magic power in this area and came to check on it. And I have to say you are quite a skilled mage as well, your ethernano is even more concentrated than mine."

Damian smirked and said, "Thanks for the compliment, but flattery won't let you help in letting my guard down."

The black haired man shook his head and said, "I am not aiming for that, anyway are you from Dragonof? I haven't heard of a mage as skilled as you in this kingdom."

"From Adroelia, and which kingdom might you be representing Mr. just a normal mage."

"None, I am an independent mage and is looking for a magic that can help me. And please call me Zeref."

Damian who heard the man's name felt that he had heard about him from somewhere and gave it a thought while he said, "Independent huh, so are you a mercenary for hire? By the way, the name's Ian."

Zeref nodded and said, "A researcher, and are you not going to take care of the one who is pretending to be unconcious?"

Hearing that one of the Dragon's body flinched and Damian smirked, "What do you know, your senses are sharp as well, and don't worry I already knew that he was conscious since he stopped breathing the sleeping gas when I was doing so." and then vanished from the spot only to appear on top of the Dragon's head.

"So were you planning to leaving your friend behind?" and enhanced the weight of his body and the dragon immediately felt pressure on his head resulting in it crashing to the ground.

Damian then took out a vial and said, "This will take care of you." and destroyed the vial near the nose and formed a barrier around the nose to prevent the gas from escaping resulting in the dragon eventually inhaling the sleeping gas.

Damian looked back at Zeref and saw him looking curiously around the area where massive destruction just occured and said, "To be able to take care of 12 dragons on your own, your magic must be powerful as well."

Damian stared at him for a while and lowered his sword not his guard and said, "You can say that." and then jumped from the top of the Dragon's head.

"So what are you doing in an abandoned area like this, I don't think that I should say this but you do know that a war is happening not that far away from this location, right?"

Zeref smiled and said, "Well, I prefer this area rather then settlements and of course I know that there is a war, but you don't need to worry about it. I can take care of my own."

Damian shrugged his shoulders and said, "Whatever, I know what it feels like to live in a secluded forest buy atleast beware of the dragon....Dragons living in there. We don't know whether they are human friendly or not?" and then stared at a distance where he felt the magic signature from making Zeref surprised once again.

Zeref nodded and said, "So you even felt them, huh. I promise that they are human friendly, it's just that they don't want to get involved with either of the sides in the war."

Damian stared at Zeref for a while and said, "I will take your word on that....for now atleast but don't think that I will do nothing if either you or they do something troublesome."

Zeref nodded and said, "Thank you for understanding. I really appreciate this."

Damian shook his head and said, "There is no need for that, I don't think that making an enemy out of you will be good for me, and my instinct is great regarding these matters."

'Zeref Zeref Zeref...I feel like I have heard this name somewhere before, looks like I need to check out some records once I get back.' thought Damian.

Suddenly Damian's stomach grumbled feeling him that it was time to eat. Damian just gave a dry laugh and said, "Looks like its time to eat." and used his magic to form a barrier around him.

Zeref who also heard the grumbling asked, "If you don't mind, you can come and have lunch with us. There are a lot of things in the forest."

Damian waved his hand and said, "I have to keep a look out on these Dragons so they don't suddenly wake up and run away. Besides-" and then took out some food from his storage and said, "I have brought my lunch, so don't worry about me. How about you join me for lunch."

Zeref smirked and said, "Inside that magic suppression barrier of yours, sure no problem. It's not like I am here for a fight anyway and I don't think that you are someone to pick one either. Not to mention-" He then walks inside the barrier and sat on the chair that Damian prepared for him and said, "I also have a feeling that it is better to form a connection with you." 'Just control your emotions for a while, he might have some knowledge about a magic that might help me.'

Damian stared at Zeref after hearing that he already saw through the enchantment that he placed inside the barrier and got more curious about the man. 'Seriously, who is he?'