Chapter 1: The Beggining of the end

It's just another normal and very hot day in the Army training school for officer in province of Tarlac, me and my squad mate were having our VTESS, it's a simulation of a R4 Rifle in a computer like the VR but with the rifle in your hand to experience the recoil of the rifle and to familiarize how to compensate just incase that your iron sight is not zeroed. Well i almost forgot to introduce myself and my squad. Im Beast the squad leader of our squad, Markus our grenader, Blade our automatic rifle man, Spine our rifle man, castle also our rifle man, and Malvar our marksman. that is the composition of our squad. for the load out as the squad leader during our battle drills I carry the compass, map, utility rope, R4 rifle with an open dot sight and a vertivcal grip, for the side arm we still dont have any. for the grenader, Markus has the ammunition for the M203 grenade launcher, utility rope, R4 rifle with a grenade launcher attached to it and a reflex sight, and a binocular. Blade as the automatic rifle man is equiped with a K3 light machine gun equiped with a holographic sight ammunition and a utility rope. Spine our rifle man is equiped with a M16 a3 rifle with a x4 scope, utility rope, harris hand held radio and ammunition. Castle, also our rifle man is equiped with a M16 a3 rifle with a x4 scope, utility rope, harris hand held radio, utility rope and ammunition. Last but not the least is Malvar our designated marks man is equiped with a M14 EBR with a x8 scope attached with a supressor and a bipod, utility rope and a harris hand held radio, so thats our basic load out. We also carry our combat packs and our plate carriers with us. So after we finished our VTESS me and my squad along with our whole company return to our barracks, getting ready for our noon mess. Me and the boys were having our casual conversation. Malvar was the first one to start the conversation, damn its another hot day and we have to form again in the parade ground for our noon mess. Well it's part of our training blade said. Markus join the conversation. Well, haven't you get used to the weather of this place, hot when it's cold and cold when it's hot hahaha. Spine, Castle and I were just listening to there conversation while waiting for the first call for our noon mess. Well everything here in the training school has a schedule from the early morning exercise upto our TAPS( Termination of activities prior to sleep). after we had our noon mess we continued our activity for the afternoon which is battle drills, which is a very enjoying and tiring activity. During this drills we perform squad movements, platoon movements and then company movement. Maneuvers, tactics and CQC (Close Quarter Combat). after our battle drills and our evening mess we proceed to our rooms to change to our athletic attire and formed at the parade grounds for our daily force hydration cuase cases of dehydration in the school is high and sometimes became fatal. After our last activity we returned to our rooms. I left the guys in our room and had a shower before the first call for taps sound off. Fuck im really tired i need to have a long rest hahaha, I said to myself. after i finished having a shower my whole squad already retired for the day and was already in between there sheets even though the first call for taps hasn't sound off yet, which is a violation in the regulation of the ATSO. Well i guese i'll do the same i said to myself.