Chapter 1: The Beggining of the end.

The first call for our early morning reveille wake the whole occupants of our barracks, except for me. For that reason Markus my bunk buddy pull me off my bed, because of that i landed a punch on his left arm by reflex. For fuck sake bro why you do that, were gonna be late for reveille if you don't get up on your ass right know well be late in formation, the whole company already proceeded to down stairs to the parade ground. After Markus nagged at me i realized we were the only one left in the barrack and i haven't wear my athletic shoes, so i rushed on putting them on and Markus and I rush down stairs to the parade ground. Well, fucked i said to Markus while rubbing my left eye. were late and our assistant course director is already infront were gonna get fucked again Boc. (authors note: Boc is an endearment used by student officer in the ATSO). Markus replied with a very angry expression while staring at me, your such an asshole I've been waking you up for almost 10 mins and you were still snoring like a giant boar in the mountains of Mindanao, you always get's me in trouble boc. Well we've been buddies since our probi days and you haven't get used to my actuation i said in a very apologitic voice and in a lil bit sarcastic. But to be honest i hate recieving punishment but it seems i can't help myself getting in trouble including Markus. after our conversation the whole company was already finished accounting and our ACD (assistant course director) notice that there are two unaccounted elements in the formation and saw us creeping behind the company formation to secretly join our company mates. Hey!! you two knuckle heads why are late during revielle formation, report here infront!! said by our ACD.

Well were gonna get fuck reall good this time boc i said to Markus while walking closer to our ACD, while Markus was doing a face palm. After we got closed to our ACD to render our statement why we were late he automatically ordered us to perform 50 good repeatition of squat thrust while our company mates were doing the usaul routine, army dozen exercise and our daily 6.4 km road run with racksack weigthing to 10kg. After that event and stupidity of mine our whole company was instructed to form outside our barracks for an emergency decimination of instruction.

ok listen her delta company, as per guidance by the commander all activity is now all cancelled for 15 days all students need to stay inside baaracks because of the new virus spreading worldwide not only here in our country, the said virus originated from mainland China and now has been declared as a pandemic virus. The school needs your cooperation in following the said instruction as for your messing during morning, noon and evening, you need to have 1 representative per room to get your food. there is no known vaccines for the said virus for now what we can do is to prevent the virus from spreading inside the school and in the whole camp. After our STO (Senior Tactical officer) finished the desimination we were instructed to return to our rooms and wait out the end of the quarantine, thats what everybody though even i was thinking the same that the virus was going to be like the other viruses like SARS, EBOLA, AND ECT. that the government will have a cure.

Hey Markus what's your opinion regarding with these pandemic, would these be treated soon. i asked Markus.

Well i guese it will. is no big deal for now, and also our president issued a lockdown in our country so i think will be able to prevent the virus from spreading. Police and military personnel is already deployed in major cities to assist the civis, so yeah well be able to fix this issue soon. Markus replied.

Castle laught and join the conversation. What if the infected turns into a bunch of flesh eating zombies hahaha. then we all laughed.

at night at exactly 2000H we were given the priveleged to use of cellphones to contact our famillies to know if there well and fine. the whole company wa busy talking or contacting there family even i contacted my family, my sister to be exact. Hey baby sis wheres mom? are you okay at home? I said to my lil sister.

Mom's taking a shower and yes were fine don't worry, but the whole city is already on a lockdown. My sister replied.

Okay, how bout dad where's he? I ask.

Well dad is on duty, all Police and military personnel are on the streets establishing checkpoints. My lil sister replied

Okay, okay. take care always and tell mom I said hi. That was my last reply to my sister.

after that our phones was once again surrendered to our company S4 cuase the allocated time to use our phone was only upto TAPS which is 2200h.

After that thw whole company retired for the night.