Chapter 68 Golden Age (Part 4)

Han Guishan pretended not to notice everything happening outside and continued to talk about Shenzhen.

His voice wasn't loud, but it was loud enough for the people outside to hear.

"What's Han the peddler talking about?" the villagers stretched their necks curiously.

"He's talking about his experiences in Shenzhen. Han the peddler came from Shenzhen!" the brigade leader said.

"Shenzhen? Is that the one near Hong Kong City, the really developed and wealthy one?" The villagers were shocked and exclaimed, "Incredible! What does he sell?"

"All good stuff, enamel cups that look nicer than the ones at the supply and marketing co-op, and they're two yuan cheaper too! And the Sea Soul Shirts—didn't the accountant's daughter from Shangliang Brigade bring one back from the provincial city? The ones Han the peddler has are even nicer looking than hers," boasted the brigade leader, eager to praise Han Guishan's merchandise because he got a good deal.