Chapter 243 Manga

Ever since the incident with Yang Li, Jiang Feng found, to his surprise, that the loyalty of the staff in the lobby actually increased a bit, especially for Qi Rou, whose loyalty jumped from 66 to 79 in no time. The speed of this change even made Jiang Feng wonder if she had a deep grudge against Yang Li.

The grand opening of Taifeng Building didn't cause much of a stir among the ordinary citizens of Beiping, but it created quite a sensation in the culinary world, primarily because of Ji Xue's wine-soaked chicken in a clay jar. In just one day, a week's supply was fully booked, and those who didn't manage to reserve one beat their chests and stamped their feet, cursing their slow responses. Consequently, quite a few premium membership cards were also issued, leaving Wang Xiulian beaming with joy every day as she calculated the revenue, with the restaurant operating smoothly.