Chapter 317 Sweet and Sour Yam A+ Grade (Extra for Alliance Hierarch doraemons!)

Xu Cheng finished his second glass of water just as Jiang Feng's Sweet and Sour Yam was ready.

The Sweet and Sour Yam must be eaten hot. Xu Cheng had just broken into a sweat from the spiciness of two bites of Mapo Tofu and now he needed to eat something sweet to relieve it.

Even though eating something sweet doesn't actually alleviate the spiciness, what does that have to do with him, Xu Cheng? He just felt like having something sweet.

The Sweet and Sour Yam made by Jiang Feng was all too familiar to Xu Cheng.

He had witnessed the beginning of this dish and once thought that its inception was its peak.

With a stretch of his chopsticks, he pulled out thin threads of sugar.

Xu Cheng liked this pulling sensation; it felt as if eating Sweet and Sour Yam any other way would lack soul, only considering it Sweet and Sour Yam if he could see the fine threads stretching from the yam clutched between his chopsticks.

He took a bite.

Xu Cheng realized he was wrong.