In love with a spy (prologue)

This story is about a girl named Kylie who fell in love with a boy named Ashton. The boy was a spy but the girl didn't know. They were 14 at the time.

Kylie- 14 years old. Bff is Tina. Has long,straight,jet black hair, flawless tanned skin green eyes. She is shy,nerdy sometimes,trustworthy,brave when she has to be, e.t.c. has a crush on Ashton.

Tina- 14 years old. Bff is Kylie. Has long, brown, curly hair, white skinned, blue eyes. Friendly, in between popular and not popular, trustworthy, e.t.c. has a crush on Leo.

Ashton/Ace - A spy and silver blood. Best friend is Leo. Has flawless tanned skin, green eyes, black silky hair. Popular, friendly, cute, e.t.c. has a crush on Kylie. His spy name is ace, he is the chosen one. The one to save the world from the blue bloods.

Leo/skip - A spy and a silver blood. Best friend is Ashton. Has brown hair, white skinned, brown eyes. Popular, cute, nice, e.t.c. his spy name is skip. Has a crush on Tina.

Jack/ tiger - Ashton and Leos friend. He is a spy and a silver blood. Has blackish-brownish hair, hazel eyes, tanned skinned. Popular,friendly,loyal. His spy name is tiger. Has a girlfriend named Clair.

Clair/ butterfly - Leo and Ashton's friend. Jack's girlfriend. Has short, black hair, white skinned, blue eyes. In between popular and not popular, friendly, nice. Spy name is butterfly.

Nick - A blue blood. Has dirty blonde hair, blue eyes and white skinned. A player. Likes Kylie hates ash and the other silver bloods. Best friend is Nate.

Nate - A blue blood. Has brown hair, chocolate colored eyes, tanned skinned. Has nothing against silver bloods, nice. Best friend is Nick.

Cara - the most popular girl in school. Long, blonde, straight hair, white skin, blue eyes. Likes ash and will do anything to get him.

Silver bloods - powerful spies. They are hidden at a spy academy. Helps save the world.

Blue bloods - powerful spies. They are hidden at there own spy academy. Wants to destroy then take over the world and become the most powerful on earth.


So this is a prologue of my new story hope you'll like it. Hope you liked my new story. Please like and subscribe and leave a comment if you have the guts to. Lol. Just kidding but if you do pls do it.