Prequel: Legendary Solo

When Da Fei posted the attributes on the public channel, people immediately began to scold him.

—Public Channel : "Kill the Buster" is a BOSS-stealing piece of trash. That equipment was from the Wolf King Boss he stole from us!

—Public Channel : Be careful if you see "Kill the Buster" in the future. This piece of trash is a Boss-stealer.

—Public Channel : Haha!

Hence, Da Fei, who had already incurred people's ire, became everyone's target. If the bastard reached Level 10, they would kill him every time they saw him.

At this time, Da Fei discarded the beginner's one-handed sword that had an Attack 1-2 and equipped the Attack 20-25 two-handed weapon, the Wolf Fang Club. He was able to kill a Level 3 Giant Caterpillar with one-hit. It felt great. Everyone avoided Da Fei like he was a pile of shit.

No one was going to fight him for mobs? Humph, what would they use to win his one-hit kills? And so, Da Fei clubbed Level 3 Caterpillars to death and easily leveled up to Level 5. Hmm, there was actually quite a sense of achievement. It did not increase his stats much, so he continued attacking with all he had.

Level 5, time to kill wolves. Yo! We meet again! The four idiotic youths are offering their services to a beauty? Humph, you idiots, can't you see she's just stringing you along? Watch me terrorize you.

Da Fei greeted her. "Hello, beauty!"

Five people scolded. "You trash, scram!"

A wolf happened to spawn next to Da Fei and he attacked it. With just one hit, which happened to be a critical hit, it was an instant kill! Everyone's eyebrows rose in surprise. Haha, good gear was most important!

Da Fei waved the Wolf Fang Club in his hands. "Am I cool?"

"Cool, my foot!"

Da Fei rattled his Wolfskin Armor, showing it off. "Am I handsome?"

"Handsome, my foot. Scram!"

Da Fei nodded with satisfaction and said to Ye Qinghan, who glared angrily at him, "Beauty, there's no future in being with such vulgar morons. They're below you. Team with me? I'll take care of you."

Ye Qinghan's eyes were full of disdain. She said coldly, "Scram!"

Da Fei: "Why do you like hanging out with these four idiots?"

Ye Qinghan said angrily, "Better than you, you're trash."

Da Fei nodded, then smiled and said, "That's right, they are better than trash."

The four of them shouted angrily. Da Fei laughed and went aside to continue killing wolves. Everyone suppressed their anger and directed their energy to kill wolves and leveling.

Da Fei had the Wolf Fang Club in his hands and Wolfskin Armor on him. He had both attack and defense and could kill a wolf in two hits. If he got a critical hit, it would be a one-hit kill. With the EXP and efficiency, the only thing holding him back was the speed at which the mobs respawned! This hooked Da Fei, who had not played games for many years.

Da Fei killed another wolf with one hit, then laughed and said, "Is the EXP from one wolf enough for the five of you to share?"

Ye Qinghan said angrily, "Let's go kill in the forest."

The four of them said fiercely, "Yes!"

Wahaha, he was just troubled about the wolves' low re-spawn rate. There would be more for him if they left. Da Fei clubbed the wolves happily. No wonder people got angry when he killed their mobs. Da Fei got angry too when others tried to steal his mobs. Of course, he might not be happy about it, but his mental state had advanced. The most enjoyable part of playing games was not killing mobs, but building his happiness atop other's misery. So, when Da Fei leveled up to Level 6, he immediately looked for the other people to disturb them.

Eh, where did they go? Did they go deeper into the forest?

Da Fei clubbed everything in his way to death as he searched. Along the way, other players scrambled quickly out of his way. Da Fei developed an "I'm a gangster, I'm not afraid of anyone" superiority complex.

The howl of a wild beast was heard on a small hill in the forest. Da Fei went round the hill and found a cave. He went in to investigate and found that the howls within were deafening. Was there a Boss?

He got his answer almost instantly. There was not only a Boss, but there was also a master. A Level 8 Thief named Dragon Scale was soloing a Level 13 tiger. Based on the tiger's health bar, there was no doubt it was a Boss.

The Thief moved strategically with a hyper state of awareness. He cleverly made use of the complex terrain in the cave to jump up and down and move back and forth, while the big tiger bumbled around in a futile attempt to catch him. Every time the tiger made a turn, its speed was reduced and the thief would take this opportunity to turn around and throw his poisoned daggers at it. He had reduced the tiger's blood to half using this slow and tedious way of reducing its blood by one every second using the weak poison.

Da Fei was dumbfounded.

Da Fei often played games when he was a student. He enjoyed playing online strategy games or counter-terrorism games in Internet cafes with his classmates. Da Fei was the kind of player that was so weak people ignored him. He was either the first one dead or the last one taken. When his teammates booed him, Da Fei would always say, "This is the treatment of super pros!" His teammates would then glare at him and roll their eyes.

This was the feel Da Fei was after, the reason he gamed. After graduation, Da Fei saved his salary and bought a computer. He still visited Internet cafes from time to time to enjoy the live battling atmosphere. Da Fei believed that games should be played together with others.

Now, it was only a matter of time before this monkey-like guy killed the Boss. There was no doubt that he was doing the legendary "solo". Da Fei hated people like that who monopolized the benefits the most. His bosses loved doing that.

He had to fight for some of the gains! No, the Boss' blood was more than half gone. No matter what Da Fei did, the drops would belong to the Thief. If Da Fei fought the Boss, it would be equivalent to helping the other guy. That was why when the thief saw Da Fei come in, he was unperturbed. He was probably hoping Da Fei would try to attack the boss too.

Damn, this "I've got everything under control" expression was the most annoying. Da Fei decided to distract him by talking to him.

Da Fei greeted him. "Wow, pro." The tiger's aggression was directed at the pro, so Da Fei was not worried that the tiger would hurt him.

Dragon Scale cast a glance at Da Fei and ignored him. He continued attacking the tiger.

"Pro, are you tired?"

The pro continued to ignore him.

Oh, it seems like my questions are very shallow. I shall talk about home affairs first.

Da Fei asked, "I heard that property prices are dropping in all cities. At the same time, Wall Street is putting a stake in our financial market. Pro, do you think these two matters are related? How do you think this will affect the property and financial markets in our country in the future?"


Then, he talked about international affairs. "On the premise of refusing to abandon nuclear power, Comrade Xiao Jin put forth the idea of peaceful reunification of the peninsula. Do you think it's possible? Does this have any ramifications to the peaceful reunification of our country?"


Not interested in current affairs? He would talk about pretty women instead. "About Sister Feng's pregnancy…"

Da Fei's evil intentions were obvious and the pro simply ignored his chattering. The tiger was about to die.

Aye, a pro, indeed. Not only was his technique strong, but his mind was also strong.

Da Fei stood up helplessly. Suddenly, he heard a soft mewling. Upon hearing the sound, the pro's expression changed and he turned to look at Da Fei uneasily.


Da Fei looked around but did not find anything. He turned back, looked at the pro again, and realized he had broken out in cold sweat! Hahaha, there must be something that worried the pro!

He heard the mewling again. There! Da Fei dashed toward a dark corner. He rustled the pile of grass that was there and saw a tiger cub!

"Haha! Pro, thanks!" Da Fei picked up the cub, pleased.

"F**k!" The pro who was already so anxious he had broken out in cold sweat finally swore.

—"Ah!" The pro who had made no mistakes thus far finally made a mistake at the very last moment.

—System Message: You have discovered the tiger cub. Warning, the mother tiger will attack you in 3 seconds!

"Roooar!" The tiger Boss killed the pro in one hit, roared loudly and sprung toward Da Fei. At this time the Boss' health bar was practically empty.

Da Fei clenched his Wolf Fang Club tightly and hit the oncoming tiger on its head. Piak! "-11" "-156" Damage points appeared atop both their heads.

In the end, the tiger died and Da Fei's health bar was almost empty. It was lucky he had good equipment.

—System Message: You have killed the Tiger King Boss and obtained one Tiger King pet.

—System Message: You have obtained the "Tiger King Cloak".

Tiger King Cloak: Made with tiger skin, thick and durable. Defense +150, Vitality +15.

Wahaha, the defense on this cloak was higher than that of the Wolfskin Armor. Cool! Da Fei immediately showed off on the Public Channel.

—Public Channel : Kill the Buster, just wait and see. The Dragon Slayers Guild will PK you till you cannot even leave the Beginner's Village.

The Public Channel was once again in an uproar. Dragon Scale? The head of the Dragon Slayer Guild? The Dragon Slayer Guild had come to establish themselves in Underlords! This piece of trash was really dead this time.

—Public Channel : Haha!

So, he was the Guild Master. It seems that leaders tend to monopolize things instead of sharing. However, this habit of yours has simply gotten out of hand. If you had a little partner or something, at least you would not have ended up with nothing!

Haha, serves you right if you die from getting pissed off!