Deserted Island for Two

This was a deserted island measuring at only a few hundred meters in diameter. Apart from the few coconut trees and a battered ship from the past, nothing else was here! A novice village with no people! This opening was basically a desperate situation!

Perhaps my special ability is a godly skill too. Is that why I got the same beginner's treatment as this Admiral? Da Fei had done his homework before starting the game. The players who had been randomly assigned better special abilities would face more difficult opening situations. Of course, no matter how difficult things were and how annoying the examiners were, the players would always be assigned based on their respective skills. In other words, an admiral would never be assigned to a desert area. Because of that, Raging Sea of Blood dared to fearlessly provoke the examiners. He wanted to be assigned to this desperate situation, as it meant that greater rewards could be obtained here!

What the heck! A deserted island, mysterious treasures, sunken ships, and unimaginable rewards. All these should have been prepared for the protagonist, me! Yet, in the end? One more person is here! Dear god! Did you send this superhero here to annoy me, or did you send me to disgust him?

Just then, Da Fei and Raging Sea of Blood drew their sights back from the obviously storied sailing ship and stared at each other!

Feeling Da Fei Raging Sea of Blood's unfriendly gaze, he felt his heart skip a beat!

Is this a place where two tigers cannot share one mountain? Will he fight me? He's a Level 3 soldier! He's invincible and can take on three of me with no issues!

Da Fei smiled and pandered. "Brother, hello, hello. You and I must be fated to meet on this deserted island. Let's look after each other from now on."

Raging Sea of Blood said coldly, "I've seen you before. You were in that Hall of Destiny with me just now."

Da Fei was stunned! This guy had a photographic memory! He could remember the tens of people in the hall just now? Da Fei could only smile. "Brother, you have a good eye. We both came out of the same Hall of Destiny. That makes us even more fated."

Raging Sea of Blood held his sword and said coldly, "Since you know my special ability, I must know yours too, as well as your skills. I'll put this in the open. My skill is Basic Attack Skill!"

(Note: Basic Attack Skill—Increase Hero's physical combat attacks by 10%)

Sigh. Although it was a request that annoyed Da Fei, he had to opt for cooperation over infighting during these desperate times! More importantly, he could not defeat him!

Da Fei hurriedly smiled. "Garbage talent, it's not worth a mention." Afterward, he displayed his ability and skill.

Raging Sea of Blood said coldly, "I don't bring people along!"

Da Fei was instantly stunned. "Er, brother, I never asked you to bring me along. Only the two of us are here now. Isn't it normal for us to look after each other and work together?"

Raging Sea of Blood drew his metal sword and pointed it at Da Fei's throat. "Look after each other? Work together? With a trash pikeman like you? Your talent is so too garbage. If fighting you wouldn't hurt my Reputation, I would have slashed you the moment I saw you. I'd slash you every time I saw you just to make you perpetually weak and helpless!"

What the heck! He's so straightforward! This is what I was worried about!

Da Fei's expression changed and he said carefully, "I mean, brother, why do you have to be like this? We're just playing a game and this is our first time meeting. It's not like there's any bad blood between us, right? Furthermore, you're a legendary hero destined for greatness. Why do we have to quarrel over such a trivial matter?"

Raging Sea of Blood laughed maniacally. "I can play this game however I want. If you're not happy with that, why don't you fight me? I hate and distrust other gamers the most! I won't mince my words. I have a legendary hero account. It can earn me a few million dollars anytime I want to sell it. If I get tired of killing and playing this, there'll be people coming to take over the account within an instant! Do you get it?"

What the heck! He's another person who feels like he can mess with others however he wants in games. He's basically the same person I was a few years ago. There's nothing I can do!

Did the new generation excel the older generation? Da Fei could only sigh. "Yes, yes, you're amazing."

Raging Sea of Blood said coldly, "This ship is my turf. Piss off!"

Was the older generation about to die on the beach? Da Fei helplessly put his hands in the air and backed off. "Sure, sure! I'll play by myself somewhere else…"

Raging Sea of Blood replied, "Good that you know your place!" After that, he turned around and walked towards the sunken ship.

Da Fei felt extremely frustrated! This was karma! He could only calm himself down and focus on his goals now.

What do I do now? There's nothing on this island, and that ship has been claimed by the idiot. I can only go check out the sea now. I still remember how amazing I was at finding ways out of desperate situations. There should be some solutions here if I look hard enough.

Although the island was small, it had plenty of beaches. There were plenty of neutral starfishes, crabs, and clams. However, Da Fei could not check for their specific stats. On the Hero Continent, every novice player could check for the different monsters' stats via the public info uploaded in the game. However, the animals here were all mysteries.

Da Fei killed plenty of starfishes and other animals along the way, yet he gained no EXP at all. However, he did acquire a lot of seafood, and it still helped. After all, players would only be given one week's worth of food and cooking supplies when they spawned. The ratio of time in-game to real life was 1:10. In other words, a day spent in the game would equate to 2.4 hours in real life. If the players ran out of food and water, their Stamina would drop, and they would fall into a Weakened State. Of course, players were all heroes and Sons of Destiny. They would not starve to death. If the players decided to lead their armies on long expeditions, food would become even more important. Otherwise, their soldiers might defect, and their entire armies might even disband.

It's pointless to keep going after these small fishes and shrimps without gaining any EXP. That Lobster's claws look terrifying. That turtle shell looks really thick and dangerous. That red-labeled thing… sea snake! What the heck, it's huge. I have to get away from it!

Finally, Da Fei saw a huge fish around half a person's size casually swimming around. It looked quite gentle. Perhaps it carries some EXP? Alright, I choose you!

Da Fei struck rapidly with his pike!

Da Fei respawned in the coconut tree forest on the island. He felt deeply disappointed as he looked at the ten-minute Weakened State icon! Pikemen had such fragile lives! As he looked at the sunken ship, he saw countless skeletons rush out from the cabin onto the deck. That Raging Sea of Blood was having so much fun killing all the skeletons! Da Fei gritted his teeth in anger!

Why were the skeletons there, you ask? They existed in sunken ships in every game, right? Apart from those things, there were treasure chests, skeleton captain bosses who dropped legendary weapons, and all kinds of good stuff there!

Hm? They carried shields? Those were not ordinary skeletons! They were the most elite skeleton warriors known for their defense! They were nicknamed the anti-range unit, a unique NPC soldier type!

—Skeleton Warrior: Attack: 2, Defense: 6, Damage: 1-3, Health: 5, Attack Speed: 10, Movement Speed: 6, Command Value: 1. Special Skill: Huge Shield, Empty Skeleton, Undead Creature. EXP dropped: 10.

(Note: Huge Shield and Empty Skeleton both have effects to reduce range attack damages by 50%. However, Empty Skeleton can only be activated after Huge Shield is in effect. Hence, the actual decreased value against range attack damages is 75%.)

As for the human Level 3 shield soldiers:

—Shield Defender: Attack: 2, Defense: 8, Damage: 2-5, Health: 20, Attack Speed: 12, Movement Speed: 8, Command Value: 2. Special Skill: Huge Shield, Shield Formation. EXP dropped: 17.

In terms of Attack and Defense attributes, the differences were quite small! Even though Raging Sea of Blood carried two additional attack points as a player, he still could not break through the defense of the Skeleton Warriors. If the damage value was calculated based on formulas, he would be lucky to kill a skeleton with two strikes. If unlucky, it would take him three strikes!

As expected, Raging Sea of Blood could only kill a skeleton after two or three slashes. Apart from that, he still had to absorb two strikes from the skeletons!

What kind of person is that?! If you teamed up with me, I can get a free strike with my long-ranged pike. After that, we can rush forward and finish it off with a strike together. Won't we defeat them without taking any damages? Won't we level up faster and more efficiently?

You are so f**king selfish and greedy! Even I wasn't so stupid. At the very most, I'll just kick others away after we were done using each other! The more Da Fei thought about this, the angrier he got. To vent his frustrations, he hit the tree trunk next to him really hard!

—System Message: You received one coconut!

—Coconut: Temporary Health +1, Stamina +100. The only source of freshwater on this island!

Da Fei's eyebrows twitched! Only source of freshwater on the island? This means that there are indeed resources on this island! I knew it. There's no way the System will actually create a desperate situation with no way out! Good!

Da Fei soon collected five coconuts after shaking all the trees around.

—System Message: Unable to obtain any more coconuts. Please come again next month when the fruits are ripe.

Next month? That meant three days in real-world time! Wahahaha! That's a long time! Raging Sea of Blood, you can chew on your dry food without any freshwater now! I bet your condition will deteriorate if you're dehydrated, right? Anyways, I want to screw with him any chance I get!

After Da Fei recuperated, he went into the ocean again. Then, he attempted to challenge many more unknown marine species. Yet, he failed in all his challenges!

I don't believe that I can't find something to defeat! Continue!

The sky was turning dark now and the seawater quickly retreated. The low tide arrived! Under the starry sky, the island was revealed to be much bigger in size during low tide!

So tidal patterns existed in this game! Da Fei thought about the huge fishes that he could not defeat earlier. If they could not retreat in time, would they not become easy targets trapped on the beaches now? He was instantly invigorated. Unfortunately, he had no such luck.

No way? Is the sunken ship the only way out of here? Da Fei looked at the sailing ship angrily. The ship was filled with ghost fire and lit-up skeletons. Raging Sea of Blood was getting more and more ruthless as he leveled up quickly. Damn!

As Da Fei helplessly worked through his frustrations, he suddenly saw a glowing red pile in the distance. What was that?

Da Fei hurriedly rushed forward to inspect the situation. There was a huge crowd of tiny but meaty monsters with little tentacles! What were those? Since Da Fei had died and respawned multiple times, he was no longer afraid. He advanced forward fearlessly, yet those red-labeled monsters did not react at all!

Still no reactions? They look like corals? Sea anemones? Are they sea anemones?! Are these plant monsters? Whatever, they can be whatever they want to be!

After aiming carefully, Da Fei attacked with his pike! "-2!"

The meat clump quickly tried to retaliate with its tentacles. However, it could not reach Da Fei! That's right. The special skill of pikemen was their "long-range weaponry"!

Da Fei was overjoyed! He struck again. "-3!" The sea anemone continued to wave its tentacles around in futility!

Da Fei laughed! I found it! I found a way to gain EXP! This is really a good place. If it wasn't for the low tide, there was no way I would've found out about this! Who said that plant monsters were eerie? Although I'm a weak pikeman, I'm going to destroy you for sure!

After three more strikes, the sea anemone exploded and died!

—System Message: You have defeated an unknown creature. You received 10 EXP!

Wahahaha, I can finally upgrade now! No wonder this is Miracle Island. All these sea anemones will be my EXP!