Venom Sea Anemone King

Da Fei carefully moved towards the area where the red dot was blinking, looking around, trying to find the hidden BOSS. Actually, he didn't need to look around, the large-size skeleton in front of him had already betrayed the BOSS of its position! After all, this was the only different spot on the entire beach!

Da Fei slowly moved closer to it. Now, not only could he tell that this was the skeleton of a whale-like creature, he even noticed a few barrels buried in the sand around the skeleton. Were those barrels dropped from the ship?

If the death of this whale had to do with this BOSS, then how powerful was it? It looked like he wasn't going to be able to defeat it, but it was enough if he could just collect its information. The more unknown a creature was, the more valuable its information was. Even if it was only incomplete information, but if he could let the world knew of its existence, he would be able to get a high amount of Reputation!

Therefore, even if he would die for sure in the process, it would be worth it! He didn't learn the Reconnaissance Skill for nothing! But the crucial thing was, where was this BOSS hiding? Inside the skeleton? Or in the sand?

Nervous and excited at the same time, Da Fei walked around the skull of the whale. While proceeding forward, he constantly poked the sand with this pike. At the same time, the red dot on his map blinked even more quickly! The BOSS was very close to him now!

Close! There's nothing in that enormous skull. Then, it's hiding in the sand?

Da Fei took in a deep breath, then stepped forward solemnly.

—System Message: Warning! The Reconnaissance Skill has scouted that the hidden enemy is about to appear!

What the heck! Da Fei was instantly alarmed, then he turned around and run without even thinking! A huge sound came from behind him and a large stinky wind flew past his head! The splattering sand flew all over the place! A large "Miss" floated from his head!

Only then did Da Fei came around to his senses! What was he running for, wasn't he here to die and collect information? Therefore, he instantly turned around and became shocked!

Tentacles! Tens of large sea anemone tentacles shot out from the sand! So it was a sea anemone BOSS! And because of the warning from the Reconnaissance Skill just now, he instinctively reacted and narrowly escaped from being hit! The warning function of the Intermediate Reconnaissance Skill and the running state of a player both increased his dodge rate.

Seeing that 10 plus large tentacles waving about in the air, Da Fei helplessly shook his head.

BOSS was indeed a BOSS! The tentacles were double the length of his pike, he had no way of fighting it at all! It was unfortunate that he was born as a pikeman. If only he could be born as an archer! It looked like he could only obediently go up and die in order to obtain information on this BOSS.

Wait! Even an archer won't do too! It isn't possible for the System to send an archer to this deserted island, right? How is the archer supposed to replenish the arrows after they are used up? From the ship? Even that Godly Hero also can't kill his path inside after leveling up so many times! How is a newbie archer supposed to level up with only a few arrows at the start?

This means that this BOSS is prepared for close combat players!

Thinking of this, Da Fei turned his gaze towards the large skull beside the tentacles!

Being a gaming expert, he knew that in a game, all of the boss monsters were for players to kill. If it seemed impossible to kill a BOSS straightforwardly, there must definitely be a not so straightforward way to kill it! Reasonably making use of the environment to defeat the enemy in a game was a feature all games had!

Da Fei observed the skull carefully. The more he looked at it, the more it looked like a fortress to him, and the eye socket was like a shooting hole! This means to say that if he hid inside the skull and attacked from the eye socket… That's it! That's the way it should be done! If even through this way I also can't defeat it, I won't have any chance of defeating it in the open area! However, if I can attack it from the eye socket, its tentacles can also possibly shoot in from outside the eye socket! Therefore, I must definitely dodge aside after attacking it. If the tentacles can turn a corner, I won't have any chance at all!

Whatever the case, since I'm here to die in the first place, I don't have any pressure! The longer I can last, the more detailed the information I gather will be!

However, there is still one big problem. It's impossible for me to try and go inside the skull now—the tentacles are so long, they will definitely hit me before I can run inside! Directly take a hit and rush inside? What the heck, I mustn't even think of this. I don't even dare to let a normal small sea anemone touch me, let alone a BOSS? How did this whale die?

Then, I can only wait for now! Since this BOSS is hiding in the sand, there must definitely be a logic behind this. After all, there isn't any puddle here. I reckon it's because it isn't suitable to expose itself in the air?

Therefore, Da Fei ran far away into the distance and killed another 20 plus sea anemones for some EXP points, then ran back here again. Indeed, the tentacles had gone back inside the sand! This was the moment he was waiting for!

Da Fei stealthily went to the back of the skull and chose the best angle he could find. From this angle, the ribcage of the whale would be able to block sweeping attacks from the tentacles. By himself, there was practically no way of dodging sweeping attacks. As for stabbing attacks, there was still a chance for him to dodge it!

One step, two steps, he was almost within the BOSS' attack range! Da Fei bent down and sucked in a deep breath! He was like a spring waiting to be released now!

—System Message: Warning! The Reconnaissance Skill has scouted that the hidden enemy is about to appear!

Charge!!! In this instance, with the pikeman's maximum speed of 10m/s, Da Fei sprinted out!

PENG!!! Sand splattered all over as a black shadow shot out from below the ground! In this instance, Da Fei's heart jumped to his throat!

There were never any sure-win strategies in the world, luck was almost the most unpredictable factor in strategies! The side having the advantage would try to minimize the factors of luck to the minimum while all the losing side could do was to depend on luck!

Advance warning, advance movement, making use of the environment. Da Fei had done all that he could, all that was left now was to leave it to luck! If he was unlucky? Hehe, wasn't that simple? Die and try again, that was all. It was just a game, there wasn't a need to have too much pressure!

—Swoosh! Flying sand hit the ground! A stinky wind brushed past his ear! It didn't hit!!!

Yes!!! Breaking through its defense succeeded!

—Thud! Da Fei dived inside the skull of the whale excitedly and also nervously waited for the second wave of attacks to come! If the tentacle could turn corners, he wouldn't have any chance at all!

After a while, the second wave of attacks didn't come. It looked like he still had a chance? Da Fei gradually stood up, carefully moving towards the eye socket of the whale and took a peek outside—swoosh! A black shadow flashed past!

Being prepared for this, Da Fei hurriedly ducked down.

—PENG!!! Miss! A disgusting green tentacle as thick as a person's thigh and covered with suckers shot in from outside, hitting heavily on the inside of the skull! The entire skull trembled!

Da Fei was so shocked by this frightening scene that he stared in bewilderment! This attack was enough to kill even a Knight with one hit, right? He definitely mustn't be touched by this creature!

Plap! After banging into the wall, the tentacle dropped onto the ground like a dead snake! Then, it started to slowly wiggle towards Da Fei's hiding place.

AHHHHH damn it! It really can turn corners! How am I supposed to fight this, I can only do as much damage as I can now!

"Ah zha ah~~" Da Fei stabbed towards the wriggling tentacle with his pike.


—System Message: You have obtained the Demonized Venom Sea Anemone King's incomplete information card!

I obtained the information card! I can die with no regrets now!

But there was no time for him to check the card now and also no time to think about why he could deal double his maximum damage to the tentacle. Facing this disgusting tentacle that was wriggling towards him, Da Fei was like a frantic woman slapping on a cockroach, violently stabbing at the tentacle and madly shouting, "Ah z-z-z-z-z-zha—"





Every time he stabbed it, the tentacle would violently vibrate and jump up, as if it was an earthworm that was cut in half and still struggling, without any show of its mightiness from before! Also, its weak struggling efforts weren't able to touch Da Fei at all, the special skill of the long weapon was still effective!

Finally, after leaving a floor of green blood, that tentacle that was stabbed until it was mashed up finally retreated from the eye socket.

There's a chance! There's actually a chance! Brouhahaha! Finally coming back to his senses, Da Fei hurriedly checked the information card.

—Demonized Venom Sea Anemone King:

Biotype: Large-sized plant




Health Points:?

Attack Speed: 1, very very slow.

Movement Speed: 0

Special Skill: Catapult Attack.

Item drop:?


Its special skill was Catapult Attack!!! The special skill of the Hell race Level 2 unit, Howling Horned Demon—also called Jumping Demon by the open beta players!

—Howling Horned Demon: Attack 3, Health Points 13, Damage 1-4, Attack Speed 8, Movement Speed 5, Special Skill: Catapult Attack, Enrage.

The Howling Horned Demons lived on the islands of Hell's Lava Sea. Although they were slow in movement speed, they could depend on their jumping ability which was on par to that of flying units and move about between the islands. And because of this, they had the Catapult Attack ability which no demon dared to underestimate.

—Catapult Attack: The Howling Horned Demons can use their amazing jumping ability to use their bodies as cannons and shoot themselves to the furthest corner of the battlefield, or even into the city wall. The further they jump, the larger the damage caused when they land. But because of the high mobility, it also creates a flaw of having a drop in their accuracy. After they land, they will be in a state of vulnerability with zero Defense and take double damage. Using Catapult Attack continuously will increase the vulnerability effect, increasing the damage taken.

Being a Level 2 unit, the Howling Horned Demons were also one of the low-level creeps that players were afraid of the most. Of course, all of the units from the Hell race would cause a headache to players if they became creeps in the wild. The Catapult Attack of the Howling Horned Demon could cause damage two to three times higher than its own maximum Damage. When players faced this demon, it would be hard for them to come out unharmed. Many high-level units could also be killed by this demon. This unit was practically the most valuable as a cannon folder suicide soldier!

Only then did Da Fei understand why he could inflict six damage when his damage was only 1-3!

This means to say that the Attack Speed of this BOSS was very slow and depended entirely on its special skill, Catapult Attack to attack others. And for its Attack Speed, it wasn't just low, wasn't it? It was practically close to zero, only one point in Attack Speed! This means that when a player attacked ten times, it could only attack one time! That was why he stabbed it for so long until it was almost a mash and it still couldn't retaliate!

Of course, this Attack Speed of 1 should be referring to each tentacle. But his BOSS had tens of tentacles, so the problem of low Attack Speed wasn't a problem. But now, it was different. Because Da Fei was hiding in the skull, only one tentacle could go inside the eye socket!

So this was the case! The accuracy of the Catapult Attack wasn't high in the first place, plus I was moving about full speed, that's why I dodged all of its attacks!

Da Fei sucked in a deep breath, then moved his head near the eye socket again. This part was the most crucial and also the most dangerous in his strategy!

It might not be hard to succeed once, but the problem was to succeed for 10 plus times! However, for a veteran construction worker like Da Fei who had experienced hanging from outside a building very high up many times and had excellent psychological quality, it wasn't hard to do it safely once, and it also wasn't hard to do it safely for 10 plus times!