Bait Using a Mountain of Corpses

Normally, for a gathering mission where the item was protected by a BOSS monster, it would require more than one person to cooperate together, where one would lure the monster away while the others gathered the item.

But he had no one to cooperate with him now. The pirates here were very unfriendly towards him, it was impossible for Da Fei to command them. Also, Ambush-type monsters like crocodiles weren't easy to lure away too. Ambush-type monsters normally were all very patient and wouldn't easily waste their energy. They wouldn't attempt to attack if they weren't confident of succeeding. If they were really successfully lured, that would mean the person would have to face their lighting fast attack. It would be very easy to fail and really get eaten by the monsters.

Hidden Movement definitely wouldn't work, he would be exposed once he went into the water.

What should he do? If he could helm his big ship here, he might be able to fish the crocodiles like how he fished the Great White Shark. But now, he had practically no tools to rely on!

Fishing? Suddenly, Da Fei's heart jumped!

That's right! He could fish! Thinking of this, Da Fei laughed and immediately went into the forest. The pirates mentioned that there were ferocious beasts on the island. If there were ferocious beasts, there would definitely be prey too. And now, Da Fei was going to become a hunter.

He immediately went into stealth mode using Hidden Movement after entering the forest and scouted the environment with his binoculars. Shortly later, a goat-like animal came into sight—Barren Island Goat! It would do. It had a lot of meat, suitable to be used as a bait to lure the crocodiles away.

He slowly moved near the goat—pat! A twig crackled below his foot and the goat was instantly alarmed and ran away in a breeze. What the heck, that speed was indeed not something a human could catch up to.

Continue! Da Fei found a few more goats after that, but all of them escaped before he could even get close. Da Fei got depressed.

A Pikeman becoming a hunter was indeed a joke. Even a primitive man would know to use a bow, an arrow, or a javelin. He was worse than a primitive man.

I shall look for ferocious beasts instead! Those won't run! Very quickly, he found a ferocious beast—Barren Island Big Leopard! Da Fei instantly checked its information.

—Barren Island Big Leopard: Attack: 17, Defense: 8, Health Points: 75, Damage: 11-20, Attack Speed: 23, Movement Speed: 20, Special Skill: Lurk, Climb Tree, Rapid Bite, Throat Lock Kill.

Da Fei was instantly silent. The reason why the ferocious beast was called the ferocious beast, it must be because it had a huge advantage that mere humans couldn't match up to. Looking at its scary Attack Speed of 23, Da Fei felt slightly weak already. This Attack Speed wasn't something a human could reach. It was difficult for it to not be fast with its claws and mouth even if it didn't want to.

My 20 Attack, 30 Defense, 71 HP, 8-10 ground Damage together with the paralysis toxin special effect, can I defeat it?

This was hard to say, it required careful consideration. But just as he was still contemplating, the leopard was suddenly alerted and dashed up a tree, hiding in the leaves.

What the heck! You're a ferocious beast, what are you hiding for!

Since it showed weakness, he couldn't care too much now and rushed under the tree, raising his pike and provoking. "Come down!"

The leopard only showed its eyes between the leaves, not moving at all. Da Fei kicked the tree and provoked it again. "Come down!"

Leopard: "Meow!"

After trying for a while, he could only give up and sighed. "Why am I so awesome, all of them are scared of me?"

For a human, if there wasn't any monetary gain, they wouldn't kill animals. But for animals, unless it was to hunt for food or to protect their territory, they wouldn't fight or kill meaninglessly. Animals deeply understood what being injured would mean for them. Even a top predator would not be able to catch a rabbit if it was injured and could only starve to death.

And now, although Da Fei wasn't injured, he was an untrained hunter in the first place. In this forest where only the fittest survived, he couldn't even catch a rabbit. Mere humans were indeed very insignificant.

However, humans have wisdom. Even amongst humans, there are few with as much wisdom as me!

Therefore, Da Fei searched around on the ground and finally found a rabbit nest, then caught a fat rabbit.

Brouhahaha, I finally have my bait!

Of course, just one rabbit wasn't enough to stuff the gap between the crocodile's teeth; they might also not be interested in the rabbit at all. Da Fei's main objective wasn't the crocodiles, but to use the rabbit to lure an even larger prey. That's right, he was using small fish to bait a medium fish, then medium fish to bait big fish, then big fish to bait the pretty female pirate!

Da Fei came near the shallow water where the crocodiles rested and chose a spot that wouldn't alert them. Then, he started assembling the ballista. After doing so, he made a test shot towards the beach. Then, he placed the rabbit at where the arrow landed.

The reason he was doing this was to ensure that he could hit his target without needing to aim the ballista again. After all, if what he lured was a small and fast animal like a fox, he wouldn't have time to aim. Also, the range of the ballista was very far, it wouldn't easily alert the prey. Therefore, making it easy for him to shoot it.

After setting up this trap, Da Fei seated at the base of the ballista and waited quietly.

Time passed slowly. Da Fei yawned for quite a few times, then suddenly saw a white shadow flashing past—what the heck! Da Fei didn't manage to clearly see what it was, but he instinctively fired.

The arrow shot out with a bomb shot, peng! Blood and feathers splattered! It was an osprey! It almost stole the prey he caught through lots of effort! This was really using a cannon to shoot a fly. If it wasn't because the osprey slowed down to grab the rabbit, such a large weapon like the ballista would probably miss!

Luckily things went well. Not only did he preserve his rabbit, but he also got an additional bird now. This was the effect he wanted.

Da Fei placed the osprey and rabbit together and didn't dare to lose focus this time. The binoculars didn't leave his hands at all, staring vigilantly at both the sky and forest.

Shortly later, all kinds of fox-like animals poked their heads out from the grass patches in the forest. Hehe, come, come, let's see if you guys are more cunning than me.

The result was glorious. By night, he had a stack of meat made up of different kinds of foxes, ospreys, and seabirds.

However, the crocodiles in the water weren't moved at all. Da Fei started to get anxious. Crocodiles are scavengers, right? They didn't see the stack? Didn't smell the blood? Or are they just not interested? Or do I have to lure all of the big-sized beasts in the forest to make a large mountain of corpses? Or is it that this move was wrong from the first place, the crocodiles won't be attracted by this at all?

Just as he was getting anxious, the grass in the forest moved. A big fellow was coming! Da Fei instantly got alerted.

It appeared, the Barren Island Scavenger Lizard!

—Barren Island Scavenger Lizard: Attack: 13, Defense: 15, Damage: 11-18, Health Points: 130, Attack Speed: 8, Movement Speed: 7, EXP: 570, Special Skill: Decay Tracking, Life-Taking Plague, Corpse Eating.

The Scavenging Lizard's tongue had a very strong sense of smell; it could smell the scent of a corpse from a few kilometers away. They fed on rotten corpses all year round, so their teeth and saliva were filled with all kinds of incurable toxins. No matter how strong the animal was, once it was bitten by the Scavenger Lizard, it might survive for one or 15 days, but only death awaited them in the end! This was the reason why the Scavenger Lizards that didn't have outstanding combat power or speed were like the king of the island here.

Da Fei's eyebrows twitched. Without question, this model and design were obviously copied directly from Indonesia's Komodo Dragon. If this was the case, his corpse mountain could be achieved now. With this Scavenger Lizard's HP and Defense, he could kill it with one shot!

As expected, when the first lizard walked into the trap unsuspectingly, Da Fei killed it with one shot.

—System Message: You killed a Barren Island Scavenger Lizard, you obtained EXP +570.

Looking from just its data alone, this EXP was still acceptable! But compared to its terrifying skills, this EXP was a bit too low.

Since the first one came, the second one would follow too. Very quickly, more and more lizards appeared. In the dark of the night, the eyes of these lizards were like lightbulbs, the entire grass patch near the beach lit up.

What the heck! Did I attract all of the lizards on the island here? Come, come and add to my corpse mountain! Haha, brouhahahaha!