Chapter 38 - How hard is it to catch millions of rabbits…

While Jack is sharing the information he obtained at the system city, allowing the farmers to figure out which type of good will be best produced in the region, Leah is still investigating the ancient map that was passed down through her family.

She was able to sense the immense power that was contained within the flickering line of primordial flame that Jack launched but as she was investigating who or what it was, she was able to detect many other powerful senses spreading across the plains at the same time forcing her to investigate who these people are.

One of her duties as the region beast is to ensure stability of the region's forces, ensuring that the players have a similar starting point and aren't suppressed by beings that are much stronger than them. There are many forces that exist within this world that actively fight for supremacy, the 'god' of this world might have stopped kingdoms from forming but that doesn't mean influences of similar size haven't formed.

Leah puts away the map she has been following, the map is rather confusing now. She has found many statues of the ancient Phoenix Empire but there have been several statues of unknown races, empires or kingdoms found close by that weren't part of the ancient Phoenix Empire as though something placed them within this region for a specific purpose.

Her senses spread across the plains and land on her first target, a power much lower than hers but still within the saint realm as she quietly flickers across the plains area to investigate this powerful person, she won't interfere with them unless they threaten the stability of the region or she simply chooses to.

Leah is flickering across the plains, many players are trying their luck at catching rabbits and finding it very difficult, most players are acting by themselves due to the random spawn locations increasing the difficulty further, some have hired residents/NPC to help them catch rabbits, some have hired residents to teach rabbit catching techniques.

They have also experimented with how the loyalty system works; if you hire a resident, they will not have any loyalty with you thus any rabbit they capture will not be counted. If the player or loyal person is the one to 'capture' as in, able to stop the rabbit's freedom of movement that will count regardless of what the 'non-loyal' resident did.

This has resulted in many people feeling like the top 10 prizes worth millions of points are entirely out of their reach, they are lucky to get 1 standard rabbit an hour resulting in 1 point and 1 white Easter egg. If they had millions of gold coins to hire massive groups of people to assist, they might be able to capture millions of rabbits but they also need to have access to a plains area.

All of these problems aren't much of an issue for Jack and many of the other players that acquired legacy villages, they all have their own subordinate forces that are steadily growing in strength. They also have access to money and resources to hire quantities of people, luckily Jack acquired a massive population of kobolds recently.

Jack has left most of the organization to Drakon, the trappers are working overtime designing pitfall traps, cage traps and many others placing them on the plains area in suitable locations while the kobolds and goblins are the primary workforce digging holes and just searching for good locations on the plains area.

It's still early morning while Jack, Mai and Jessica have walked out of the village and are looking for rabbits, Jack hasn't actually tried to capture a rabbit before causing Mai and Jessica to laugh as he ineptly tries to capture them using a net.

Jack hides within a bush with a net while a trap is laid, just some vegetables laid out on a platter. A brown rabbit nervously investigates the platter of vegetables, it's nose twitching as it sniffs at the vegetables. Jack feels tense as this rabbit takes a few moments to sniff at the vegetables, he needs to time his pounce right.

The rabbit takes a step forward and starts to munch on a leafy vegetable, Jack waits a few moments for it to settle before he leaps out of the bush, covered in leaves and twigs he scares the shit out of the rabbit as it tries to dash away but it wasn't ready and Jack flings out the net landing on the rabbit.

Jack pulls back the net trying to clasp it shut while the rabbit struggles within the net quickly getting tied up. Its writhing and rolling, screaming as though it's being killed when it hasn't even left the ground yet. He emerges from the bush properly with a proud smile on his face, Mai and Jessica appear from behind a tree in the distance clapping.

"Good job on capturing ONE whole rabbit!" Mai yells sarcastically while Jessica and her start giggling with each other. Jack just awkwardly takes a leaf out of his ear before reaching down and picking up the rabbit by its scruff, it's still within the net but instantly settles while held up by Jack.

The man and rabbit look at each other for a few moments before a message resounds in Jack's mind:

'SYSTEM ANNOUNCEMENT – You have captured a Level 1 Easter Rabbit, Brown Rabbit giving you: 1 point'

As the message finishes resounding in Jacks mind, the rabbit he is holding disappears while a small white Easter Egg appears within his hand. It looks like an egg but with a blue stripe around it, Jack investigates it for a moment not seeing anything special about it, it just feels and looks like an empty egg.

Jack crushes the egg within his hand, he isn't sure how else to open an egg where a small white glow emits from his hand as the egg is replaced with a small chocolate egg which Jack inspects.

[Easter Egg Dan] Grade: Level 1 Special Event Medical Dan, Description: A dan in the special form of an Easter Egg, will give a random temporary stat enhancement.

Jack raises his eyebrow at the description and shrugging his shoulders, puts the grape sized Easter Egg into his mouth and chewing it slowly, it tastes like some of the best chocolate he has ever had savouring it slowly before swallowing:

'SYSTEM NOTIFICATION – You have been blessed by the 'Strong Easter Bunny', you have 2 hours of +1 Strength'

Disappointed that it's just a +1 bonus for 2 hours, he almost wishes that he could eat the Easter Egg again.

"So how is it?" Jessica asks as Mai and Jessica appear before Jack who is lost in his thoughts.

"The Easter egg is damn good, is all chocolate in this world that fuckin good?"

"How would I know what it tastes like, idiot?" Mai looks at Jack like he's crazy, this is the first time she has even heard of Easter and now he's asking about the chocolate?

"Well you should try to capture one, quick there's one!" Jack exclaims while pointing at a rabbit that isn't too far away, Mai and Jessica both look at it but before they can move, the rabbit disappears into the brush.

"Quick chase it!" Jack yells again while running after the rabbit within the brush. Mai and Jessica look at each other as they both sigh and chase after Jack. They aren't able to catch up with the now crazed man as he cuts through brush not caring that his clothing is getting ripped.

"JACK! STOP RUNNING!" Jessica yells as she truly doesn't want to chase after him through the brush. He has disappeared from sight while Jessica stops running, Mai signals that she'll run ahead and bring Jack back.

Jack has run for sometime away from the two girls and is now crouching behind a bush trying to creep up on a rabbit that has stopped. Mai silently stops behind him, shaking her head as she watches him. It doesn't take long before a twig snaps alerting the rabbit to the people near it causing it to run off, Mai doesn't want to chase after Jack again so she launches a few needles at the rabbit hoping to scare it.

She launches 4 needles at the rabbit hoping to block the path it will take but she misaims causing one of her shots to land on the rabbit stabbing into its flesh. It's not a deep nor serious wound but it did hurt the rabbit causing it to make a squealing sound.

A rabbit can be seen appearing out of the void before Mai, it's standing on two feet like a tiny rabbit person. Jack and Mai barely have time to blink before the rabbit jumps up towards Mai's head and kicks out, a solid hit can be heard landing on Mai's forehead before the rabbits both disappear.

Mai is standing there in a daze as a rabbit's red footprint can be seen on her forehead and nose, it doesn't hurt but it's clearly a visible mark. Jack takes a step forward but the mark on Mai's head changes colour, it's turning bright pink and blue and spreading quickly to the rest of her face causing it to have a strange appearance, instead of Mai's usual skin colour it now has splotches of pink and blue all over it.

"Uhh Mai…" Jack mutters, she is holding her forehead and doesn't notice anything different while she looks at him inquisitively.

"Your face…" He silently motions to her head trying to hold back some laughter but having trouble.

"What about my face?" Mai says with a frown, getting annoyed at Jacks almost laughter.

"You uhh, look very cute like that" Jack says while unable to hold his laughter back, something about the little girl having a frown while her face is polka dotted is very funny to him.

Mai frowns more and starts to pout her lips, she wants to find out what's so funny on her face but she needs to bring Jack back to Jessica, Jack is uncontrollably laughing while Mai is dragging him back to Jessica who also starts to laugh upon seeing the little girl causing her to run away towards the stream.

Jack explains to Jessica what happens while they follow after Mai, "So you're saying that some rabbit appeared from no where and did that?" Jessica asks.

Jack nods his head, "It looks like the you might lose something said in the promotion is just lose your dignity", the two of them come across the stream and are able to see Mai furiously trying to scrub at her face.

"Be careful with the water, it's poisonous!" Jack yells while running up to Mai. The girl is just furiously scrubbing at her face with a damp cloth, "it'll probably last an hour or two so don't worry about it"

Mai won't stop furiously scrubbing at her face, Jack grabs her but Mai doesn't want him to see her face as she struggles free of his grip, Jessica comes over and joins in holding Mai as the three of them hug together.

"We won't laugh anymore, it's cute on you we promise" Jessica whispers to Mai while stroking her.

"Yeah, it's very cute on you" Jack joins Jessica in trying to calm the girl down which succeeds.

"No laughing anymore, I was just trying to help you" Mai says softly while being hugged.

"Ok but I really wanted to let you try out the chocolate so we still have to capture rabbits" Jack says while leaving the hug and looking around the area.

It's a clearing by the narrow stream not far from the village, filled with weird creatures but now it looks like it's filled with rabbits. Jack frowns while looking at the stream as he tries to make sense of it, there are blue rabbits swimming in the stream as though they're ducks.

Looking along the shore close by there are also black rabbits but they don't enter the water, Jack tells Jessica and Mai to prepare to capture some rabbits. He will hold the net while they try to scare some rabbits into it, he quietly sets up within a shrub.

Mai chases a black coloured rabbit along the shore, Jessica is standing at a strategic position forcing the rabbit to dive into the bush where Jack is hiding allowing him to easily close the net around the rabbit capturing it. The rabbit writhes around the net but gets quickly tied up unable to move as Jack picks it up by the scruff again.

The rabbit this time seems to sting his fingers as he touches it but it doesn't last long before it disappears like last time, a black coloured Egg appears within his hand;

'SYSTEM ANNOUNCEMENT – You have captured a Level 2 Elemental Easter Rabbit, Black Poison Rabbit giving you: 5,000 points'

[Elemental Easter Egg Dan] Grade: Level 2 Special Event Medical Dan, Description: A dan in the special form of an Easter Egg, will give a random temporary elemental enhancement.

Consuming this level 2 Easter egg;

'SYSTEM NOTIFICATION – You have been blessed by the 'Poisonous Easter Bunny', you have 6 hours of Bonus Poison Resistance'

Jack feels like this Easter Egg is much better than the first egg he ate, the chocolate was a strange black colour but still quite good. He formulates a plan quickly with Mai and Jessica to try to capture a few more of these elemental rabbits while thinking about how to catch the water rabbits on the water.

Jack wants to head back to the village to find out what all the other squads are doing but Mai doesn't want to leave until the colouring on her face disappears so Jack and Jessica are forced to accompany her while they capture poisonous rabbits around the stream.

They capture several rabbits allowing Mai and Jessica to taste the chocolate where they agree it's good but it's too sweet, this world doesn't have a big reliance on sweetness like the real world. Disappointed they aren't as excited about the chocolate, the group heads back. Mai is extra careful she doesn't even step near a rabbit now to ensure a repeat doesn't happen.

They quickly make it back to the village where people are still running about, Drakon is out in the field but Hilda is able to report on their progress:

To the north there is primarily the hilly plains area with the ants, goblins and kobolds which they avoided and sent only a couple of squads to scout out the location and see if it's worthwhile.

The bulk of the forces were sent to the west where it's just a flat plains area with 6-7ft long grass, the kobolds and goblins have dug several pit traps where they are using their massive numbers to herd big quantities of rabbits into the pits where they capture them in nets.

This involved a lot of guess work to ensure that they don't hurt the rabbit but are able to secure hold them until they are captured within the nets, allowing them to capture 300-400 rabbits an hour along with some elemental rabbits now and then.

They are collecting the eggs that these rabbits drop; 100 white eggs will combine into a blue egg.

This doesn't influence the points; it only allows you to get better drops from the 'loot box' from the rabbit as a white egg will only produce a special Easter egg dan after several attempts at opening them.

A blue quality Easter egg will drop a level 2 Easter Egg dan but also has a chance at dropping ingredients that rabbits enjoy such as; roots, fruits and various vegetables including a special oversized carrot.

Jack parts with Mai and Jessica at the village after ensuring that things are running smoothly, Albert hasn't returned yet but he should be back by tomorrow. Hilda and Bane are both handling internal matters such as resource allocation and jobs, Maurice and the scholars are researching rabbit traps with nothing to do Jack decides that he should check on the plains area.

Mounting Sleipner he starts to ride out west but something catches his attention quickly, it's a gold shimmer among the long grasses in the distance. This is the first time Jack has seen a golden coloured rabbit and wants to chase it, but it's not appropriate now and ignores it.

Jack isn't riding long before he spots a group of kobolds digging a pit, it only takes them 10 minutes to dig a pit 4 metres deep where upon they run around and try to scare groups of rabbits into the pit while they cover it and slowly take them out one by one with a net. It's slow but with so many groups doing the same thing, it results in quick progress.

Jack makes a few rounds watching the various groups of kobolds do this before he decides to leave them to this, he isn't able to suggest any better ways to make this more efficient, this event truly seems designed for the brute force method. Drakon has a handle on things and doesn't need assistance telling Jack to focus on recovery, not having anything to do he rides back to the village whereupon he spots the golden shimmer in the long grasses again.

Jack feels tempted by this golden rabbit and looking at the area he is now in, a plan quickly comes to mind. There is a secure den, just a cavern dug into the dirt buried with a hidden metal cage, located not far from here, it was when they were trying to trap the wolves and chain them up while Fenrir was asleep.

Jack leaves the golden shimmer bunny, entering the large den, it's roughly 15m by 15m much larger than it needs to be for a rabbit but perfect for many wolves, he snaps the special carrot in half before throwing it in the centre of the den.

He makes a special trail of crushed up carrot as he leaves the den to lure the rabbit before throwing the remains close by the rabbit and hoping that it will follow the trail, silently watching from the long grasses he is able to see the rabbits nose twitch as it can smell something, it wanted to run as it heard the sound but the smell is keeping it back.

The rabbits nose twitches more as it steps closer to the carrot before it reaches and takes a bite of the carrot, quickly finishing it and moving onto the next one following the trail. It looks like Jack's plan worked and before too long the rabbit steps into the partially underground den.

Jack waits a few moments for the rabbit to take a few bites of the carrot in the middle of the den before he rushes out and closes the entrance door, the rabbit now has no escape. Jack coldly smiles as he watches the now trapped rabbit within the dirt cave, it has no idea it's trapped, enjoy the carrot.

He quickly enters the den with the rabbit, it stops eating the carrot and looks at him before attempting to leave through the door behind him. Jack quickly slams the door shut and attempts to grab at the rabbit trying to pass him, but it's far too quick as it runs back into the depths of the dirt cave/den.

Jack steps toward the rabbit but it's far too fast for him, appearing behind him near the gate before he can blink and then disappearing back into the cage before he can move his eyes to look at the rabbit that was behind him. Furrowing his brow, he senses a problem with capturing this rabbit, it seems much smarter and faster than all the others, this golden shiny rabbit.