Chapter 39 - Bunny ears are great

"Come here you little bunny bitch" Jack can be heard yelling as he charges towards the rabbit locked in the cage with him before he promptly slams into a wall missing the shiny rabbit by a large margin.

Not deterred by this, he repeats the process and slams into the wall without much progress at all, Jack repeats this process of trying to get closer to the rabbit while he is slower than it in nearly every way, hoping to catch it.

Quickly his body is bruised and battered from slamming into the wall, slamming into the ground and rolling about as he tries to capture the rabbit in this enclosed area, while this is going on the rest of the village are capturing rabbits causing his total points to go up quickly but it's a far cry from what he needs.

This is happening while in the real world, within an office building Tom can be seen working on a computer as he usually does as his phone lights ups, stopping work he promptly takes the phone call.

"Judicial Officer 3993, phrase 'the cyclops consumes the stars'" Tom can be heard saying.

"Security of package recipient cannot be confirmed?"

"Request dispatch of Enforcement Officer 399 to join Judges 299 and 300 in investigative taskforce"

"Confirmed…. Priority code 'Cyclops Star'" Tom is fighting with himself over saying the final part of the sentence before the line goes dead and he hangs up.

This phone call was regarding Tom's request to secure Jack's sister and provide her a copy of the game, she was unable to be located and somehow slipped out of the 'Imperial Court' net.

This can mean two things; 1, She disappeared from the planet or 2, someone else got her first.

The 'Imperial Court' has free access to most nations military technology including the United States, such as their spy satellites and reconnaissance capabilities so someone being able to avoid detection by these methods means they are most likely an organization of similar size and capability.

Tom is unable to do anything more than request an enforcement officer that he trust and request added importance by using his personal priority code, letting out a sigh Tom thinks about how he can explain this to Jack while hoping that it's all resolved peacefully before anything happens.

In another part of the world, a young woman and a man can be seen exiting a train.

"Hey hun, why did we need to take this sudden trip?" the young woman asks the man.

"It's just a great time of the year to explore this lovely area…." The man says with a smile but taking many looks around the area as though he's looking for something.

"Yeah lovely time of year in Siberia… Why don't you tell me why you really said we should take a trip?" she asks peering into his eyes, he nervously looks away when he spots a few people wearing suits not far away, nervously pulling the young woman's hand into a café.

The duo orders some food, the man nervously watching the people in suits from the corner of his eye. They sit down and consume their food, his eye never leaving watching the people in a suit when a woman stops by their table.

"Hello are you first time visitors?" the well-endowed brunette woman asks in a thick accent, holding a gaudy Gucci handbag.

"Yes, we're only stopping here on our way to umm, I think we're getting off at Moscow" the young woman replies honestly. The man is silent watching the woman that appeared before their table, she just smiles at him.

"Those two men aren't interested in you sir, but I am… I strongly suggest you follow me back onto the train now" The woman says before leaving without peering behind her, the man lets out a sigh and chases after the brunette woman dragging the young woman with him ignoring their food on the café table.

The duo and the newly met woman enter the train, taking their seats and silently looking at each other as they wait for the train to start moving, the man nervously looks between the brunette woman and the young woman who's hand he is holding before peering out a window.

A darkly tinted Mercedes SUV can be seen pulling up in front of the café as a group of 6 well-built men in sweat pants exit the SUV before walking into the café clearly, they are looking for someone.


Suddenly the café blows up causing everyone on the train to stand up, they could feel the shockwave as they're quite close to the café but not close enough to be hurt by it.

The brunette woman didn't flinch as she keeps looking at the man and young woman when the train can be heard starting up, sirens in the distance blaring as fire spreads from the remains of the café, many people that were located near the café are dead or hurt causing a horrific scene.

The black tinted Mercedes SUV and the men that went into the café can no longer be seen as though they were the focus of the attack, the man looks towards the brunette woman as though she was responsible when a phone can be heard ringing from the brunette woman's handbag.

"Yes, it's done, all members of the front have been dealt with, I have acquired them." The well-endowed brunette woman puts her phone away and smiles towards the duo that are now incredibly scared of this woman and what has happened.

The man looks at this woman as though he needs to attack her and escape as soon as possible but before he can do anything she speaks up, "My mistress has an interest in your…. Brother" the woman says towards the young woman.

"My brother? Jack? Why? What does he have to do with all of this?" the young woman asks; she is Jack's sister called Heather Hunt or Heather Michaels as she is married to an American Naval officer, Peter Michaels stationed in Busan Naval Base.

3 days ago, they both left in a rush when Peter suddenly decided that they should take a trip on the Trans-Siberian railway as they dropped everything, Heather was confused but as this will probably be the last trip before she's too pregnant to travel was happy for the excitement.

This was the first train stop on the trip and this incident already happened, sinking into his seat Peter feels defeated. He took this trip to avoid the rumours of certain high-ranking officials that were very interested in him and particularly his wife.

"Don't worry, you will be safe for now as no one will touch you on this train but things will get tricky when we get closer to Moscow. We'll be spending the next 2 weeks together so you can call me Anya." the woman, Anya explains pulling out a small bottle and drinking it instantly.

"How tricky?"

"That depends on how much importance the Eastern Front attaches to your wife, if it's not very much we'll be able to talk to them but after today and who showed up… well I hope you took your American training seriously" the woman says pulling out a gun silently indicating what she thinks.

"You didn't answer me, how does your mistress know Jack and how is he related to all of this?" Heather asks with worry in her voice.

"I don't know but you will be able to ask her soon" the brunette woman silently counts her bullets.

Jack has no way of knowing all of this stuff is going on but things in the real world are moving just as they are within the game world, he has been trying to catch this rabbit within the cage for two hours now but it's still far too fast for him.

He has been using this as hard training honing his reaction speed while also solidifying his new found power increase, he has reached the 2nd stage of cultivation, the peak of the 'Vein Formation' and with a little push he will enter 'Qi condensation' finally allowing him to use his qi outside his body.

Jack leaps at the rabbit again, he has been trying to capture this rabbit for 2 hours and is able to see its movement much clearer than previously but seeing its movements and being able to capture it are two different situations.


Jack solidly hits the wall as the rabbit appears on the opposite area, looking at him calmly and not worried at all. This human has jumped at him hundreds of times with the same result.

Jack shakes his head and leaps at the rabbit again with almost the same result but Jack's finger was able to skim the fur of the rabbit as it passed close by giving Jack renewed hope but he feels like it's time to take a break and come back after doing a lap of his workers.

"You just wait here; I'll be back soon where I'll get your golden Easter egg and eat that chocolate!" Jack threatens the rabbit in a strange manner before opening the gate quickly and leaving, ensuring the rabbit isn't able to escape.

He is now outside the cage and looks up at the sun, he hasn't seen the sun in two hours but he feels like it wasn't a wasted two hours even if he hasn't captured the rabbit, it's helping train his body and reaction speed in a safe manner.

Jack lets out a whistle and Sleipner comes running up to him, Jack rubs the horse's head and mane, feeling the strange horn that is present on its forehead. He is able to feel a current of electricity flow from the horn into his hand for the first time, a greater sensitivity to qi is a benefit of the 'Qi Condensation' stage indicating that he's close to a break through.

Mounting Sleipner Jack rides quickly along the trail that has developed from all the goblins and kobolds trudging through the long grasses, all the rabbits hiding within the long grasses showing no fear as the giant horse passes by.

The rabbits seem rather stupid and respawn very quickly, if they are chased away from an area they will simply run back to the same spot after 20 minutes or so including all of the ones that are captured, it's as though each rabbit has a set position they need to stay idle at.

Jack quietly watches all of his residents capture the rabbits as he approaches the area that Drakon is overseeing everything, Drakon looks exhausted because he was left dealing with the kobold villages migration and now, he is the primary controller of all these separate squads of kobolds and goblins.

Luckily, he is being helped by the old kobold village chiefs, they want to show that they are worthy of remaining the kobold village chief after it's re-established. Morax was allowed to retain his position as kobold village chief giving them hope and allowing a mini competition to form between the different villages.

"Drakon, how goes the rabbit capturing?" Jack trots up on Sleipner, the giant horse standing out from the crowd of goblins and kobolds causing all the kobolds and goblins to show respect and almost reverence.

"Lord, we are maintaining our 400 rabbits per hour rate and are slowly capturing more special rabbits"

"Special rabbits? You mean the rabbits that drop the blue eggs?"

"Yes, they are amongst the group of rabbits that we capture but they are sometimes able to escape our pits and nets. We are identifying the special rabbits and isolating them away from the groups ensuring we are able to capture them instead of letting them get away" Drakon explains while pointing to a pit not far away.

Several humans and goblins are crowded around a pit instead of primarily kobolds like the others, each person is holding a different coloured net while the goblins are holding up ant carapace shields.

A red rabbit jumps out of the pit, a fireball shoots from its mouth and lands on one of the shields a goblin is holding before the rabbit is surrounded by red coloured nets and tied up unable to struggle free.

"What's with the coloured nets?"

"You need to thank little miss Mai for those, she was able to help the trappers last night by suddenly acquiring a big source of elemental long grasses, the trappers were able to combine these grasses with our nets that give them immunity to certain elements" Drakon explains, Jack wonders where Mai got these grasses and makes a decision to ask her next time he's back at the village.

Jack silently watches the group capture the elemental rabbits before looking around at the field, there's at least 10 groups surrounding pits while hundreds of kobolds can be seen walking around in the distance flattening the long grasses and chasing rabbits as they appear.

"Where are the eggs that all of the already captured rabbits drop?"

"They are kept within the pit over there" Drakon points to a pit that has a group of soldiers posted around it. Jack dismounts Sleipner and walks over to this pit, waving at the saluting soldiers around the pit before placing his hand on the group of white eggs.

A sound resounds in his head,

'SYSTEM NOTIFICATION – There are 4302 white Easter Eggs located here, would you like to combine them into 430 blue Easter eggs?'

Jack immediately presses Yes and the pile of Easter eggs is instantly shrunk down to 430 blue eggs, they look different to the blue eggs dropped by the elemental rabbits, Jack presses his hand on it and another notification resounds,

'SYSTEM NOTIFICATION – There are 449 Blue Easter Eggs located here, would you like to combine them into 44 Bronze Easter Eggs?'

Jack almost immediately presses Yes and the pile reduces again into 44 bronze Easter eggs, Jack is tempted to use one right now but attempts to combine them again pressing his hand on the pile but the notification is different.

'SYSTEM NOTIFICATION – You are unable to combine 44 Bronze Easter eggs due to a lack of 'natural' catalyst eggs; you must include 20% naturally occurring eggs to upgrade beyond Blue'

Jack frowns upon hearing this information, this isn't what he thought would happen but it also makes sense as it only takes 10 blue eggs to upgrade them into a Bronze egg, it's be far too easy to farm the good rewards from the Easter Eggs if you could do it unlimitedly.

He feels annoyed that he isn't able to mass acquire good quality eggs but accepts the restrictions of the system, they just need to have 20% dropped Easter eggs instead of 100% upgraded Easter eggs.

If he wants to upgrade the 44 bronze Easter eggs into 8 Silver Easter eggs, he needs to acquire 8 bronze Easter eggs dropped from shiny Bronze bunnies. This doesn't seem impossible as the bronze and silver bunnies should be easier to capture than the Gold bunny he is struggling to capture within the cage.

Jack grabs a single bronze Easter egg and opens it;

'SYSTEM ANNOUNCEMENT – You have acquired: 'Blessing of the Easter Bunny Level 1', this provides your village/kingdom/empire with bonus: Resistance against Pests 10%'

A headband appears within his palm that opened the Easter Egg, it's a headband that has bunny ears on it, Jack's grip holds the bunny ears tightly, he has flashbacks of an online game he played previously where Bunny Ears were some of the rarest headgear in the game after the developers removed the monster that dropped an item needed for them and never put them back before the end of the event.

Jack smiles as he feels accomplished in acquiring bunny ears, even if it's not the same game he still feels great, as he pulls up the information.

[Special Bunny Ears] Grade: Bronze Stats: Agility +10 Description: Headgear dropped from a mystical giant bunny that could be often heard saying, "What's up doc?", enhances reaction speed and leap.

He almost immediately puts the bunny ears on, looking rather silly but he can feel his body imbued with extra power as he leaps from the side of the pit and landing 10m in the distance, much further than he would have been able to previously.

Jack starts to laugh to himself, "Golden bunny bitch, you have met your match now" he mutters to himself as he takes another leap before breaking into a run that is at least 20% faster than before quickly appearing before Sleipner and Drakon again.

"Lord, I'll handle here but I suggest allowing a feast tonight to celebrate the collaboration between all the new residents" Drakon can see that Jack is itching to leave here and as Jack's general he needs to be reliable for this almost unreliable leader.

"Good idea, also reward the leader of the kobold team that catches the most special rabbits with their own village next" Jack says before mounting Sleipner and starting to walk away.

Many kobolds could hear this and immediately start to motivate their teams, "Do you want to let them get a village before us?", "NOOO" can be heard in response as they start to run with increased vigour, they weren't sure about their new leader but upon hearing that he's willing to reward for such low level activities they feel renewed confidence.

Jack smiles as he watches the kobolds run around with much more purpose as he leaves on Sleipner back to where that golden bunny was trapped, hoping that it's still located there.