Chapter 105 - Jack creates an uproar.

The two men have masks on but they have two distinct robes on, one is a red robe with golden pyramid patterns on it while the other one has dark flame symbol on it. They both have something in common in that they're both red.

"What?" Jack asks bluntly.

"Well... you see, we were just here to look at the first auction to welcome the players since we're trapped in this region for now."

"Well I hope it was enjoyable, can you move aside?"

"Well..." The red-robed person blocks Jack from moving around.

"Why are you stopping me?" Jack looks at him calmly but circulates his qi quietly.

"We need to ask you a few questions and well we're somewhat fond of the person you just harmed so, well that's just more reason for you to cooperate isn't it?"

The red-robed person is standing there, he doesn't hold anything yet Jack can feel an immense pressure from his body. Just his very gaze has an overbearing pressure to it, Jack stands against it as he circulates his own power internally but it's a struggle as it shows how weak he is before a true power house still.

"I am an VIP of this place and am leaving. You do not have the authority to stop me, I'm a player so if you strike me down I'll just respawn while you'll have to deal with the fallout."

"Well, of course I don't have the authority but even the city council will defer to our decision so... do we need to continue on? We need to ask about that weapon you took out. Now we could just kill you and take it but see, we're talking now so why don't you come with us?"

Jack frowns and thinks for a moment. The only weapon he took out was the spear but where did that come from? Jack recalls, 'it was the red-robed person who... Leah took care of…'

The red-robed person uses this lapse of attention to make his move as he reaches toward him, Jack feels an overwhelming pressure bearing down on him as the person grabs for him.

It's like a mountain was suddenly pressing down on his as the hand reaches closer, his body is groaning but he stays standing.

"Why are you bullying someone here?"

A delicate hand intercepts the one reaching for Jack. The pressure is immediately off him as the somewhat familiar voice comes to him. Jack looks at the newcomers' robes, they're a familiar white with a flower stitched on them.

"Let go, I need to find out where he acquired that weapon."

"That's not your place. He is an important guest of this establishment and an important guest of our church."

"What gives you the right to stop me, if he's so important why doesn't the lord of the store come out?"

The crowd is silent and there's no movement anywhere. The man snorts. Several more white-robed people appear between Jack and the red-robed duo. Each of them is a beautiful woman behind a delicate veil, they have no slack in their stance as they stand between these people and a random young man.

Jack diverts around this crowd that isn't paying attention to him for a moment, and reaches the door when he's stopped again, this time by the player group. They attempt to appear arrogant but compared to the power-houses that were just here, he could actually deal with these people.

"If we stop you, we will get rewarded by that young man so..."

The bald man leading them reaches out while the others do the same, none of them use their weapons as they grapple with Jack briefly who dodges their grabs, forced backwards away from the door.

Jack frowns at being pushed into a corner. No one is coming to help, it seems as the attendants are all standing around. His mind works through possible solutions to the situation. Jack hear's a loud yelling sound through the thick crowd as he can tell the man from before is approaching him, so time is running out.

He suddenly feels a touch on his back, he turns his back hoping it's something to help.


Jack jumps back but doesn't have enough time when a cool breeze comes over the room. An enormous amount of ice shatters in what seems like an illusion, drawing everyone's attention, distracting them from what happened.

A figure appears on the scene as a waft of cool air blows over everyone, a large ape-like creature appears in the air looking around. This person is wearing an ape mask and blue robe, standing below the large illusory figure in the air.

"Where is the Master of this store? This situation is abnormal."

The red-robed people break through the white-robed White Flower Church people and glares at the person in the ape mask, "Why are you here?"

"I came to look at the sights. Where's the store lord? This cannot be handled by the attendants out here so where is he?"

"Why would I know, why did you save that guy?"

"What guy? I was just trying to stop an explosion from happening again. Why has it happened again?"

"Ask that guy... where is he?" the red-robed man yells, his voice in shock.


"What? Don't joke with me where did he go?!"

"Where did who go? I only just arrived when the figure was blowing up, I did not see anyone else. If you'll excuse me, I'll be going to search for the store lord," the blue-robed masked person claps their hands and disappears in a sprinkle of snow.

"Where did he go?" the red-robed man bellows to his crowd of underlings that have gathered.

No one in the crowd speaks up, the red-robed person fumes on the spot as the white-robed people leave the scene. Their actions arouse anger to shoot in their direction.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm leaving, I have enjoyed the show, thank you."

"Stop!" the blonde-haired man comes up with his hand bandaged up.


The white-robed people walk out the door one by one, the people trying to stop Jack gnash their teeth in anger at how easy they're leaving, followed by the crowd of people to continue flowing out the door.

"Who would know where he went? Where did the people he was with go? There were... a few girls and an old guy."

The group including the blonde-haired man, the red-robed people and some black-hooded figures look around the crowd and spot the brown-haired girl that was standing with Amber.

"Her! She was with him."

They quickly surround the girl who has returned to her family, "Hand her over!" they demand without paying much attention. The swagger in their steps shows their confidence in their actions.

"No, why should we do that? Do you have any idea who I am?"

"I don't care, hand her over we need to find out about that guy."

The brown-haired girl's father steps forward to interject, as these people clearly have no idea who he is. He reaches into his robe when another voice comes from the distance.

"Are these people unable to recognise the mighty councillor, who represents the plains area trade, able to command legions of traders…" he pauses and smirks, "able to rely upon his own authority without having to flash something given to us recently by something?"

"Councillor Li, I was unaware that you were part of this auction. I did not see you on that upper floor, were you unable to get in?"

"Oh no, I had a high view of the place. It was quite profitable, where I had some fun in the auction. I cannot believe those players, unable to recognise value."

"Councillor Li… this isn't the place to chat."

"Right," he looks around the room and spots the crowd of people shuffling about giving them a wide space to talk, "I have matters to attend to, you people!" the blonde-haired councillor grabs their attention, he waves his magnificent red robes in the air causing a scene.

"We need to find information on where that guy went. We can't let her go." the red-robed people stand out in front.

The blonde-haired councillor sighs as many armed people appear out of nowhere, "You are violating the order of the auction pavilion. You are required to vacate now!"

They surround the group of people separating them all.


"The master of the store has ordered it."

"Who are you?"

"The store guardians. Please leave the store!" multiple armoured people respond in unison, their actions almost mechanical.

"Make me"

The red-robed man punches forward, his punch contains a red-fire energy that blasts forward.

"Shields!" the guardians hold out a set of shields that absorb the energy coming from the fist.

The energy drained from his fist, as it flows from his body and into the shields that glow a bright colour as the energy drains from his body quickly. He pulls his fist back but it's too late,


The limp man flies back into the group of people behind him, they catch him and look on in fear of the shield and these new comers.

"Vacate!" they repeat in unison and approach.

"Fine Fine... You guys go find out who that guy was and find out where he's going, he has to be gong to the teleporter so hurry up!"

"Yeah, we'll catch up to him at the teleport plaza!"

"Yeah let's go!"

The people run out of the building without incident, there're whispers about them being connected to the councillor so they're able to get away with causing a scene. Councillor Li has left during the scene, no one aware of when he slipped away.

The people traffic now returns to normal as the participants go back to where they were, the attendants come back out and continue to serve people while the brown-haired girl lets out a deep sigh of relief turning back to her parents.

"Who were they talking about?"

"Just a player."

"I see, well he seems to be an interesting figure. I didn't even see him leave."

"Me either."

The brown-haired girls father lets out a noise of approval nodding his head, "Do you know how to see him again?"

"Yes sort of, you remember Amber?"

"Uh.... oh..." her father frowns while her mother pinches him.

"Well you're an adult now we'll trust you, but we'll have to step up protection for you."

"I hope he's doing ok."

"What's his name?"


"Jack, eh?"

Many people in the crowd hear this name echo as the cause of the large commotion, the auction was a success and while two people died at the entry it was decided that theyre puppets so it doesn't matter. Jack's name will live on from this, luckily most people will know only his ugly face and appearance but that won't stop them knowing his deeds and actions.