Chapter 106 - Uncovering some truths, meeting White again

What happened with Jack?

He escaped, took the chance when the person appeared and threw him out the door and bunny dashed away, he's made it in record time at the teleporter and he's now in queue waiting to go through but they're still checking everyone. His disguise is still applied but it won't mean anything before the guards so he just stands there waiting, a few minutes pass by when some noise in the distance can be heard.

It's finally Jack's turn, "You travelling or sending?"


"Alright, you got money for the tax?"


"Alright, checking your identity. You have any disguise items on?"


"Alright, I'll now check your identity..."

The man looks at Jack when a louder clamour can be heard. The guard squints closer at Jack and circulates his power ready to run for it.

"Hurry up!"

A crowd of 4 people appear at the gate, "Hurry up, I'll pay you to hurry up!"

"Go away, wait your turn."

"We can't wait, players get priority. We can kill you and you'll die while we'll just respawn. We'll give you 1000 gold to let us go now."

The guard looks away from Jack, "Where is the other guy, Jared? Jared?"

Jack looks over the crowd of players, they wink at Jack who is now smiling.

"Fine, whatever give me 10,000 each."

"5,000 for all of us."

"20 thousand now."

The man throws over a sack of heavy coins, it's all blatant before the crowd but many of them are distracted by what's going on behind them.

"Let's go."

"Ok wait I have to inspect this guy."

"No time, lets go, he can come with."

"What, no wait..."

"Come on, an extra 5,000."

"Fine. You're cleared to go sir, hope you enjoyed the city life."


Jack walks through the gate and into the teleportation plaza, it's different from the exit where there's a few orbs here.

"Thanks for the help" Jack thanks the players giving them a few million in coins.

"No problem, hopefully we meet again under friendly terms"

They step into a few different teleportation orbs, Jack looks at each of them and discovers the display reads location hidden bringing a smile to his face.

"Ahh competition."

He proceeds to an orb and selects his city, he takes one look outside and hears a loud clamour. "WAIT!" is the last thing he can hear as he steps into the portal, he cannot wait to get back and sort out all the loot. They'll send more bunny assassins and wreck havoc on those people, find out who they are and take revenge.

Jack waits for the familiar feeling to come across him when he opens his eyes wondering what is going on, he can see that he's in a large room that is filled with crystals. Several large lights have lit up in the background yet sitting on a throne before him is a single woman. Her white hair and white eyes, the piercing expression going through Jack as if he's nothing. Jack looks around and can only see an endless hall with crystals embedded in the walls around the place.

"What's going on? Who are you?"

"Me? I'm trapped here so it doesn't matter who I am... perhaps you'd know me better like this."

The appearance shifts into an old gentle woman's form, the figure is familiar but Jack cannot seem to recall it as he stands there dumbly.

"User, don't you remember me?"

"Oh, it's you... the npc in the room. What is this place? Some other place part of the game? I've been hearing some pretty weird thing about that so far."

"Aren't you curious as to what's going on? You just want to where this is?"

"I mean sure but you don't seem to have any hostile intentions towards me so I can at least hear you out..."


"So what's going?"

The NPC shifts back into the white-haired form, she returns to the throne in a flash. Her expression seems neutral yet Jack can tell from her eyes that they're frustrated. She sits there for several minutes in silence, tapping her foot.

"There's..." she speaks up and pauses, Jack looks at her while she seems to ruminate over something, her mouth opens and closes a few times causing Jack to raise an eyebrow.

"What is going on?"

"Perhaps you have noticed lately the lightning that is following you... I don't know exactly..." she mumbles the last part.

"Yea, it's annoying what is that about? I haven't even hit the next stage of my cultivation because I'm worried about it. It would have killed my several times already including on the moon so what's going on with it?"

"The lightning will be after you until the main body has reached you... those are offshoots that were sent into the sub-realm space where there's a closer connection with the spiritual perception. The entire 'Secret World Online' is within this sub-realm so it's able to basically search every one in this world's consciousness and find whatever they're hiding."

"What? That sounds... ridiculous. It's able to read everyones mind basically all the time?"

"Yes but it's not really reading minds... this thing doesn't even really... exist. You could say that it exists as part of the universe, a will of the heavens."

"Justice and Destruction?"

"What? Yes... where did you hear that?"

"The prophet told me. So, what the universe has somehow sent justice and destruction after me?"

"If it helps your understanding yes, but also no. They will make no distiction between their target and you."

"What's their target?"

White looks away for a moment and blinks a few times, her expression dulls and looks at Jack.

"They are after this unit."

"I see... can you tell me more?"

"This unit cannot explain more at the moment, users situation is rapidly shifting and can change at any moment. We are currently undergoing a spatial-time dilation effect, 1 minute here is 0.000001ms outside if we are to use a frame of reference."

"What... that's.... I can't even imagine that damn, so what's going on then?"

"User, 3 of the required variables have been met while 53 sub goals have been completed. A single opportunity to undergo, 'Planarly Ascension'. This section of space has been sealed off for... unknown reasons. This has allowed it to be separated from the heavens and is the perfect time to change your spiritual space into a sub-realm."


"User.... Jack. Jack, your Master will be disappointed if you do not take this opportunity."

"Master? That old guy?"

White visibly gets angry as her form flashes before Jack, her arm held high for a punch. Jack raises his guard but the strike doesn't come, her form is back at the throne as if nothing happened.

"Yes. Your initial meeting was brief but your Master is very respected, you should learn some respect too."

"Ok, perhaps I'll learn of it in time but for now I'm just kind of trying to find out what's going on. Why am I inside this crystal room instead of back at the city?"

"Jack!" White stands up and says. Jack for some reason cannot help but straighten his back when he hears her voice.

"I will need you to absorb the lightning strikes and send the energy into your consciousness. You will need to forge a tunnel as wide as possible to send the energy there."

"Ok... what? How?"

"You can do it like this...."

White and Jack discuss at length yet it takes no time at all with the help of the time change effect. The finer details of the plan need to be ironed out as Jack learns a few things about what he has collected such as the seeds from the jade palace. It appears that a few of the seeds are incredibly rare including the one that was pointed out and it's vital to this operation.

Jack's vision shifts as darkness comes over it, "OW!" he shouts as the lightning hits it. His body is illuminated by the lightning as a grey effect comes over his body, he feels tired instantly as the effect sweeps over him but he concentrates...

"Ok I need to use my spiritual sense to direct the lightning down my different limbs and into my consciousness, White will help control it on the inside while I control it on the outside."

Jack concentrates as the lightning ravages his body....

In the village, the familiar white tent stands in the village while nearly no one is outside, there's activity along the main road as the military units pass up and down occasionally delivering supplies to setup the frontline for whatever is coming tonight.

Inside the tent 3 girls are enjoying a meal in relative silence, Mai is slurping away on a soup filled with what look like flowers and Lunamarie is munching on some grass shoots and leaves.

Jessica looks down at her food, it's a bowl of leafy greens and she sighs, "Are you guys sure that this is all you want to eat?"

Mai nods her head happily as Lunamarie munches of food, Jessica pushes it around on her plate before taking a bite.

"I wonder where Jack is, the teleportation activated yet no one arrived..." Jessica says before placing the food down, the little phoenix chick comes out and inspects it too before turning up its nose.

"Isn't it still activated?" Lunamarie asks.

"Yes but nothing has come through. I don't have access to see what's going on and the other generals don't either."

"Oh well... let's hope they sort it out. So what's with that plant outside Mai?"

"I'm not telling, only big brother can know."


"It relates to elder sister."


"My elder sister, bunny elder sister. You have to meet my elder sister, did you know that she is a sable... They're so cute. They have a better little nose than bunnys plus I bet you don't even turn into a bunny Do you?"

Lunamarie chokes on her food, "Um I can when I get older."

"Oh does that mean after you mate or something else?"

"What?" Lunamarie blushes.

Jessica smiles at this interaction, there's a clamour at the door when Jessica hears a familiar voice saying "My Lord?". The guards aren't letting her through for not having permission but Jessica raises her voice.

"Let her in."

The tent flap opens and in waltzes a girl with black hair and a familiar posture, she scans the room and asks loudly.

"Where's my lord?"

"He hasn't come back yet, didn't you go with him Amber?"