Chapter 111 – War has begun

"No need for that, we have things handled and they need to handle it."

Jack silently puts down the crossbow and looks at the man, he has a casual expression on. He's one of the captains in the squads that didn't see him.

"Aren't you going to run late for your schedule?"

"We need to scout the perimeters first to ensure nothing will sneak up, that takes some time so we're letting the less experienced guys get some training in. The Lord would hate it if we wasted time. We need to get strong enough to not be a burden."

"These are demonified creatures, are you able to handle it properly?" Jack asks without much expression.

The soldiers fighting the creature falter as one of them is endangered, Jack moves his hand yet he holds it as he watches the soldier get supported by a shield-bearer. The novice swordsman quickly recovers and gets some stabs in of the vital areas, the creature thrashes about.

"They're still just creatures, insects. Their brains are even worse than normal, if we had time to dig pits then that's what we'd do."

"What about the unknowns?"

"That's what they're training for, so they'll know how to handle things in the future. They accept the risks and they're only given stuff they can handle."

"Good point, the threat just seems larger than them so I cannot help but react."

"There's no need to worry about it that much, this will be the start of their long and glorious duty to Lord."

"Alright, I'll head off. Thanks for the talk."

"No problem, I can't tell where you're from but you're at least from Lord's court. If you're going west then there's a squad preparing to leave soon, if you hurry you can catch them."


Jack thanks the captain deeply, it was an insightful discussion even if it was brief. The lives of soldiers are his responsibility, but they still have their own agency, they need to be allowed to grow. His mind goes through those thoughts over and over again as he goes the direction pointed, it's through a small brush coverage which blocks his view. He approaches them as they're packing their weapons with some already leaving.

"You guys going west?"

"Yea sort of, did Captain Floyd send you?"

"I think so, a captain just directed me up here, but I'll just tag along for a bit so you don't have to take me anywhere."

The soldiers look relieved as they hear his final words, the person that just addressed him also looks relieved as they speak, "Sounds good then as we can't really handle anything more, we have to get going as we're already running late."

Jack nods and steps away from the group as he listens into the soldiers who are clearly unaware of who he is, they're formed in small groups as each of them have a variety of different classes in them. The soldiers are mingling well together which gives him slight relief that things are being handled properly internally. The soldiers don't come over and chat with him but he is also standing apart from them, they quietly talk about things as Jack listens to them.

"Do you think we'll run into level 1 demons?" one of the soldiers asks the other.

"We might, but it's not likely, they don't stay inside the village limits for long."

"What should we do if we run into them, I remember how messed up Chen was after he encountered some?"

The soldiers shuffle in their spot, no one speaks up until one of the people standing in another group speaks loudly.

"Chen's group was responsible for pushing too far when given border duties, it's part of why they're pushing us all out now. So we don't have that situation happen again."

"Will they be alright?"

"Don't worry about them, they're all alive and I heard Lord just returned from the merchant city. I am sure he acquired some items for the new alchemist to concoct something to help."

"So they'll be fine?" the first soldier asks, his voice quivering unusually.

"They'll be fine, Lord will not abandon them like the previous places we were from. You can be sure of that."

"True, thank our Lord for his help."

"Thanks Lord."

"We have to give thanks to the lord even if we won't be able to speak with him personally."


Jack listens to all the soldiers quietly sing his praises when he truly hasn't done anything worthy of being praised like this. His face has a stoic expression but inwardly he's smiling at how things are progressing from this slight exchange he has witnessed. The soldiers continue talking for a few more moments as a person appears from the shadows. This soldier is wearing camouflage that appears to blend in with the surroundings, yet no one is surprised by his sudden appearance.

"Clear?" the captain asks him.

"Affirmative, some small targets along the way but clear otherwise."

"Alright, LISTEN UP WE'RE HEADING OFF NOW!" the captain yells, the soldiers gather up including Jack and start to walk down the trail as the captain counts them off then follows up behind Jack. No one says anything as the group of 40 people continues down the dark trail, the path is barely marked yet the soldiers at the front are able to follow it perfectly as it weaves through the spare tree and bush coverage into the plains. The soldiers occasionally take out their swords to stab at the ants as they come in.

Jack watches these soldiers handle their sword, his own sword skills are nothing compared to these people but that's because he has mostly relied on a spear so far. A spear is much easier to kill but a sword is good for flashiness, there's a certain allure to it that he strikes the city lord sword still on his side. A few people look at his movements including the captain yet relax after seeing Jack do nothing except fondle his sword.

"Incoming, 6 ants and 2 jumpers!"

A yell comes from the front, all the soldiers come into a circle as the shield-bearer comes out the front of the group with their shields out.


Some heavy impacts sound on the shields, the spearmen from behind the line stab forward through the gaps killing the ants easily while some fireballs travel through the air and impact the jumping creatures, things that look like large crickets with blades all over their bodies. The creatures fall over in a flaming mess and smolder on the grass.

"Clear, 2km until first point."

The soldiers start running as they put away their weapons, Jack continues to walk with this group of soldiers as they quickly jog taking care of the lone ant now and then. No one is panting or complaining after this level of exertion, they make it across the distance quickly as a single group of soldiers splits off, Jack watches them head off slowly in a different direction and get enveloped in fog. The rest of them continue their original course quietly as if they're listening out behind them, listening to make sure no one needs their help.

It's quiet behind them as they continue on, Jack watches the sword strikes as he nears the point where they need to part ways. It's a simple sword strike that most of the soldiers do yet as Jack attempts to replicate it. He finds that it's harder than it looks as he's unable to change direction like them.

He strikes an ant nearby, the captain beside him walks forward while Jack stops and clears his throat.

The captain stops his steps, "I'll be leaving you guys now, thanks for the help."

"No problem if you're going here then you'll be helping General Laoshe, his situation is critical as the frontline would collapse if he didn't come here."

"Alright, I shall keep it in mind."

"Fortune be with you..." the captain walks away, he seems like he wants to say more but the soldiers are getting further away.

Jack doesn't stand there to watch them disappear, he moves location as the creatures will be attracted by the scent created by killing one of them.

He disappears as he uses bunny dash several times to appear a distance away, he spots an ant during his quick movements and stops his steps.

The young man stands before the ant, his robes and hair fluttering in the slight breeze that is blowing by clearing the fog in this small clearing but bringing more with it.

The ant is only a few steps away, Jack concentrates on the footsteps as he thinks about the length of the sword, the distance needed to travel with the speed it travels at, the exact angle on this small creature. His mind considers all of these things and spots another one not too far away from it, it's not enraged like the first but it's still following it.

Jack deeps out as the ant gets closer, his heartbeat slows as he holds a sword in his hand.

A white glow from the sword offsets the dreary and dark outside. The ant is only 3 steps away.

Jack's muscles twitch but they wait until it's only two steps away, he yells out as he steps forward bringing the sword down and sideways.

The ant makes strange screeching noises, it attempts to clamp Jack's arms with its razor sharp mandibles as he brings the sword before it.


The mandibles miss Jack's arm as the sword bisects the large ant, the creature slumps over as it sprays blood everywhere.

The ant behind it is enraged as red lines all over it light up, it's only five steps away yet Jack doesn't wait.

'Bunny Dash' he announces in his mind.

He is propelled forward, holding his sword he struggles to hold it as he stops behind the ant. The sword falls on the ground as he drops it; he clenches one of his fists as he looks at the bend sword.

"What the fuck was that thing made of, it bent that sword longways. That's ridiculous." Jack says through clenched teeth, his wrist nearly broke with the force required by that movement just now.

He looks at the body of the ant, it's a yellow ant which is relatively rare yet shouldn't be this heavy. He stores it and the other ant, taking one pill out of his storage.

His movements quicken as he has wasted enough time on these ants, he ignores the several other ones he comes across as he bunny dashes to the exterior of the dark zone where Drakon is.

As he crests over a small hill, he's able to see what looks like a large fire in the distance behind some trees, his footsteps quicken as he uses bunny dash to cross several hundred metres at a time.


Jack stops and looks over at the noise, it sounds like people fighting but this is on the exterior of the region so he's confused. He looks forward and can see that everything looks hazy, looking towards the sound he can spot several soldiers wearing special robes fighting little creatures that are buzzing about. They're able to cut down the creatures with a single swipe of their sword and quickly cut down nearly all of them except some high up in the air.

The soldiers look like they have everything controlled here as the last of the insects are nearly dead, Jack turns back towards the fire ahead and is about to use bunny dash when he hears someone shout, "Wait!"

Jack stops his steps and sees a person wearing white shining robes come forward, Jack looks at him wearing much higher quality clothing than others yet it feels like energy is being channeled through him.

"What's going on?"

"My Lord, I didn't think you'd be on the field."

"You recognise me?"

"Of course, we are the elite second formation squad, we have been trained by General Laoshe with particular focus. We are able to recognise the Lord's sword anywhere and then there's the energy about you."

"Well don't pay too much attention to it. What's going on? Can I not go in?"

"My Lord, of course you can. This area is protected by a 18-point barrier, an Eminence barrier. It has a single gap and will be active for several hours. If you tried to jump forward here then you'd run into a barrier capable of repelling saint-realm being."

"Ah, what's in there?"

"Some sort of lice. The carrier creature hasn't been found so General Laoshe went in setting some fires. We aren't sure what's going on."

"Have you sent anyone in?"

"We have enough to handle at the entrance, we can only wait for General Laoshe."

"What was his plan?"

"I do not know, Lord, my apologies."

"Ok, well I'll go in and find out what's going on as it's concerning that he's in there alone for so long."

"Understood Lord, I need to return to my post. I wish you best of luck."

Jack nods and jumps towards the group of people trying to intercept a few high-flying insects, one of them brings out a crossbow and misses the target. The soldiers aren't aware of Jack quickly approaching yet as they see the blur leap towards the creature in the air. They have smiles on their face, as if they know what's going on.

A white spear pokes the bug as Jack stands there on the ground, there's three flying insects on the spear that are glowing white softly.

Quiet cheers come from around him, "Good job Lord" they sing his praise openly causing Jack to quickly feel awkward.

"I need to go inside, is it clear?" Jack asks while putting away the spear. The soldiers go back to their positions around the opening.

"It's clear enough, we would escort you inside but the situation out here can shift too rapidly."

"Good, stay at your station. If I need help, then I'm sure you'll come assist."

"Yes, Lord!" they answer in unison, Jack smiles as he walks through the small entrance.

The barrier partially shimmers as he walks through it and enters what feels like an oven, the temperature has raised by many degrees as it feels much drier.

He walks a few steps forward and is beset by a few of the flying insects, a single spear stab on each is enough yet they're never ending.

Jack decides to move inside quickly instead of giving them time to gather, Drakon is the source of the heat so it makes sense to go towards it.

Jack makes several bunny hops, killing several insects before sweating at the exertion and temperature. The distance is still abit yet the heat is increasing quickly, a flying creature buzzes overhead.

It makes a dive for him, Jack spots it easily as it's on fire flying through the air.

He dodges it and let's out a spear stab, the creature is pierced through its middle giving him view of its thin body. The creature burns up into nothing quickly as though the movement was the only thing keeping it from burning up, Jack looks up and spots several more things like that in the sky. He follows their trail killing them as he continues, he continues to get closer to the middle of this field. He cannot hear anything yet but as he walks through some dried brushes he's attacked from the side.

He leaps backwards as he was waiting for this strike, he draws out the sword to strike the creature when he pauses because it's a person.

Jack looks at the person before him, they're snarling and snapping at him as their eyes are entirely white. Red lines travel all over their body as if energy is flowing about it, his mind suddenly blanks on what to do. He doesn't know if he should attempt to restrain this person to save them or just strike them down so they don't cause issues. He dodges another swipe from it as he weighs up his opens and looks further away.

A wagon is spotted with 2 dead horses, the wagon has a broken wheel on it. There's many of these creatures nearby, in the forms of the people that they once were, people of various ages and gender.

Jack weighs up what to do as he dodges another swipe from behind him, he looks in that direction and spots a large creature, he uses bunny dash to jump away quickly from this creature.

It looks similar to the people here with white eyes, Jack cannot wait anymore as it looks like it is spreading.

He stops dodging and pulls out his spear, "Well.. I can't save you now and I have to take care of this. I'll have to take you down now".

His gaze looks forward at the large bear creature taking swipes at him, he readies the spear as he looks for the weak point.

'Bunny Dash'

Jack leaps forward, he reappears before the bears head.

His spear jabs forward directly into the bears forehead, it's giant paw comes from the side but Jack pushes himself a different direction with the spear deeply embedded in the skull of the bear.

The spear twists about with this force as Jack twists his body in difficult ways, the shift in momentum helps him avoid the paw as the creature slumps over unmoving.

Jack smiles but he doesn't have time to relax as he dodges forward, a large pair of horns appears from his side.

A large demonfied deer appears beside him, he pulls out another spear and smiles.

"Come on!" he yells as all the creatures in the area charge at him.

A struggle that doesn't last long yet is emotionally draining for Jack commences, he suppresses his feelings as he kills each creature and person affected by what's going on, their skin is already mostly dried out yet Jack tries to leave some remaining identifiers for the people before burning their bodies. The final of the creatures are killed as Jack puts away his spear and looks at up at the foggy sky that doesn't reveal anything.

He's covered in blood and viscera but he cannot wash it off, as he stares up in the sky.

"Why did this happen?" Jack asks loudly towards no one in the sky.

Jack takes a few deep breaths and calms down, he looks at the scene one final time before leaving it. A creature catches the corner of his eye, as he looks over at it he spots a rabbit just watching him.

He feels strange being watched by the rabbit yet he doesn't want to mess with it, they should be normal after the easter event is over yet...

Jack shakes his head pushing the thoughts about this rabbit out of his mind, it's a normal brown rabbit and doesn't seem demonified, he chooses to leave it alone as he continues going towards the middle of the area.

The rabbit watches Jack leave without interest as it moves towards what's left on the ground, Jack isn't able to see this and if he did there is not that that the rabbit would be destroyed.

Jack's footsteps are quick as he uses bunny dash, no longer bothering to kill the endless insects around the place. They're being slowly burnt up by the heat that isn't bothering him yet.

He wipes his sweat and looks around, he is near the heat yet cannot see anything. There's no fire yet it looks like it's everywhere from the distance. He uses the rag to wipe down his body partially and looks around, his nose cleared from the previous muck is able to sniff the air.


His nose sniffs again, able to pick up a particular scent coming from a direction, he follows it and spots some fire for the fire time.

He wanders about the fire over the grass plains and forests, it's not doing any damage to him but he's still not able to spot the source of the fighting.

