Chapter 112 – Fighting demons with fire.


A flare of flame appears not too far away, the path is where Jack was standing just minutes ago. The bright orange flame burns a clear path through the forest as everything is left on fire, thousands of small creatures lead from the grasses and trees into the fire and explode.

Jack doesn't stay here to watch the creatures die as he quickly dashes up the pathway and spots Drakon.


His sword makes contact with a little creature, Jack frowns when seeing the creature.

"Tier 1 demon..."

Drakon has a smile on his face yet he's sweating and panting, Jack looks at the field and spots him fighting off many little demons that are swarming around him. He's attacking and retreating, holding them off as his sword dances about in the air. His fist contacts another creature with a clink sound as another creature is thrown back.

Jack uses this as a chance, 'Bunny Dash' he announces and appears in the pathway of the demon, it's still looking at Drakon so doesn't notice the new person behind it, not that it can do anything about this.

'First motion'

Jack stabs forward with the spear, it pierces through the middle of the demon causing it to disappear in a burst of black fog.

Drakon lets out a shout as he fends off another attack, Jack uses this as a chance to appear near him.

"Drakon!" Jack announces as he stabs a demon who wasn't ready for the new intruder, he counts the creatures that are remaining. There are 14 left jumping about, they're adjusting their position as they take account of Jack now.

"Lord, you made it. Good timing." Drakon has steady breathing as he talks, he's tired but has a method to maintain his rate of activity.

"I rushed over here, why are there so many of these here?"

"No idea."

Four demons leap forward from different directions, Jack and Drakon don't react as they watch the group before them. The leaping ones get close as Jack twitches as Drakon reacts at the same moment too.

'Second motion!'

Jack stabs his spear forward, he makes two quick jabs to his side that seems careless.


The creatures on his side disappear, while one of the creatures in front also disappear, causing the others to retreat.

Drakon swipes at the creatures with his sword killing one while knocking the other to the ground, it lands in a daze.


Drakon uses his feet to kill the creature, the demons mostly retreat now that there's only 9 left.

"Come on... you afraid of us?" Jack taunts them.

The demons seem enraged by his words as they hiss at him, two of them leap forward jumping about with rapid movements, their directions shifting constantly as it's hard to track them.

Jack holds his spear ready while Drakon stands there without reaction, the large draconic man starts to inhale.


The creatures make an attack, 'First Motion'.

Jack makes a single stab forward landing on the creature's head, it doesn't matter how quickly it jumped about for his spear skill.

Drakon uses a different approach as a large amount of flame comes out of his mouth, Jack is left surprised as the amount of fire that appeared. It's like a column of flame appeared and is burning up the forest, the creature disappears in a puff of smoke but he redirections his flame towards the creatures that are at a distance.

The incredibly hot flame shifts direction.

The demons notice the changing direction and shift their moves towards Jack, their quick movements similar to the other demons, but Jack calls some fireballs into his hand.

"I can do it too."

He launches several fireballs quickly not willing to waste too much of his energy reserve, placing his hand back on his spear.

Two creatures are struck by his fireballs and disappear, the remaining ones don't change their course as they continue towards Jack.

Drakon's beam starts to weaken but Jack pulls back his spear, 'Second motion'.

His spear does a single stab forward, the creatures still a few steps away are unable to react in time as their bodies disappear in a puff of smoke.

Jack lets out a deep breath as the final demon is killed, Drakon bends over panting.

"Good work Lord."

"That was a lot of them."


Jack leaps forward as a grey energy forms over his skin, Drakon is where he was just standing holding his sword out. The young man in the air holds his hand over his neck where the grey energy is now disappearing, the moon qi just saved his life by slowing down that blade.


The large strange person like demon hisses at Drakon as its shimmering form lets out several more quick successive strikes, Drakon is able to match these strikes but his fists are becoming bloody with each strike.

The large demon notices Jack lands, it's form dodges Drakon's strikes and goes around him and goes directly after Jack.


Jack pulls out his normal spear and uses it alongside the holy spear, his heart is pumping as he feels like he only has a single chance at this. The creatures strange form is quickly crossing the distance in a ghostly manner.

The creature is 15 steps, 9 steps, 10 steps, 4 steps, 6 steps, Jack can only feel his heart continue to beat as if each beat is sounding it until his doom, "GO!"

Jack stabs the holy spear forward first, the first motion ensures its makes its target as the spear nearly snaps from the sudden motions, the spear embeds itself into the demons chest but it doesn't have much force behind it.

He brings the mountain god spear forward with a glowing spearhead stabbing it into the scaly demon, it lunges forward with its claw like fist.

Jack cannot dodge this claw strike but Drakon is able to intercept it just in time, the spearhead collides with the demons' body causing it to embed into its skin easy.

It backs away quickly from the two quickly as it was just blocked, it looks at the two then notices the rest of its body. The wound on its stomach isn't able to heal as the flame is coming from inside it.

"Got it..."

"Good job Lord, it's a tier 2 proper demon. It's still immature but that should be enough to kill it."

The demon makes a hissing noise and starts running away from them, Jack wants to chase it but Drakon doesn't move quickly.

"Lord, don't worry about it. It can't heal from that wound because that area is its source. It can't escape the barrier so it'll die shortly."

"What if it gets to the barrier entrance?"

"Let's go there ourselves then, we're done here if we seal up the barrier. The lice will die."

"Good job getting them early."

"It's unfortunate they were able to get so far inside the territory."

"Doesn't matter, we're holding them back and protecting our people. This place will be much better off than everywhere else."

"True, we are thankful for Lord's preparations."

"It's still ridiculous, who would prepare for something like this so early?"

"That's true Lord, it hasn't been long since everything started yet look at this" Drakon stretches his back as he walks, gesturing at everything.

Jack walks ahead of him as they slowly increase the speed, "When did this start?"

"Not long after Lord left, it was already too late when we noticed the increase in creatures."

"I see, good thing you didn't go then."

"Lord, Tyson has handled most of it. I can only take credit for this."

"Alright, well I should go check out Tyson if you're leaving here."

"OK Lord" Drakon nods and walks forward.

Jack restores his energy too as they come across the demon, it's not too far from the barrier entrance but its form is much weaker than before. It's barely visible whereas before its colour was vibrant, the fire raging inside it is clear. He uses this as a moment to study the internals of the creatures, it writhes about for a few more moments. Jack steps forward and stabs the creature a few more times causing it to burst into a large puff of dark fog.

"There's no need to do that."

"Well no need to stay here, let's get moving" Jack says as he walks the short distance towards the entrance.

The guards waiting at the entrance notice the two men coming through the brush, they quietly rejoice as the two men stop before them.

"Yay Lord and General are back!"

"They're back safely!"

"It's great that Lord showed up."


Jack and Drakon stand before them to recover for a few moments and let the soldiers get everything out, they walk as a group through the barrier where the temperature drops massively.

"Yes we're fine, did anything happen?" Drakon asks the group.

"Reporting to General, No. We have heard nothing."


"Nothing except the usual heavy movements on the frontline?"

"Frontline?" Jack raises his eyebrow.

"Yes Lord, Tyson has said there's heavy movements there that will burst through at any moment."

Jack mulls this information for a moment when suddenly in the distance, a large burst of first appears as a loud *SCREEEEEEEEEE* resounds over the area.