Chapter 4

Zero is out doing his shift, which is nothing for him. Everyone was scared to death of him. One glare and everyone stood still. He just stands there, watching Kaname come out with his cronies. Smirking to himself.

Kaname takes a look around and doesn't see Yuki.

"Is Yuki Ok Kiryu?" Kaname asks.

"Yes, She is fine. She needed some rest. She will be back at this tomorrow." Zero answers.

"Tell her I asked about her," Kaname says.

"I'm not one of your errand boys. Why would I ever mention you to her." Zero replies walking away.

Feeling he has the upper hand at the moment. He knew that Kaname didn't know everything that has taken place. Zero thought to himself, he wasn't even understanding what was taking place himself.

He goes to the roof of the dorm, sitting there keeping watch. Reliving everything he thinks Yuki has done to him, in the last day and a half. Not able to get her touch and lips out of his mind. The way she all of a sudden looks at him and desires him like a woman. How she acts like a woman and not a child anymore.

"Could this be? All of a sudden, she changes like this?" Zero keeps asking himself.

Still very unsure and confused. The way she talks about Kaname as if he means nothing to her. Like he never has. She didn't even come out here tonight to see him. This isn't like her at all. It's like all she sees is me? Zero states. Just sitting there running things through his mind over and over again.

The night shift goes by pretty fast, as he keeps thinking about things. He walks to his dorm room bringing some dinner. Knowing that Yuki and himself would be hungry. He opens the door to his room, seeing Yuki cuddling under the covers in his bed. The site brings a smile to his face. One he hasn't had in a long time. He goes over to the bed sitting on top of the covers, just letting her rest. Knowing that both of them really needed some sleep. He takes off his black uniform jacket, throwing it over to his desk chair. The red tie shortly after following. He slides his body down, relaxing on the pillow. Just watching Yuki sleep. He pushes a strand of her hair out of her eyes. This was the woman, he was desperately in love with. The woman he trusted laying beside him.

I feel the bed shift, as I lay there sleeping. I am scared to open my eyes. What will I find? I feel a light touch on my face. Is it him? I slowly open my eyes, to see that I am right where I fell asleep. The man I love looking at me. Wait, what? I jump up in bed. Looking all around. I am still here? I am still with him? I say to myself, as my heart is beating out of my chest.

"Yuki are you ok? What's wrong?" Zero says.

"Nothing, Nothing at all," I reply hugging him tightly.

"How was everything tonight?" I ask.

" Fine, Kaname was wondering where you were. I told him you needed sleep. Everything else was normal and quiet." Zero responds.

"Great," I answer.

"You looked a little surprised to be here when you woke up? Are you rethinking things?" Zero asks.

"No, not at all. I think I was just so happy to see things were real." I respond.

"That's good to know. Are you hungry?" Zero asks

. "Starved," I reply.

"I brought us some food. I figured you would be." Zero answers. Grabbing the bag on the nightstand and putting it in the bed.

We sit there together talking and eating. Enjoying the night. Never getting tired of just being together. Not pretending to be Yuki. Just being myself. I feel so comfortable with Zero. I can just let everything go. It's like I have known him all my life. I actually get him to smile and laugh. Which makes my heart light up. Maybe I can really make him happy? Maybe I can be everything he wants and needs? I am not sure for how long but while I am here, I will give it all I have.

He gets up to leave to take his shower, While he is in the shower, He starts thinking again. She is so different. Just in a good way. Where was this all the time? It's like she is a different person just one I like even better than before. She is still good-hearted but she sees me for me. She takes my feelings to heart not wanting to hurt me. Making sure she doesn't. Kaname doesn't even come up in conversation unless I am the one to bring him up. She is everything I really wanted and more. Is this really Yuki? He asks himself.

He then heads back to bed, getting in under the covers where we cuddle. I can't help but show him how much, I am attracted to him. I love being close to him and he notices this. We cuddle close together, where our bodies intertwine as we Fall asleep.

It's been a few weeks, that Zero and I have been hanging out romanticly. I have been avoiding Kaname like the plead. Not wanting to explain or say really anything to him. When I see him when we are guarding, I just smile at him to keep things nice. I saw that he looked at me differently at the beginning, so I am sure he knows me and Zero are sexual now. I remembered they can smell people on you, which I have to say creeps me out.

While I have been with Zero, it has been great. He is actually acting like a normal teenaged boy. He feels free with me and is able to now start sexual encounters. Not always waiting for me to go to him anymore. I also see that he is happy. It's such a great thing to see.

We spend a lot of time together, during school hours and then afterward. I spend the night in his room. I do let him have free time going to white lily and just sleeping there. I know he needs his free time. We all do. It's just sometimes, I feel I smother him, only because I am not sure when this is going to end, and I won't be able to see him again. I try to take each day as a gift.