Chapter 5

During school hours, Yagari tells me that Kaien would like me to have a word with him in his office. I think nothing of it. Figuring he wants to talk to me about the disciplinary committee stuff. I still feel a little worried about it, but being with Zero gives me confidence. So I don't mind it like I did when I first got here.

I head to headmaster's office, knowing I am going to find Mr. Crybaby. Which doesn't bother me at all. I know he always meant well. I bang on the door and Kaien tells me to come in. When I open the door to go in, standing in front of his broken cracked desk. That Zero beat up. I just see him staring at me weirdly.

"Is there anything wrong father?" I ask.

"I am not sure." Kaien answers.

"What do you mean?" I say.

"Look, I been watching you the last few weeks. I know your not my Yuki. So who are you?" Kaien asks.

I just look at him, like I was just punched in the stomach. What do I say? How does he know the truth?

"How did you find out?" I ask.

"It didn't take much, your not much like Yuki. Your sweet, kind, nice but at the same time, you more adult-like. I also see what you and Kiryu have been doing. What do you want with him?" Kaien says.

"I love him, with all my heart. I am from another universe. One where your world is just a book and a tv show. I saw Zero and fell in love. I couldn't get him out of my mind. I kept dreaming of him, and one day, I just woke up in Yuki's body. I thought it was just a dream. So I went along with it. Thinking that I would go to sleep and then wake up back into my universe. It Just didn't happen that way. Which I am so glad for. Zero is my everything and everything we have been doing is true." I respond.

"Really? He thinks you are Yuki. Not whoever you really are. Do you think when he finds out, your not who he thinks he is going to love you?" Kaien states.

"I am not sure. Its why I haven't told him. But he has to see that I am a bit different than her." I respond.

"There are things that have to happen here for Zero to progress as he should. There are also things needed for Yuki. Which none have been happening since you arrived." Kaien states.

"Yea, like Yuki is a pureblood? And Kaname has to bite her? I haven't gone near him. I can't hurt Zero. I am not like Yuki. I don't want Kaname." I answer.

"That's fine, but I am not sure, how long this can keep going. Kaname knows that truth as well. Its the only thing keeping him from attacking Zero." Kaien admits.

"Zero is innocent in this. I don't want him hurt. When Yuki gets turned. That's going to hurt him terribly. You know what she is. Why don't you be a man and tell them? Instead of hiding behind Kamane." I yell.

"It's just the way things have to be." Kaien states.

I leave his office, knowing that things are going to change. That no matter how much I love him, I can't protect him. I go to him, wanting to maybe try to explain.

"What did headmaster want? " Zero asks.

"Nothing much. Zero do you enjoy our time together?" I ask.

"Of course I do. We get along really well, to be honest, better now than before. You seem very different." Zero admits.

"I am different, in a lot of ways. A totally different person." I say.

" l Like this person better," Zero says.

Not giving me a chance to say anything further, he kisses me. Pulling me close to his body. Making me lose every ounce of the composer I have. I just keep kissing him. Placing small kisses all over his face, telling him I love him. He just chuckles at me. As I undo his white shirt throwing it on the floor. I kiss down his neck, to his chest. Where I kiss, lick and suck on his nipples. Making him moan and get even more turned on. I then kiss down his belly, licking his belly button, and I go further down, kissing his hairline. Looking into his eyes the whole time. I then undo his belt buckle, pulling his pants and underwear down his slender long legs. Throwing his shoes to the side as I take them off so I can get the pants fully off.

I work my way back up to his thighs, Where I kiss the center of his left thigh, light breathing on it, giving him goosebumps. I lightly grab his shaft, with my hands. Slowly going up and down with my hand, as I lick the top of his head. Making him buck into me. I can see. I make him lose control as well. I smirk to myself. Saying Yuki has nothing on me.

I lick down his shaft making it all wet, as I then slide it into my mouth. Going up and down till he can't take it any longer and lets loose. His silver-grey hair now wet with sweat, hanging in between his eyes. I just look up at him panting and trying to gather himself. I don't give him much time to as I move my lips back up his body to his mouth. Where I kiss him passionately. He just pushes my body closer to his. Needing to feel me. He takes off my white dress shirt, red tie, and skirt now. Where I am still sitting on top of his lap. Now totally naked. He kisses down my neck, to my breasts giving them both equal attention. As I slide myself down on top of his hard member. He grabs my ass, helping me go up and down. Moving up and down faster and faster. Harder and harder until both of us are lost in ecstasy. I scream out his name, which only makes him take me harder making me feel every single inch of him inside me. I lose control climaxing right there as he does the same. Filling me with his seed.

Still holding my body close to his, I just lay flat on top of him. Not wanting to break body contact. I just hold him, Scared this was soon going to end. I was going to lose my white knight, that I loved more than anything. I look up at his face, all sweaty and him catching his breath. I Kiss him lightly. Telling him

"I love you, never forget that. Even when times have you thinking, that I don't. Remember the woman lying here in your arms right now, will always and forever love you. No matter what."