
Two months go by, that I have been living in Zero's home. My daughters have gotten to like the place. Zero is being very kind and supportive to all of us. He knows this is hard on all of us. I haven't spoken to his mother since that night. I stay as far away from her as I can. Zero sees her every day at work, where she still tells him things and puts all kind of goodies into his mind about me. We just try to let it go. It hasn't been easy being in this world with him. Then all relationships have its up and downs. We just had to get through this.

My divorce was finally over, Joel didn't do anything to stop it. When he found out I was pregnant, he couldn't wait to get it over with. The girls slipped one day, talking about me and Zero buying baby things. That was enough for Joel to finally let go. Even he wasn't a problem anymore. He would pick up the girls on Friday and bring them back on Sunday. We would only talk if we needed to discuss things for them. I would see him just stare at Zero while talking to me at times. Seeing the man that took his life over. None of this was easy. Zero and Joel were cordial to each other. Both of them trying there best to keep this calm for the kids. Plus Zero really didn't have anything against Joel. He is the one to ruin his life not the other way around. Zero for the first time seeing, what it was to be on the other end of things. Where he was the one wanted and loved. I saw it made him happy, to see someone could care so much about him. They left their world for him, not even looking back. I knew that was another reason he stayed. He never had or felt this in his world. It was different.

Its Monday morning and Zero is headed to work. Walking into his office, finding his mother there.

"Zero did the divorce ever come through?" Mrs. Kiryu asks.

"Mom, are we still on this? Yes, it came there. She is divorced now. Are you happy?"Zero asks.

"I am not sure. What are you going to do now? Where does this lead? She got pissed at me for stating the facts. She hasn't talked to me since. Maybe she is hiding something."Mrs. Kiryu says.

"Mom, I want you to stop this. I am going to ask her to marry me. You need to apologize for what you said to her. Our child will be born soon. I want you to be in its life. Just if you keep this up, you might not be." Zero states.

"But Zero why do you want to marry her? You should take the test. You need to know." Mrs. Kiryu pleads.

"She said she will take it as soon as the child's born. Just to shut you up. I don't feel she needs to. I think your overstepping. I am asking her to marry me. I already got a ring. I want you to stop this." Zero comments.

"Fine, How are you two going to get married? I want to be there. You're my first son to get married. I want to be a part of it." Mrs. Kiryu says.

"I don't know how she wants to do it. She has been under a lot of stress. So much has been happening. It's whatever she wants." Zero says.

"Look, I will apologize and even help with getting things for the wedding. Just so I can be there. Me and your father, Your brother. Zero We should be there." Mrs. Kiryu remarks.

"I will ask her and see what she says. I want this special for us mother. Please. "Zero says.

"For you, I will do anything. I will bite my tongue." She says.

"Good, and thank you." Zero replies. Getting ready for work.

I get home somewhat early. Feeling tired and worn out. I am already seven and a half months pregnant. The time flew fast, this baby would be here soon. Zero and I still had to put the crib together to finalize the room. It was a nice time doing things with him for our child. I just wish everything else was as nice. Before I knew it, Zero was home as well. I loved when he would get home and be with me. We always had a lot to talk about.

"Your home early," I say.

"Yes, I wanted to start working on the crib tonight. Figured we should get that done." Zero replies.

"Yea probably. Need some help?" I ask.

"I was hoping you would," Zero responds.

We both walk upstairs to our child's room. We did it up with light blue walls and white trim. Hardwood floors with a blue round rug, white dresser and rocking chair. We put his name above where we are going to put the crib.

I take a seat on the floor, Zero handing me pieces as we put the crib together. It is white and would turn into a toddler bed. While I am fishing around trying to find the bolts, I spot a small box on the floor.

"Zero what's that?" I ask.

"Why don't you take a look and see," Zero says.

I scoot myself over and open the box to reveal a diamond engagement ring. I just look up at him with tears in my eyes.

"Will you marry me?" Zero says.

"Yes, yes. Of course, I Will." I answer. Hugging him so tightly, I am squishing him.

"I can't breathe babe." Zero chuckles.

"Oh sorry. I love you so much Zero. I want to be yours forever." I say.

"Same here. I think we should get something to eat and finish up our crib. Then just take some time for me and you." Zero says.

"I don't know how sexy, I am at the moment Zero.' I say looking at my very large belly.

" You're gorgeous to me. You're carrying our child. Nothing could be more beautiful. " Zero replies. Kissing my forehead.

He just made me the happiest, I have ever been. I wanted to marry him for such a long time. Be his and only his. It was my dream, now finally after all the craziness, it was going to happen. I couldn't help just staring at him, then back at my ring with such joy and happiness.

We put the crib up and then get some food. Showing the girls my ring. Both of them happy for us. They saw just how happy Zero made me. They were over the shock now and liked being around him. At least that part calmed down.

After dinner, we clean up and head upstairs. Taking our showers and getting into bed. Zero watching some tv, which he really liked in this world. I just lay close to him cuddling up. He keeps his hand on my belly rubbing it. I knew he wanted this child very much. It just made me wonder if that is why he was really here. Or really staying. There was just part of me that couldn't get how he just would get over Yuki so fast. Without thinking about her, or still loving her. That wasn't Zero. I just was hoping, I wasn't trapping him. He took to this life without any problems. I was glad about that don't get me wrong, but something just seemed off. He just let her go? No looking back? Maybe he was just still pissed she left with Kaname. He did see, she didn't look back, they never got to see each other after that. So maybe that was helping? We were so busy he hasn't read the manga or watched the anime. If he does want to watch the anime that's, not a big deal. It ends where he already knew about. Her leaving with Kaname. That might just make him hate her more? Then seeing her again wouldn't be good. So I for one wasn't bringing that up.

I would just wait and see what would happen. At least, I would be his wife and have his child. It was more than I could ever hope for.