
Later that week, Zero and I are cooking together. It's Friday Just me and him. We have a quiet and nice evening planned. I just sit at the Island as he cooks Resting my feet. Watching him, do his thing. He is wonderful at cooking. He makes delicious things. Watching him just puts me in Awe. Was there anything this man couldn't do? I guess when you're in love with someone, you always think everything is perfect. At least at the start anyway. I have learned that things you once found to be cute, Annoy the hell out of you in years to come.

"Babe, I wanted to talk to you about a few things. I just waited a bit, I know you are still on a high from Monday."Zero says.

"Yes, very. I am so happy. I find myself, just looking at my ring. Just because it came from you. It Means so much to me. I love it Zero. Thank you." I say.

" No problem at all. I am glad. I can make you happy. What I have to ask now might not do that." Zero responds.

"What do you have to say? What's wrong?" I ask.

Wondering what now his mother may have put into his head. Or was he changing his mind?

"Nothing is really wrong. I was just talking to my mother." Zero replies.

"Oh, What does she want this time?" I ask sarcastically.

" Well, she would like to be at our wedding, and even help with it. Maybe make amends? " Zero states.

"Zero, we don't really have the money for a large wedding. Plus I'm very pregnant. I thought we would do something small. Something just us. Peaceful. No drama. " I comment.

"It can still be all that. She would like to be there. I think you can see her point in that." Zero remarks.

"Yes. I do. I just don't want her taking over everything and making things terrible. My children will be there Zero. If she says anything mean, I won't be able to hold back. I don't want this for our wedding day. I want something special. " I respond.

"I told her to knock it off. I am sure she will try. Can you give her one more chance? For me?" Zero asks.

"You know for you, I would do anything. That's not really fair." I say.

Zero taking my hands in his. "I know. I want all my family together. Please." He states.

"Ok, but if she gets out of hand. I am not going near her again." I answer.

"Ok. That's fair. She will be happy to know that she can help. It will mean the world to her." Zero comments.

Zero texts his mother, letting her know that I said ok to her helping and being at our wedding. Like I had a choice? If I would say no, I would be the bad guy. Keeping a mother away from her son's wedding and her son. I knew the games. I just really didn't want to play. I was tired and worn down from all the stress all these months have brought us. It was finally settling down some. We were settled in our home, the divorce was final, we were now going to get married. We were getting to our goal. I just had her in my way. I didn't mind if she would be ok and normal. I just didn't need her comments and making trouble. Nothing seemed to be calm with her.

"She is very happy to hear that you agreed. She said if we can go over tomorrow night and discuss some things. She also said. She would like to talk to you one on one." Zero says.

"Uh Huh," I answer.

"Whatever she says, I will be right there. I promise it will be fine. I think she is getting used to the idea of us." Zero says.

"I doubt that," I answer.

We spend the rest of the night, just talking and being together. It was calm and nice. I really didn't want to go to his mother's house tomorrow evening. Every time, I went there it always brought up shit. I didn't want to hear. But for him, I would go. I was giving in to him more and more. Was I losing myself just to become the person he wanted? I often thought about that. Then he was doing the same. Wasn't he?

The next morning, came fast and so did the evening. Before we knew it, it was time to go to her home. Getting ready for battle and heading out the door. I was prepared for anything at this stage. What could she say now? What could she ask? She already called me an adulteress and a whore. What else was there? Guess we would see.

We walk down to their home, walking in. Again everyone there, in the kitchen. Including Ichiru.

"Hey, Glad you two could make it." Mr. KIryu says.

"Same here, thank you for having us, dad." Zero answers.

"Anytime my boy." Mr. Kiryu says.

"Alexa if it would be ok, I would like a word with you?" Mrs. Kiryu asks.

I just stare at Zero, not sure what is coming. I just say. "Sure"

She brings me into the living room, taking a seat on the sofa, patting it to let me sit next to her.

"I know we got off to a wrong start. I know that's my fault. I wanted to say. I am sorry for most of what I said. I just want to protect my son. I see that he really loves and want to be with you. So I promised him, I would give you a chance." Mrs. Kiryu says.

"I guess, we can start over," I answer.

"That would be great. I know you guys want a small wedding. Zero keeps reminding me of that. That is fine. I was thinking, how about we do it here? Afterward, we have a small dinner? I can help with the food and anything else you need. I do see the time is coming for my grandson to be born and you need rest." Mrs. Kiryu states.

"I think that would be great. Simple and nice. It's all I am looking for. You can invite whoever you want. Just please don't overdo it." I say.

"That's fine. We will only invite close friends. Your children, of course, your family?" Mrs. Kiryu says.

"I don't have much. Just my mother. The rest of my family is dead. So it will pretty much be all your side." I answer.

"Oh, I am sorry to hear that. I will do my best to make this as nice for you two as I can." Mrs. Kiryu comments.

"Thank you. That means a lot." I reply.

Both of us walking back into the kitchen.

"Wow, both of you are scarless. I thought for sure that would come to blows." Ichiru chuckles.

"We are women, we can control ourselves." Mrs. Kiryu states.

"We are going to have the wedding here Zero. Your mom is going to help with everything." I reply.

"That's wonderful. That is what you want?" He asks me.

"Yes, that sounds great. I am sure anything she does will be fine. We are starting over." I remark.

"Good. That means a lot to me. To have both my favorite women in my life. Not fighting." Zero says. Kissing his mother's head. Then mine.

"I realized she isn't going anywhere. She is carrying my grandson. I would like to be part of the family. I am sure we can make this work. I also see she makes you so happy. Happier then I can ever remember you. It's all I can ask."Mrs. Kiryu states.

"I love her and she does me, Mom," Zero says.

"I can see that." Mrs. Kiryu replies.