Chapter 74

We get into the car and head to work, I know Ichiru is worried. I see it, I know that look all too well. I have been there so many times with Zero. I lived in fear of Yuki, that he would regret and leave me. I don't want Ichiru to live like that. It's not fair or what I want. He is living in the shadow of his brother, I need to stop it, and I just don't know how just yet.

I kiss him, as we get to our offices trying to make him feel, everything is ok. I see a smile appear on his face. I just hope he feels I am for real.

I go stop in the old man's office, needing someone to talk to. I am happy, and concerned all at the same time. I know she is trying. I just hope I am not rushing her.

"Ichiru my boy, how are you?" The old man asks.

"Ok, I guess," I respond.

"Ok? What's wrong?" The old man asks.

"I made my move last night," I answer.

"That's wonderful, how did it go?" The old man says.

"She didn't stop me, she let me do as I pleased, she didn't touch much the first time, but then I think something came over her, and she asked if I was her's. I said yes, and she made love to me." I admit.

"Good, good, your brother did a lot to her self esteem Ichiru. He might not have meant to or wanted to, but he did. She was always worried he would leave her. With you, she won't feel that it will be different and build her back up. She will see it little by little. She will fall in love with you for it." The old man announces.

"I see that just afterward I found her in her old room. The one she shared with him. I was scared she was going to regret it, going to wish she didn't. She didn't see that way and even said she had to let go in her own way. That she loved him, but for me as well." I say.

"There ya go. You just have to have faith my boy. What was supposed to happen is." The old man says.

"I know, I just worry. I never loved someone like this before. Its a bit scary to be honest. I am fighting with a ghost, at least Yuki was real." I admit.

"You don't need to fight a ghost, he wanted this for the both of you. Enjoy it." The old man comments.

"I will. I need to let go just like she does." I reply.

"Yes that you do." He responds.

I walk back to my office, peeking in hers, seeing she is working. I love this woman so much. I want to kiss, and be close to her always. I just stop myself at times, trying not to scare her away. Is she really ready for my love?

"Ichiru, I am so glad your back. Can you come in?" I say.

"Sure, babe what's wrong?" Ichiru asks.

"Nothing, if I am honest I missed you," I answer.

"I missed you too, I just was trying to give you space," Ichiru admits.

"You don't have to, I want you to be able to show me how you feel," I answer.

"This is just new to me, taking the relationship to the next level. I will get over it." Ichiru replies.

"I was thinking, about something I wanted to discuss with you," I say.

"Sounds serious, what's on your mind?" He replies.

"What do you think about us getting our own place?" I ask.

"You mean moving into our own home?" Ichiru comments.

"Yes, Leaving the old behind, and making new for us both. I love that house and always will but it's not fair for you to have to live there. There are too many memories there. I want a room where it's ours, and only ours." I respond.

"I think that is the greatest idea I have heard in a long time. I would love it. A home that is ours. I can sell my parents home, I don't live there anymore anyway. What do you want to do with yours?" Ichiru asks.

"I don't want to sell it, I can't. I want the kids to still have things of him. So I can just leave it as it is for now. I hope that is ok?" I ask.

"That's fine, us getting our own is a big step. A wonderful step. Alexa, I don't want to tell people you are just my girlfriend. We have two children we are raising, I want us to be more. I want to marry you. I want you as my wife." Ichiru blurts out.

"That would be nice. Just one step at a time. " I suggest, I want to be Mrs. Kiryu again, just some part of me still hurts.

"Ok, I just want you to know how I feel, and what I want. I also want to know what you want." Ichiru admits.

"I want us, I want you to feel contentment like you make me feel. You don't have to worry about anyone else, there is only you." I state.

"That's all I need to know. All I ever wanted." He answers.

I see she did let go, I worried for nothing. I just know the bond between you two was strong. She says I have nothing to worry about, and I am going to do as she says. I know she can't run off with you. You're dead. Just I know in her heart you are there, I have to get over that. You were a big part of her life and Of my mine. I do thank you for everything. I will take good care of her, and the babies. She will never want or need for anything. I will fix all your wrongs. You knew that, its why you left her to me. All I can say is Thank you.
