The End

Years go by, the twins grew up, the time has healed all wounds. It's not like I had much of a choice, to let go of my past, of the life I shared with my fantasy man. In one way, it hurt tremendously. In another way, I learned so much and had a wonderful life so far. Ichiru turned out to be the man, that was really my fantasy, he has brought me honor, love, trust, and so much more. Once I got over the fact that he was Zero's brother, and looked exactly like him, our love grew more and more each day. We raised our children, got married, and lived happily just as Zero wanted.

At the time, when all this was taking place, I didn't really see the bigger picture, I just saw all that lost, where with Zero giving me back the ten years, I lost nothing just gained. He really did know that me and Ichiru were better suited for each other. Only because Ichiru is mine and only mine. He was since the first day I met him, I just didn't see or know it at the time, where Zero did. I see now it took a lot for him to let go of this life, he did love me, we did have a lot of wonderful times together. The last three years being the most special of all. It's why it was so hard to let go of.

I no longer hate Yuki, I understand now when two people are meant to be, nothing really can stand in their way, or change it. It might have only been a manga but that applies in real life as well. Who is meant to be your soul mate, or this thing called a twin flame, is just meant from the start, and sometimes it takes a lifetime or even two to meet that person, but when you do, you can't let go of them. Then when you have all this love for them, why would you want to?

I am happy with my life now, I am with the man that I was truly meant to be with. He has given me so much, I can never really repay him. Even me giving him his own son wasn't repayment enough. We never thought he would happen but he did, he is very special to us and made Ichiru extremely happy. He never treated the twins any differently than he has his own son. They were all raised as brothers and sister. He looks just like him, so another Zero was running around our home. It was like watching him and Ichiru grow up together, they are close and love each other. There is a bond they have and its wonderful to see. That was the only thing I hope if Zero could see wouldn't hurt him. I had a child with Ichiru, I wanted to show him how thankful I was to him, how he didn't have to worry about anything and that I was really his. I can't say I don't think about Zero from time to time, that would be lying. I still go to his shrine in the old back yard and pray to him. He is still in my heart, I just needed to live this life the best way I could. Even if that was without him.

I go to sit there every now and then, seeing how tall the cherry trees have grown that Ichiru planted in his family's memory. They are huge now and gorgeous. I sit there in peace.


I see her sitting on the bench in the old yard under the cherry trees I planted so long ago. So many years ago when I was jealous of you dear brother, when I wanted her to love me the way she loved you for all those years. It doesn't bother me anymore, I am no longer jealous of you or her love for you. All this time, I see now she needed to love you the way she did, to love me the same. Our life together has been everything and more. She is my everything and always has been. We raised three beautiful children together, your two and one of my own. One I never thought was possible, I never imagined she would do that for me, or with me. When she saw how much I really loved her, she opened up to me and gave me everything, including her heart. The love we have for each other is strong, and nothing can come in between it, not even you. I am not saying that to hurt you brother, as it is if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have this. Its to let you know all that you saw that we didn't come true. She has been faithful to me, giving me all of her as I have given her. I never thought she would when this started, I always thought you would overshadow our life, haunt us, that she would see you in me, and that would be the only reason she had feelings for me, but it wasn't.

She let go of you once we left this house, we started fresh letting go of all the old that we knew together. Once your things, and you were not seen every day she healed more and more. She was my wife by the second year, I think she just missed being Mrs. Kiryu at the start but it meant more in a short time. Each day things grew more and more, I know she didn't have to worry about anyone else, she knew I was her's, and I knew she was mine. Does that mean she stopped caring for you? No, I know she loves me, but I know she loves you as well. She still wears your wedding ring on her right hand, she still comes here to see you, talk to you. It just doesn't bother me anymore.

Your son still has the memories of you that he shared when you were here, as he got older he remembered it all, giving them memories to your daughter. We had to explain who you were and what was going on. I do feel you did that on purpose didn't you brother? Wanting them to know you were their real father, wanting them to remember you? I get it, you were very close to ZJ, you loved him dearly, isn't that one of the real factors of why you didn't go with Yuki? We all have our ghosts we are hiding, I think she saw a lot of yours after you died. Its why her emotions were all over the place. She saw you for what you really were, why you really stayed. It hurt her to see, but she did. I guess we all did what we needed to do, and got to where we needed to go. I am sorry that you in this story of life, didn't get to see anything. It was me in the last, I guess the tables were turned. I didn't devour you, as you did me, but I did receive your life.

Funny thing is, she wanted to give you everything you never had in the last life, Love, Family, security, a woman that loved you and only you, and I am the one to get it in the end. Was Yuki really worth it? Did you get your happy ending? I know I have, and I will not let it go for you or anyone. I guess that is where we differ brother. She is and always will be my one and only.