Phoenix Marrow

Marrow Cleansing, Muscle Forming, Tendon Tempering, Bone Forging, Sarira Skin, Golden Body, Nihility and Transcendence.

These were the seven major realms of Body Tempering, and each of them dealt with a different part of the body.

It was said that if one managed to reach the peak of Body Tempering, even real lightning falling from the heavens would not be capable of harming even a strand of hair on the cultivator's body.

After all, to those on the path of Body Tempering, their body was their strongest weapon.

And it was to train it so perversely high that made Body Tempering many times harder than Qi Building.

As for training on both the paths, even proposing such an idea would be met with a sea of scoffing and mocking filled eyes.

Due to how the two paths were completely different from each other, training in both of them did indeed mean one would be at least twice as strong as their opponent if they were in the same realm.

However, one couldn't forget about how much time it would take for them to cultivate themselves on both the parts to the same realm.

Considering an average cultivator spent four years to reach the first major realm in cultivation, those training on both the paths would need at least a total of ten years to reach the first major realm in both the paths.

What did this mean?

In simple terms, by the time the cultivator practising on both the paths reached a high enough level, they'd have long since left their generation and arrived in the next with a body ready to die at any moment.

Therefore, why not pick a single path and try to reach the apex of it, and instead try to bite off more than they could chew?

Such thoughts however didn't exist inside Li Feng's head. After all, what was the reason his mother left him both a Qi Building manual and a Body Refining manual?

Li Feng wasn't naive enough to think that this was because Xinya wanted him to choose from one of them. She obviously wanted him to train in both the paths.

Thus, even though Li Feng wasn't using either of the cultivation manuals she left behind for him, he was determined to train in both the paths so that when he met his mother again he could do so with his head high.

Closing his eyes as soon as he sat in the lotus position, Li Fen followed the instructions and began absorbing Qi inside his drained body which was more than greedy enough to consume the Qi and revitalize itself.

Unfortunately, Li Fen couldn't let his body do as it pleased and forcefully held back the urge to satisfy his body and instead controlled the Qi which entered his body and made them invade his boons come in contact with his bone marrow.

Using Qi to temper and refine every part of the body from the inside out was what the cultivator needed to do on the path of Body Tempering.

As for the bone marrow, what Li Feng needed to do was get rid of the impurities hidden deep inside his bone marrow so that the blood produced from them would contain a lot less impurities than it did right now.

When that happened, not only would the quality of the body as a whole go up a level, the body would contain boundless energy in comparison to the past due to the increased capability of carrying more energy and oxygen inside them, and through them to the rest of the body.

"Ughhh…. So painful…."

Speaking through his tightly shut jaws, Li Feng could only wince and groan every time Qi passed through his right arm which was on the brink of being crippled.

Very slowly controlling streams of Qi to push the impurities inside his bone marrow outside it, and force them out of his skin, Li Feng was simply courting death if he tried to do the same with the bones inside his right arm.

Luckily, right when Li Feng realized the problem, the solution found its way to him as well.

Showing a slight reaction, the single drop of Phoenix blood which was resting inside Li Feng's heart stirred a little and left his heart.

Moving towards his right arm even without Li Feng controlling it, the drop of blood radiated a warmth as it travelled which caused the mangled flesh to start healing.

This was also when Li Feng noticed that the Nirvana Phoenix Qi seeping out of the drop of blood entered his snapped tendons and was healing them at a faster rate than the muscle and skin on top of it.

"So fascinating…"

Praising the Phoenix Qi which was showing its miraculous powers in healing, Li Feng went back to focussing on what the blazing red drop of blood which stood out among his normal blood was doing.

Forcibly entering the biggest bone in his right arm, the drop of Phoenix's blood started releasing a huge amount of heat which caused the bone marrow inside it to boil and destroyed every single impurity inside it.

At the same time, Li Feng who was under a lot of pain due to his arm feeling as if it was being burned inside a furnace noticed that the parts of his bone marrow which had gone through the drop of blood's baptism looked brighter when compared to the part which had yet to face the burning heat of Nirvana.