Two years

In the beginning, Li Feng didn't think much about what was happening and only thought that his bone marrow was being cleansed more than what was possible by humans. And even though it was just an assumption, Li Feng guessed that the same results couldn't be produced even when using those costly alchemy pills which aided cultivators on the path of Body Tempering by getting rid of impurities inside them.

But as time went on, Li Feng realized that the drop of Phoenix blood wasn't just cleansing or refining the bone marrow it came in contact with.

What the drop of blood was actually doing was forcibly changing his bone marrow to its liking the same way it did with his Spirit Root and appearance.

It was only that the changes it was making this time was more serious than the previous two things it changed.

The Spirit Root changing from favouring Water to Fire wasn't a big deal since the techniques he received related to the Nirvana Phoenix needed a high affinity with flames.

Looking beautiful instead of manly? Not a big deal either because he was still handsome and it wasn't something which would cause any troubles to him.

But what the drop of Nirvana Phoenix Blood was doing right now was not something which Li Feng could turn a blind eye towards and let it do as it pleased.

After all, it was literally changing his body from the lowest level. Changing every single drop of blood inside him might not be possible to achieve for the Phoenix's blood, but what if it changed the part of him which produced blood?

With his bone marrow changing little by little, would the blood next produced by it belong to the human race?


If Li Feng let the drop of blood have its way, the new blood produced by his body will belong to the Phoenix race and would no longer belong to him.

Realizing this, Li Feng steeled his heart towards the drop of blood which didn't harm him until now and only benefited him as he began using Qi to force it out of his bone and back inside his heart.

Unfortunately, Li Feng couldn't even increase the speed at which it was travelling through his bone, much less stop what it was doing.

At the same time, as if understanding what Li Feng's thoughts were, the drop of blood trembled a little from most likely disdain at how he tried to push it away and humiliation for trying to refuse its blessing and increased the heat it was releasing to change his bone marrow at a faster speed.


Screaming a little on the inside as his heart tightened from the blood's response.

Seems like there was no way he could come out at the top this time and could only watch as… Yes!!!

Cheering in happiness from noticing that the drop of blood began turning dull as if it had exhausted the energy and vitality inside it, Li Feng was filled with relief watching it leave his bone and go back to rest inside his heart.

Though the damage had been done with half of the bone marrow inside the bone it targeted having changed, Li Feng was happy with the drop stopping for the time being.

Going back to focussing on controlling the Qi to cleanse his marrow, Li Feng in his slightly relieved and happy mood ended up not noticing that out of the half mutated marrow a drop of blood which stood out from the rest was created and joined the Phoenix blood inside his heart.

'This won't do anymore.'

Sitting straight on his bed, Li Feng who just woke up on it after having exhausted himself to the bone and fainting like he did every day until now since he began cultivating was filled with anxiousness at his speed of cultivation.

It was fine in the beginning when he managed to complete Marrow Refining in just nine months and shocked the entire Yao Kingdom when the news spread, but to complete the Muscle Forming realm Li Feng spent a total of fifteen months.

Depending on whose perspective it was, fifteen months was actually a very short time to complete the Muscle Forming realm.

However to Li Feng who needed to reach the fourth major realm in any one path of cultivation, his speed of cultivation could no longer let him complete his mission.

Also, it shouldn't be forgotten that the only reason Li Feng spent as less as nine months on Marrow Refining was due to the previous single drop of Phoenix blood which had changed his bone marrow and essentially his entire bloodline in that way.

Not showing the same aversion and reluctance towards his blood which no longer belonged to humans now, due to which he could now be considered as a Half Phoenix, Li Feng flexed his arm with a wry smile and moved to stand in front of the sole mirror inside his room.

Muscle Forming realm as the name defined was the stage of cultivation during which the cultivator performed muscle building exercises constantly to create huge muscles and then compress them so that a single blow would be enough to shatter a shield made by an ordinary blacksmith.

And to speak the truth, Li Feng who had crossed that level a few days back was capable of doing the same thing. But given how his body looked, not even Li Feng himself could believe that he had crossed the peak of Muscle Forming Realm.

That was how skinny and soft his arms looked in the mirror.

What made Li Feng the most annoyed about his own body though was how smooth and graceful his skin looked.

Having spent two years training until no part of his body was spared from being injured, Li Feng was covered in so many scars that Yu Yan was scared out of her wits on how she would ever be able to show her face to her Mistress.

But all of that disappeared a few days back.

On the same day that Li Feng crossed the Muscle Forming realm, he had also managed to achieve his Second Nirvana by completely destroying his skin and reforming it through Nirvana using the huge amount of Phoenix Qi inside him.

And along with the Second Nirvana, Li Feng was finally starting to look valiant and manly went back to looking like a handsome noble or a gigolo, depending on whose eyes it was that were looking at him.