The Cutter

After cumming i felt satisfied and told my mother we can go back. My mother glared at me and reminded me we haven't bathed yet. I sheepishly looked at her and we resumed bathing.

I cleaned her up though my hand rubbed her ass a little bit longer than necessary. We finished and went back to our hut. I went back to my work in the orchard. That day we had a new person joining our group.

Her name was bayaar and she had a gift that could cut the tree roots hanging in the Ilphyr trees. I learned by hearing their conversation that the Ilphyr trees normally grew green roots in the months of Negdu.They are harvested immediately for making our acadia. It is only because of my gift that we are getting something to harvest even in Tavdu.

I learned that people of the village calculate the time not based on the sun but based on the growth of the Ilphyr tress. The period we are currently in when the white flowers bloom on the Ilphyr trees is called Tavdu.

After Tavdu, the tree wilted losing its leaves and flowers. This period is called yosdu. This is also the period the Zukr vines menace will be at the peak.

After Yosdu, the tree comes to life again and grows tree roots. This is the period where the villagers harvest the roots and make new acadia. This is called Negdu. And the cycle continues again.

One special thing about the Ilphyr trees is that the Lhasa fruits steadily grew and became ripe every one month irrespective of the period.

I was curious to see Bayaars gift and waited to watch it. She activated her gift with a brown glow and it seemed to cut the roots cleanly as two or three roots fell down at a time .I was fascinated by it and watched for a long time.

I reluctantly left the place to use my own gift and with every time i used my gift i noticed that i was becoming less tired and less drained. After finishing the work, I roamed around on my own exploring the Ilphyr orchards.