The Acadia

In the evening many people from the village came to lift the green roots cut by bayaar. While walking back I learned from bayaar that she also harvested the roots in other trees I grew. I went to talk to village head about my share of the tree root.

He gave half of the share to me and told me to bartar with him if the tree roots became excess. I agreed and he pointed me to enquire at Tuya's house near the well behind his house for making acadia.

Tuya was a dusky tall women that I saw once filling the huge clay tub with water in the well using setseg's gift. She didn't remember me but her eyes brightened when i told her i came to bartar for acadia.

I was trying to barter as usual with Lhasa but tuya was more interested in the tree roots. She told me I can trade a tree root for one acadia.I became a little suprised at acadia's value when she replied the acadia she maked for me will be thick and comfortable while the regular ones will be a bit thin and rough.

I became interested and asked her to take half of the tree roots I have and create 5 new acadia each for my mom, sister and myself. I told her I will bringing more roots tomorrow as well.

I also told her I want her to make a few acadias according to my design and whether her gift can handle it. She looked at me hesitantly and told me, she is busy these days because my gift makes it possible to harvest roots even in Tavdu and lot of people are asking for new acadias.

I was stubborn with my request and told her I can trade two tree roots for an acadia of my design. She quickly nodded her head and we sealed the deal.