Useless messenger of the Lord

Frozen Milk had to compose himself.

He didn't know why he'd always put himself through those occasional increasing pain in the ass situations.

"It's not that far," Frozen Milk rolled his eyes as Glimpse Water was reduced to a whiny brat.

"But I can't walk anymore! Father, let's take a break!"

"I'm tired, hungry and I want to pee!"

"The plants are hurting me! The insects are viciously attacking me!"

"I want to drink!"

Frozen Milk's forehead was a battlefield of veins popping.

"Shut up already! Why are you the only one so fucking annoying? Deal with and stop wasting our water!"

The airship the mayor provided gave them enough refreshments yet they were quite quickly drained by Glimpse Water!

Prota walked a short distance behind them while Holbe walked next to Frozen Milk.

Frozen Milk was thankful for having a beauty like her willingly be next to him but he didn't understand why. Shouldn't the protagonist and her exchange close and heart-warming time? Get closer and fall for each other? The protagonist melting the icy goddess's heart?

Frozen Milk didn't dare to say anything since he felt unsafe talking to Holbe who threw him dark and piercing looks, rather at his body as if at any minute she could pounce on him and rip off his clothes.

Frozen Milk felt flattered but for some reason, he also knew she didn't mean it in a sexual way. His heart cried virgin sorrows and his steps carried the tone of it so he could silently sob.

The jungles were dangerous places to cross on the ground that was why the citizens traversed aerial from tree to tree but some jungles, like this one, didn't have those. And out of all places, his characters could've gone they chose to randomly go somewhere and ended up in a place not inhabited.

If even the natives didn't choose to inhabit a jungle, it meant it wasn't safe for people! However, Frozen Milk, thanks to experiencing this hellhole for months and his crafty hands that described painfully detailed the jungles, the locations, reverted back to being a blatant cheat sheet.

He was a walking GPS system only with less patience and a whole lot of attitude. That was why he knew that not far from this jungle was a town, and in this town, Frozen Milk was sure he could find a place to stay and why was that?

Of course, because shameless Frozen Milk left trails of him being in every jungle. That meant that there wasn't a single village, town or city that hadn't suffered from Frozen Milk's vile and exploitable ways.

Frozen Milk, in the beginning, unlocked an achievement that only the top of the top gamers, adventurers, heroes or even villains could hope to get and that was the badge of foolproof bluffs. Frozen Milk harassed everything that was even close to a living being.

Oh, a person? Let me get some money from them!

Oh, a little kid? Hey, young fellow, help this good ol' man talk to your parents!

Oh, an animal? Is it a good, non-dangerous animal? Let me abuse you for some labour until you turn into one of those that eat humans!

If he was still the person from the beginning, he would've been proud of it but now only shame and disgust overcame him when he thought about it. He really didn't want to resurrect buried memories, but for the sake of living and surviving, he could do anything.


That bloody brat!

Frozen Milk instantly spun around and karate chopped Glimpse Water. The latter fell to the ground and was in an instant covered by venomous creatures. Holbe shot Frozen Milk a glare and rescued Glimpse Water.

"I've overdone it," Frozen Milk reluctantly apologised and his eyes crossed with Prota yet Prota turned away and continued moving forwards leaving them behind.

He sighed.

"Are you sure you don't want to mend things with your disciple?"

Frozen Milk was caught off guard by Holbe, "Even if I talk to him, it's no use."

"You should still try or is the messenger of the Lord this useless? How can you pacify the sides if you can't even console a person close to you?"

Frozen Milk really felt his holy beauty magically developed a cynical side to throw snarky comments at him.

But she was right. Even if Frozen Milk could never admit it out loud, his characters all grew on him and his protagonist was his first close friend he had. In real life and here in the book.

He caught up to Prota, "Be careful, you can't walk away on your own like this."

"It's fine. You don't need to spend your time unwillingly on me and instead, you should care about the others."

"Hey! Why are you talking like this? When have I unwill-"


One brat, two brats! Heaven, send me lightning to shock us all into senses!

"See?" Prota strayed further ahead and left Frozen Milk behind being clung onto by Glimpse Water.

"Let me go!"

"Don't get the wrong idea, father! I'm only doing this because you'd be stupid enough to get lost and not because I-"

Frozen Milk covered Glimpse Water's mouth and could only exhale sharply at this kid. He lost his chance to mend things with Prota again.