(Av-eh I-Ron) (Sa- le)
Name: Ave Iron- Salle
Father/mother: Gorda Iron- Selty Salle
Age- 263 Sex- female Health- Great.
Weaponry: sword, fists
Her father is an enchanted iron golem, one that is able to breed(🤔 not sure how we got there but I'm rolling with it.) her mother was a kings guard, and no one knew she was female until the day that she saved the king from an iron golem and it asked her to be its mate (again, rolling with it.) not much is know about her past, nor her parents past beyond her skills and profession
Side profession: soldier, kings guard.
Main profession: Defender
The reason I've chosen to do hers, and I intend to do tens soon, is because you don't actually learn about her yet. This meeting is only because two people met and formed a plan to get them together.