C29 defiance

"So, was last night unplanned? I don't believe so but Ave Iron thinks it was." She smiles at me as I come out of the room, she was waiting in my kitchen. "Dude, I'm too hungry to get grilled right now, you wouldn't get much at the moment. Move I'm hungry." I'm determined not to answer her. "Ok, I'll wait, there are some eggs and fruit in my room, shall I get them? Of course, we could go out to eat, but I'm not that hungry. Or you could answer my question." Oh? It seems she's angry. I don't want to get into a fight so I sit down across from her, "alright, let's start, if you want to get angry at me don't start yelling please. What are you angry about? Is it that I didn't tell you? Is it that I went behind your back?" She shrugs and continues watching me. I won't continue this though, I grew up listening to those around me, I won't let her stew so she can blow up. "Fine, the reason why I'm angry is because you did t trust me to agree to this, you were afraid that I wouldn't accept it. If you didn't think I would want to do it then why force me into without without telling me?" It's starting to get hot, and I stand up, I walk to the outer wall and close the curtain, immediately the heat dies down "what are you right now Celeste?" She looks confused at my question me "ok, I'll ask something else, do you have any friends besides Ren? Is Ren even a friend? if you two weren't raised together would he even care?" I walk back over and enter the kitchen. "Put your hand in mine." She does after a moment and I close my hand around her wrist "can you even break my hold without the suns light strengthening you? If I was a rapist and it were night what do you think the next step in my plan is? I've already caught you, you're mine now, I can do as I please, because you can't escape." She tries but I'm both stronger and more experienced in battle "you need friends, you need them. If you can't fend me off in the darkness of day, I do t trust you our Alone at anytime of the night, but you know what? You aren't my wife, nor my sister or daughter, my opinion doesn't matter. I agreed to this because I got paid, and it didn't hurt anyone I care about, if you're angry that's fine, but don't use your powers to discipline me. I'll lose to you in a fight if you want, but don't force my will. Hell, if you want I could teach you how to fight. You teach me how to train and enchant, I'll teach you how to fight and wield a sword, that's a promise from a Vallen darlin'." She cracks a smile at my fake accent, but pointedly looks at my hand "nope. You've gotta get out of it." I've never made food one handed, but Celeste fails until she throws something at the curtain, she finally manages to escape my hold when the sunlight filters through.

"I understand your point, you're worried for my well being, as such I won't get too angry, but if you ever do anything g like this again I'll castrate you and make you choke on it. I also owe you my thanks." She hugs me and I notice she's a bit shorter than me, hard to notice that when she's pulling me along in search of anything and everything. "I assume we'll go to the fair grounds tonight? When?" She shrugs and looks out the window, I got stuck cleaning up the water from the bucket she threw, how she could throw the bucket but couldn't fight me off is still a mystery. "Do you always grab a girls wrist when you kidnap them?" I raise an eyebrow and she continues "it just seems that you have some skill at that, as soon as I put my hand in yours you were holding my wrist. In my defense you wouldn't have gotten that close any other time." I raise my other eyebrow and stand up, I think that's a challenge. "I'm sorry, I think that's a challenge, are you challenging me?" She fri s and jumps up, running away when I get close. I cover the window, this time I put up a blanket so that the room is completely dark and she can't throw anything through it. "The rules are as follows, if you don't like what I'm doing say something and I'll stop, if you get to the window and can get a single ray of light you win, if I can't catch you you win. If I catch you, or if you are backed into a corner, I win." She's laughing as we get ready so she isn't afraid of anything.

(Celestes POV)

I can see better In the dark than any human should be able to, and that will be his downfall, or at least, I had thought so. He closed his eyes and is using his other senses, i try to quiet my breathing and steps but it seems he stills hears me somehow, he's smiling so he isn't focusing too hard. He's still having fun. "Out of curiosity you did clean up all that water right?" He rushes at me and as my question ends he slows down, the. Opens his eyes "shit I didn't. I'm not trying g to break a leg because I slipped and fell, hold on." He turns away and I take my chance, running I jump on his back, putting my finger over his eyes and my hand against his throat, "I win, instead of being caught it looks lime I caught you!" The world tips and I'm in the floor, he's got a hand over both of mine, they're above me, but he's being careful not to touch me. "Times are a changing, it seems you've been caught." I kick his foot, it might not have worked except with a squeal his shoe slips and he falls on me, his leg barely misses mine and he bashes his head hard against the floor. "Sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you." He stands up, and soon light filters in as he pulls the blanket off the window. I debate faking an injury but he's already back at my side, "I didn't crush you did I? I swear I felt my shoulder hit you when I fell." I shake my head and he sits down , now that he isn't worried about me he's holding his shoulder, it is t bleeding but it seems like he's in pain, I reach out and he takes my arm, before I can fight back he pulls me in and turns somehow a

So his chest is against my back, he's holding down my arms with his and his leg is restraining both of mine "it's my win, what's my prize?" After a moment he lets me go but doesn't move, I turn around and he's massaging his shoulder "I think I hit the table there, I swear I felt it give but maybe it was me." He shrugs with the other arm and while he's distracted I teleport us both to our new home, I don't know how I feel about the playfulness he's shown in the last few days. On one hand I'm happy he's warming up to me, on the other Hand no one has ever put me in my place. Our time together will definitely be fun if nothing else.