Story of Nikki Lindsey

CHAPTER 137: SAVING NIKKI (Ten) and the Past


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"Hello! Welcome to the White House!" Maureen was like a tour guide, welcoming guests. She then tells the love story of Elisha and Nikki's grandfather, Randolph.

"And they lived happily ever after and had a beautiful granddaughter!" Maureen was pointing her hand toward Nikki. 

"What are you doing?" she whispered at Maureen, pinching her cousin for her silliness. 

"Hehe…" Maureen giggles. "Hey, the long hair guy keeps staring at you. He is the younger brother, is it?" she teases Nikki, who blushes immediately. 

"Hey, stop!" Nikki holds not to crack up when Maureen keeps teasing her in secret. 

Elisha noticed the girls squealing on the side. She coughed, then spoke.