Story of Nikki Lindsey

CHAPTER 138: SAVING NIKKI (Eleven) and the Past 


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"Huh? Is it Jeremy is your brother by blood?" asked Nikki.

"Yes, he is." 

"Are you adopted?" she asked with innocence in her eyes and voice. 

Theo chuckled. "No. That's impossible. I'm sure our father is the same. I—" Theo paused for a second before he went on. He pondered about something. "Never mind." 

"I'm sorry. I should not gossip." Ah, what am I doing!? She scolded herself again.

"Don't worry. But can I ask you a favor?" 

"Sure! You can make me your best friend! I will keep your secret until the end of the world!" she swears in a kidding way.

Theo chuckled before he spoke. "Then, does it mean, you will be my first female best friend?"