Kurohimori House
Main Character POV:
I woke up screaming and grabbing my chest. 'You're losing your mind again Kyo!.' I told myself as I got out of bed and walked into my bathroom and splashed water on my face to wake myself up. 'Something isn't right!' I thought while I look at the mirror.
"Aaaaaaah!!!! What happened to me? Wait!!! Is that a scar on my chest? I don't remember getting it!"
Mom: "Kyo! What's wrong honey?" My mom, asked as she looked into my bathroom. Immediately checking if I had gotten hurt.
Me: "I'm fine mom, I just had a jump scare when I saw myself and my hair. *chuckling* I'll be down in a minute for breakfast. *Gives toothy grin*. I'm starving and it smells delicious."
Mom: "You and your dad are exactly the same. First thing you think about when you wake up is food. I'll go finish up the food while you and your father finish your talk from the other day. Ok?"
Me: "Fine.... Wait what did you say Mom?"
Dad: "Morning Pup! (Dad's little nickname for me because I'm obsessed with wolves) I heard you screaming, are you OK?"
Me: Y-Yea. How are you here?"
Dad: "Well... The hospital practically begged me to take some time off and gave me a few days off *Laughs slightly*. I got home last night, but you were already asleep.
Me: You're lying?! You were fired for unlawful and inhuman tests on live quirkless humans." I said confused.
Dad: "H-how'd you know that? I didn't even tell your mother yet."
Me:"Well I...." 'and three, don't reveal anything about the future. It will fuck everything up.' The words from my weird dream suddenly came into my head. "... I had a weird dream last night where you told me."
Dad: "Ah I see... Did you have these dream visions before? How many times had it worked? Can I check your bio make up to see how it works!?"
Me: -_- "No! It's only this once that it happened. Mom said that you wanted to talk to me about something. I can't remember what she's talking about."
Dad: "Oh!! About your future...."
Me: "I've already decided what I want to do." I interrupted him.
Dad: "Oh! You wanna become a Doctor?" *I shake my head* "A *frowns* nurse?" *Shake my head again* "Oh I know!! You wanna follow in your grandpa's footsteps and become a Veterinarian!"
Me: "Nope! I'm gonna join U.A and become a hero!"
Dad: *Laughs hysterically* "Ah good one! But seriously. What do you want to be?"
Me: "I am serious. I'm gonna be a hero!"
Dad: "Your quirk is dangerous for hero work! It's better suited to taking care and helping animals."
Me: "It might be dangerous now, but if I go to U.A, I might learn how to use it right and I'll be able to help people."
Dad: "You're not going to be a Hero and that's finale!"
Me: "You know what? Fuck you Dad! It's my life and I should make my decisions!" *Slams the door shut* 'It's not like you're going to be here tomorrow anyway.' I sit down with my back against the door, getting a bad feeling all of the sudden.
Dad: (muffled) Honey, I'm going to work! I can't just sit around and do nothing. Don't wait up for me!*slams door behind him*
'Bye Dad. I'm gonna miss you'
I started crying softly, seeing weird visions and suddenly having weird thoughts!
*Time Skip 4 hours*
Mom: *Knocks on my bedroom door* "Ky?"
Mom: "Honey, are you ok? I heard you two fighting before your dad left. Is everything ok?"
Me: "Yea, I'm fine.*Opens door* Dad and I were arguing about what he wanted me to do for my future."
Mom: "It must have really upset the both of you, because neither of you came to eat breakfast this morning!" *laughs softly* "You hungry? I'm in the mood for some Rice balls and Ramen at that new place we found last week. What do you say? Wanna go?"
Me: "There's not a snowball's chance in hell that I'll say no!"
Mom: "Then go get ready then. We leave in an hour."
I quickly hugged my mom and started getting all my stuff ready for the early dinner, singing all the way.
*Time Skip 50 minutes*
Third Person POV:
A hooded figure stops in front of the Kurohimori house's door, lifting their hand to knock, but stops halfway. The figure then takes a letter out of their back pocket and slips it underneath the door. The figure turns around, revealing that He has white hair and his face is mostly hidden by his hoody and hair hanging over his eyes.
Mysterious Figure: "Don't fail us kid. We're counting on you." The guy starts to smile as he hears Kyo sing and he walks away.
Kyo Mom POV:
'That's weird! I thought I just saw someone at the door. Looks like they left before anyone can answer the door. And look, they left a letter to us'. *Picks letter up* 'To: Kurohimori Kyo From: U.A Principal Nezu.'
"Ky! It's nearly time to go honey! We're going to be late!"
Kyo: *running down the stairs* "I'm here! Let's go!!" *opens door so his mom can go through*
Kyo POV:
We got to the restaurant, sat at our usual seats and order our usual. My mom didn't look as happy as she usually does. She kept giving me a fake smile.
Me: "Mom? Is everything OK? You look sad and as if something is troubling you."
Mom: "No! I'm fine *fake smiles* I'm just a little bit tired from work, that's all."
Me: "It's Dad, isn't it?"
Mom: "No, it's nothing like that."
Me: 'You're just planning on getting a divorce and you're worried on how I would react?'
Mom: "Before I forget..." *rummages in her handbag* "...a letter came for you just before we left. It's from the Principle of U.A!" *hands letter to me*
Me: *opens the envelope and takes the letter out* 'Dear Mr. Kurohimori Kyo. We were sad to hear that you missed our opening exams as well as the first two weeks of the year, but we have recently been told as to why you never showed up. As a result we, All Might, Vlad King and I, have decided to allow you to attend our school from next week on, on the conditions that you 1) Have to attend all extra classes to catch up as well as get a tutor to help on their extra time. 2) Join and try your best at the Sports Festival. And lastly 3) Send in a costume idea by or before 3pm tomorrow. We look forward to meeting you and Welcome to Your Hero Acedemia!' "Mom?.... Did you read this before giving it to me?"
Mom: "Yes!! I tried to hide my excitement from you, by pretending that I was sad! Congrats Honey!!"
Me: "Mom!? You know that U.A is the reason why me and Dad fought this morning, right?"
Mom: "Oh don't worry about him Honey. He'll get over it eventually. I'm sure he's just this hard on you because he wants to protect you."
Me: "Huh! Never thought of it liked that."
We then ate our food and talked about how I'm going to have to catch up with my hero training and studies.
*Time Skip 30min*
Alley Outside Hosu hospital
Hunter POV:
Doctor Kurosawa: "I should have killed you years ago. An abomination like you doesn't deserve to exist in a civilized society."
Me: "Whatever!! Like I said! It's your fault I am like this! *grabs the doctor and shoved my hand into his chest and then drops him* You'll bleed out in half a minute so.....anything that you want to say?"
Doctor Kurosawa:....
Me: "In that ca...*doctor's phone alerts him he has a text* ...oh would you look as that! *grabs phone* Looks like your favourite sent you a text message! *I'm sorry Dad Q_Q.* Aww! He says he's sorry! What'd he do? Chew your shoes!? *laughs sadistically* (another text comes through) *PS. I'm going to become a hero!! And kill the bastard reading this text*. Dafuq!! Looks like your favourite just challenged me! *smiles* This is gonna be fun!"