*One week later*
Kyo POV:
I got out of bed early today due to the fact that I was too nervous about starting school today.
Mom: "You're up early! Is it that you're excited about becoming a hero?"
Me: "Try terrified. I'm already behind and everybody has at least 10 years experience with their quirks. Not too mention that I have no friends."
Mom: "You'll be fine. You have us and we believe in you!"
Me: "Speaking of... How's Dad doing? Has he woken up yet?"
Mom: "Not yet, but the other doctors say that we should prepare for the worst."
Tears were starting to form in my mother's eyes, when I realized that I probably didn't look like I worried about my dad since I didn't show any emotion since I heard he was in the hospital.
Me: "He can't die now! I still owe him an apology for yelling at him. I can't let him die thinking I hated him!"
Mom: "He doesn't think that! He knows it was just a little fight. In fact he told me he was proud of you for making your own decision and standing up for yourself."
Me: "I gotta go Mom. The school wanted me to see them an hour before school starts."
I grabbed a piece of toast and left.
*Time skip 10 min*
I decided to clear my head a bit by running the last 150m but stopped about 50m before my destination because I ran into someone.
??? POV
We were quietly walking in an alleyway when an idiot ran into us.
???: "Sorry! I didn't see you there *smiles*. I'm Kyo Kurohimori by the way. *extends hand*
Us: "Haruka. *shakes hand* You have a familiar uniform on, but we can't quite place it."
Kyo: "'We'? No offence, but I only see you here."
Us: "Our quirk drawback. We have MPD. Multiple Personality Disorder."
Kyo: "Oh! Makes sense! *chuckles* Well it was nice meeting you guys, but I need to go! I'll see you guys around, I guess?!" *starts walking towards UA*
Us: "He's one interesting character! 'Keep close to him. I want to see his progress' Will do brother. I'm on my way to UA anyway!"
Third person POV:
Kyo ran to UA as fast as he could and got into Principle Nezu's office, out of breath and with a minute to spare.
Principal Nezu: "Ah Mister Kurohimori! Glad to see you here! For a minute there, I thought you weren't coming."
Kyo: "Wouldn't... *pant* *pant*...dream...*pant*...of it!"
Principal Nezu: "Well! Before you go to class, I have a few questions for you and you look like you need to catch your breath."
Kyo: "That would be awesome! I'm willing to answer all the questions you want to ask."
Principal Nezu: "Since you came into the school later then the rest and since we don't know anything about you or your quirk, we couldn't place you in class A. Is it a problem with you that we're going to put you in a lower class?"
Kyo: "Not at all Sir! I understand that it wouldn't be fair if I was put in the top class without proving myself first."
Nezu: "Good. You'll be put in Class B with the hero Vlad King. *on cue Vlad King Enters the office* May we ask you to explain your quirk a bit more?"
Kyo: "Well I got both my parent quirks, but unlike my dad, I can only understand an animal's body instead of human one's and I can shape shift just like my mom, but again only into animals."
Vlad King: "I heard your drawback can get really serious if you're pressed too hard. Would you mind sharing with us, what that means?"
Kyo: "I'm not sure why, but if I stay an animal for longer than 15 seconds, I lose control and go full rampage as if the animal is taking over. I can switch between animals with ease, but staying one is another story. Another side effect is that I get a mutation from the animal that I turn into. Like Wolf ears or Gills. They usually only last about half a day to a day. Rampage mode's time is a bit different depending on how long it takes me to calm down."
Nezu: "Is that why you weren't able to attend the entrance exam?"
Kyo: "Yes and no! I was indisposed for a while but was released twenty minutes before the exam, but I got scared and didn't want risk hurting more people."
Nezu: "That's understandable. Well then. I have everything I need. Kan Sensei will take you outside for the Quirk Apprehension Test."
Kyo: "Quirk Apprehension Test?"
Vlad King: "It's just a test to see what you're capable of as well as your quirk."
Kyo: "Oh ok. Let's get to it then. *smiles* I'm actually kinda excited now!"
Vlad King: "Great! Oh before I forget, here's your gym clothes! *hands gym clothes to Kyo* Go get dressed and I'll wait for you outside."
Kyo: "Thanks Vlad King Sensei."
Vlad King: "Please. It's Kan Sensei when we're at UA!"
Kyo gets dressed, puts bandages over his arms and quickly runs outside to see Kan Sensei and two other kids, a boy and a girl who look like twins, dressed in the same gym clothes as he is.
Kan Sensei: "Ah Kurohimori! We were just talking about you. This is Abo Kakumoto (boy) and Abo Takuka! They're new here as well."
Kakumoto: "Nice to see you again Kurohimori! *extends hand*"
Kyo: "I'm sorry, but do I know you?"
Takuka: "We sorta ran into each other earlier today, or should I say you ran into us!"
Kyo: "Yea! I'm confused!"
Kakumoto: "Let's make it easier for you."
Kakumoto extends his hand towards his sister and she grabs it. A bright light suddenly appears and when it faded, the girl from earlier stood in front of them!
Haruka: "Nice to see you again Kurohimori!"
Kyo: "Haruka! How...?"
Haruka: "Our quirk is called Conjoined. As long as we merge with someone, we can access our power to control antimatter, but it requires someone who has almost the same mentality as us, so we can only merge with each other so far."
Nezu: "You guys ready!?"
Kyo: "Holy mother of Rabbits! Where the hell did you come from!"
Nezu: "Never mind that! Let's start the tests!"
*Time skip After test*
Kyo POV:
Kan and Nezu Sensei were talking about the test and I gotta say that it doesn't sound too good for us. I did a little bit better in three of the tests, namely the Sprint, the Grip Strength and the Standing Jump, but she or they beat me hands down with the baseball throw and we drew at the Repeated Sidesteps. Since it was only the two of us, we didn't really know how we did.
Haruka: "You OK Kyo? You look different."
And sure enough, I did. I was hideous! I had Gorilla hands with bear claws, I could feel I had wolf fangs instead of teeth and I felt a tail, so I assumed it was a kangaroo tail.
Me : "Yea I'm fine! One of my drawbacks is that I get mutations of the animals I turn into! You really threw that ball far away, didn't you? I mean 1,2 kilometers! That's just crazy!"
Haruka: "It's not as good as you though! Your beat me in three of the tests! 2,4 seconds in the 50m dash, 540 kilograms of grip strength and you nearly jumped the whole pit! You were pretty close with the Ball throw too. 815m is not bad!"
Kan Sensei: (barely audible) "He doesn't belong in this class. Especially after what we just saw of him and what we heard. I suggest you..."
Nezu: "I can't and you know it. We'll see what happens at the Sports Festival and THEN I'll make a choice. Ok?"
Kan Sensei: "Ok fine! We should probably get going kids! Class starts in half an hour and you two need to get changed."
So we got changed and ten minutes later, we, me and the twins, were standing on front of the class.
Kan Sensei: "Class! These are our new students. Kurohimori Kyo, Abo Kakumoto and Abo Takuka! Please give them a warm welcome to class 1-B!"