Answer My Question!

Kai: Hello Slade. Will I still be going to my old school?

Slade: If you want to, but I suggest homeschooling. It would give us more time to do what Stick said.

Ms.Margaret: What did Stick say?

Slade: Parent-child bonding. He was talking about how much Matt and him have become like a real father and son.

Ms.Margaret: Really?!

Slade: Yeah.

Ms.Margaret: That's amazing!

Slade: Alright come on Kai.

Kai and Slade walk out of the building. Then Kai gets in Slade's car with him.

Kai: The only reason I didn't lash out was because you mentioned Stick.

Slade: I'm your new sensei, kid, and I have a lot to teach you.


They get to Slades' huge house. Then they walk in.

Slade: It's time to give you the tour, kid.

They start walking around.

Slades: That's my bedroom. So you won't be going in there. Then that's your bedroom. That's my secret special room, and this is the room you'll be in the most.

They walk into the room. There are a lot of weights, and other things for working out.

Slade: It's time for some conditioning, and some hardcore training over the next two days so I can take data.

Kai: Alright, where do I begin.

Kai runs on the treadmill until he gets tired.

Slade: Alright, that's good. Now we are going to be testing how much you can do when you're tired.

Slade makes him lift the heaviest weights that Kai can manage, and writes down how he did.

Slade: Alright, now that we have tested your tired statistics. I need you to go rest in your room for a while until your good again. Then we will do another test to see what the difference is.

Kai goes into his room, and lays down on the bed.

Kai(in head): this is going to be the hardest training I will ever have to do in my life, and I don't even trust the gut training me. How do I know he's even a good person? In my life I have learned not to trust people, people are all bad, and people can be good. What the hell am I supposed to believe?

Kai falls asleep thinking about his life. Then Kai wakes up to an extremely loud alarm clock.

Slade: It's time to get up, kid.

Kai gets up, and follows Slade to the weight room. Slade splashes water on Kai's face.

Kai: What the hell!?

Slade: Wake up!

Kai: I'm up!

Kai starts doing some workout routines. He starts lifting a bunch of weights. While Slade takes data. Eventually after a few hours…

Slade: That's it, kid. Tomorrow we will start really physical training, but it's time for dinner.

They sit down, and start eating. They are eating steak and fries.


Slade: Well?

Kai: Thank you for the food.

Slade: You're welcome.

They keep eating


Slade: What do you like to do?

Kai: I don't really know. I just kinda do a little of everything. I don't particularly like any one thing.

Slade: Have you ever played chess before?

Kai: I think I have heard of it. That board game was where all the pieces basically do something different.

Slade: Yes, that's the game. We will be playing it this evening. Anyway, you don't have any interests?

Kai: I guess not.

Slade: Then let's find you something you like. I want you to find something you like by the end of the week.

Kai: Why?

Slade: You don't ask the questions, kid. That's my job.

Kai: A-alright.

After they finish dinner they start to play chess as Slade said. Slade explains what all the pieces are for.

Slade: Alright, you can go first. Remember to try your absolute hardest on the games of chess we play.

Kai: Alright.

They start playing.

Slade: So, are you setting something up?


Slade: You're really getting into this, huh kid? That's fine. I'll shut up.

They keep playing. They both see their strategies. Then even though Kai thought his plan was going perfectly.

Slade: Checkmate, kid.

Kai: what the- I thought I was winning.

Slade: We will play more tomorrow. Now go to bed! See ya in the morning, kid.

Both Kai and Slade go to bed. They wake up in the morning, and The bus picks Kai up. Kai goes to school, and meets Azrael.

Azrael: Kai, Whatsapp?

Kai: Nothing much. I've just been chilling.

Azrael: I see you on another new bus.

Kai: Yeah, what about it?

Azrael: Did you get adopted, or…

Kai: None of yo business.

Azrael: Fine, fine, you don't need to tell me.

Kai: You're goddamn right I don't!

Azrael: Jeez, well I gotta go to class anyway. I don't need all this hostility in my life!

They both laugh as Azrael walks off. Kai goes through the rest of school bored.

Kai: What the hell am I supposed to like? I hate books, screw writing that sucks, I guess I like rap, wait a minute. If I am supposed to be focusing on my training then why would I need a hobby? I think I found my hobby.

Kai goes home at the end of the day. Slade makes him start lifting weights again.

Slade: Did you find the answer to my question?

Kai: Actually I think I did.

Slade: Well then lay it on me, kid.

Kai: My answer is training. Since if I have two goals one will get in the way of another. So I should have only one goal.

Slade: That's wrong, kid. Looks like you're going to need another day to do this. Alright, 100 more push-ups!

Kai: Damn, alright.

Kai trains as hard as he can. Then they go to eat dinner. Today they're having teriyaki chicken with a few sides.



Kai: What's the answer to the question?!

Slade: I can't answer such a big life question, kid.

Kai: Why not?

Slade: Because what are you going to do when you're older. Your gonna say "Wow, that's a hard question. I better go ask Slade."

Kai: Seems good to me!

Slade: No, kid. You have ta answer my question ya self.

Kai: Do I though?

Slade: Do you?

Kai sighs.

Kai: Yes.

Slade: There you go.

Then they play chess again, and Kai loses. Kai and Slade go to bed, and then Kai wakes up again. Kai goes to school. Then in the gym They were playing dodgeball. Kai throws a ball, and it gets someone out.

Kai: I'm the champ!

Kai sees a girl whip a ball as hard as she can. The ball hits someone in the head, and knocks that person over over. Then Kai pulls some random dude aside.

Kai: Who the hell is that?

???: I think her name is Natalie Stewart. She is a really good baseball pitcher. That's what I have heard at least.

Kai: what's your name again?

???: My names Cal.

The guy goes back to playing.

Kai: I want to get her out.

Kai keeps playing. Natalie is the only good player on her team, and she still starts destroying Kai's team. Then after many attempts Kai gets her out.

Kai: Yeah, you're out!

Natalie: You got lucky!

Kai just laughs at her.

No one on Natalie's team could get her back in before they were all taken out.

Kai: Easy.

As Natalie walks back to her court.

Natalie: It was only easy because I wasn't in.

Kai: Well than stay in the game.

Natalie gets angry.

Natalie: I'm targeting you next time!

Kai: Bring it, gym class hero!

Teacher: Alright everyone go get changed.

After Kai gets changed he grabs his bag, and the kid that told him about Natalie brings him aside.

Random classmate: Why would you do that?

Kai: It's just gym.

Random classmate: Did you see how hard she throws the balls? She isn't even using her full strength. Last year the gym teachers had to make her throw softer because people kept having to go to the nurse.

Kai: If I can't take a ball then there's a problem. I'm not a wuss. I think I can handle dodge ball.

Random classmate: Your funeral.

They both leave, and Kai goes home at the end of the day. Slade starts making him train. He trains hard, harder than he has had to any other day. He almost threw up during the workout.

Kai: Why are we training so hard?

Slade: I am not training you to be at half of your strength. From now on training is going to get increasingly hard. Not much harder though. Since you almost collapsed during this workout, it will be constantly increasing in difficulty.

Kai: oh no.

Slade: Yup. Anyway it's dinner time.

Kai: *heavy breathing* thank god!

They eat dinner which is ham steak and some sides.

Slade: have you answered my question yet.

Kai: I like to rap.

Slade: Wrong.

Kai: What?! It's not focusing on training, or what I actually like? Then what the fuck is it?!

Slade: Language! You know what. We are going to work on schooling too. You need to be able to talk like a distinguished gentlemen, and you should know a few languages too. Anyway, do you want a hint on the question?

Kai: Yes!

Slade: Stop thinking of the answer as an action. It is an action, but it's something that you would consider just part of life.

Kai: That's a terrible hint. WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?!

Slade: figure it out. Now go take a shower, and then we'll play chess.

Kai takes a show then they play chess. Kai loses the chess game as always. Then they go to bed. Kai goes to school the next day sore from training. Then his last class of the day was gym.

Natalie: You and me, Kai.

Kai: Yup, I'm at full strength just for this fight.

Natalie: What?

Kai: Nothing, nothing, I'll just see you in the game.

Natalie: Alright, *whispers* weirdo.

They go get changed, and the gym teacher picks the teams. The teacher puts both Natalie and Kai on the same team.

Natalie: Mr.k please. Put me on the other team. I really don't want to be on a team with him. Plus the teams are so unfair now.

Mr.K: Yeah, that's the point.

Natalie: Huh?

Mr.K: There's a new hot teacher, and if I put you two on different teams I'll have to watch carefully to see who gets out. If you are both on the same team then there is no possible way either of you could get out. So I'll be leaving.


Mr.K: Watch yourself!

He leaves.

Natalie: Grrr.

She kicks up the ground.

Natalie: I guess we're on the same team!

Kai: Couldn't you just switch teams now that he's gone?

Natalie: No. Without him, I'm just gonna cheat. Plus I don't feel like winning like that.

Kai: Good because I'm sore.

Natalie: And you were just gonna try and beat me in dodgeball?

Kai: I feel like your taking dodgeball as life and death.

Natalie: It basically is.

Kai: Eh, a little different.

They play dodgeball together, and obviously win every game pretty quick. After they get changed they walk to the next class together.

Natalie: I thought you were gonna be my competition, but you're alright. See ya around, Kai.

Kai: See ya!

Kai goes home for some more hardcore training.

Kai: This is getting a little heavy.

Slade: Well then use more effort. So, did you figure out the answer to my question?

Kai: No, how the hell do you expect me to answer you're great philosophical questions?

Slade: I don't know kid? You could always, you know. Figure out the answers.

Kai: I hate you.

Slade: All you have to do is answer 1 question.

Kai: Yeah, and it's probably gonna be something stupid like "make friends to solve all your problems."

Slade: That's the answer.

Kai: THAT'S NOT A- I hate you.

Slade: A hobby you should get into is making friends. You will never be good at everything. Which means that you will need friends to help you. Especially in the superhero world. What if you need a magic problem to be solved? You're going to need friends, but not only that. Another part of making friends is something that was told to me by my master "the best way to defeat your enemy is to make them your friend."

Kai: Sounds wise, but he's probably dead so not that wise.

Slade: Hey, you respect your elders! If you really want to know. He was dead before he started training me.

Kai: Wait a minute, your logic is backwards.

Slade: Kai, do you believe in magic?

Kai: No.

Slade: Oh boy. Kai, magic exists, superpowers exist, heaven and hell exist, gods exist. How do you not believe in this kinda stuff?

Kai: I have never seen any proof.

Slade: Oh, I am going to show you some proof. Tomorrow when you come home. I will show you how to use superpowers, but only if you find me, deal?

Kai: Hell yeah that's a deal!