
By now its 2011, and Kai is 14. Kai gets home from school, and Slade is nowhere to be found.

Kai: Game on Slade, game on!

Kai starts searching the house. He is looking behind everything. Checking places like the fridge. Making sure that Slade isn't in an obvious place. After a few hours Kai starts to lose hope.

Kai: He's nowhere. He must have hidden outside of the house. There just isn't anything here.

Kai goes to look behind a picture, but he accidentally dropped it. Then when he went to pick it up he realized his hand could go through the painting. He grabbed a letter out of the painting. Then opened it.

Kai: "Kai, I told you magic exists. Now, how are you going to use that information to find me?"

Kai goes to Slade's room that he was told never to go into. Then walks right through the door. It was like the painting. The room is just a storage room. He has old books, and stuff in it. Kai grabs one of the books.

Kai: The book of Osiris, Huh.

Kai puts the book back. Then starts feeling every book in the area.

Kai: Really, none of them do anything. That's like basic secret room 101.

Kai then starts feeling the walks. He finds nothing so he then starts feeling the floor. He finds something. It feels like a little handle. He pulls it up, and it reveals some sort of secret passage with a ladder down to the bottom.

Kai: This is a lot of work.

Kai climbs down the ladder, and eventually gets to the bottom. There is a letter in the middle of the room.

Kai: "Kai, there is only one way out of this room. While there are also many traps set up. There are many weapons in this room, and there are some traps you're gonna have to fight. So, good luck." Gaddamit!

Kai starts searching the walls, and then he dodges right before arrows hit him.

Kai: I am gonna have to be on top of my game.

He touches the ceiling, and a blow torch comes out. Kai rolls out of the way.

Kai: Slade trying time kill me!

Kai then checks the floor. He finds a notch again. He opens it, and wolves come out. Kai the kicks one of the wolves, and one almost bites his leg.

Kai: Goddamit Slade!

Kai starts running around the area looking for a weapon.

Kai: I got an idea. Come here puppy, puppy.

Wolf: Grrrrr.

The wolves circle around him, and slowly walk closer to him. Then Kai presses the arrow button, and runs. The wolves get shot, and killed by the arrows.

Kai: Thank god. Kai walks into an invisible wall.

Kai: What the fuck?

Kai feels around on the wall until he feels what seems to be a door. He opens the door, and walks down a long pathway. Then he sees a light at the end of the pathway

Kai: Ugh, what's the next challenge?

Kai walks into the room at the end of the hallway. He sees Slade, and he's with someone.

Slade: Kai, you finally made it.

???: That took you awhile.

Kai: Who's this?

???: I made the damn course. You can call me Doctor Strange.

Kai: Well I am Kai Adara. Nice to meet you.

They shake hands.

Doctor strange: So, I have to test to see whether you have powers no if I am not mistaken.

Slade: Yup, that was the deal. Unless that magic was too much for you Kai.

Kai: that was just smoke and mirrors.

Doctor Strange takes off his cape, and it latches onto Kai. Then Doctor Strange puts fire in one hand, and ice in the other. Then he shoots both of those elements at Kai. Both of them disappear before they hit Kai, but then the ground below Kai has become ice. So Kai trips, and falls. Kai then sees that the ice is gone, and he is in a ring of fire. The fire starts getting closer, and closer to him. Then once Kai closes his eyes because the fire is so close it feels like all the heat in the room vanished. Kai opens his eyes to see that he is in space. A meteor stars flying in to hit the planet he is on. Fire starts spreading throughout the whole area. Kai closes his eyes as the fire was about to it him. Then he opens his eyes again, and sees a fiery place that looks like hell. A black hole shows up, and sucks him in. He opens his eyes to the real world where he sees Doctor Strange and Slade.

Kai: *Heavy Breathing* What… was that?

Doctor Strange: Magic.

Kai: Magic is real, like really real?

Slade: Obviously. Why are you in such denial about magic?

Kai: I- I don't know.

Slade: I think that was enough for one day. It's getting late anyway. Come on Kai. We'll do the superpower thing tomorrow. See ya Doctor Strange.

Doctor strange portals out of the room. While slade brings Kai upstairs.

Kai: Yeah I guess I better go to bed.

Slade: Yeah, you got school tomorrow.

Kai: Night!

Kai goes to bed, and wakes up. He goes to school, and meets up with his friends at lunch. He is sitting with Azrael, Jax, and Natalie.

Kai: Guys and ladie, do you believe in magic?

Natalie: Absolutely, magic has to exist. You guys can't tell me you haven't seen one weird thing in your lives.

Azrael: I wish that magic existed. Then I wouldn't be fucking blind!

Natalie: That's because you don't know how to use magic. Magic just doesn't solve everyone's problems just because it exists!

Jax: Eh, I just don't really care. I clearly don't have magic so…

Natalie: You guys suck!

Azrael: You're just a girl hoping that magic exists so that her fanfiction can come true!

Natalie: Your such an ass!

Both Natalie and Azrael get up, and Natalie is about to punch him.

Kai: Alright, the discussion wasn't supposed to make a girl hit a blind guy. Sit down you two.

Natalie sits down, but turns her head away from Azrael.

Kai: Well, magic is real, and I just learned that yesterday. So…

Azrael: Then show us a spell.

Kai: Tomorrow I will show you something to prove what I said.

Azrael: Your just trying to stall. You better have it tomorrow!

Kai: I will, I will, jeez. You're so pushy!

Kai goes through the rest of the day kinda mopy, and Natalie realizes this. She then pulls him aside in the hallway when everyone is walking to the bus. Then pins him against the wall.

Kai: I thought the guy was supposed to do this. I guess I'll let it slide because you are definitely stronger than me.

Natalie: Why have you been so depressed all day?

Kai: I have done no such thing.

Natalie: Don't try and play me. What's going on?

Kai: Nothing, really…

He grabs her wrists.

Kai: Stop worrying about me!

He drops her arms, and walks off. As he walks off he turns around.

Kai: Really, stop. I'm not worth worrying about. I can handle my own life.

Natalie: Guys are so dumb. I never even said he couldn't handle his life.

Kai goes home, and goes back down into Slade's secret bunker. He opens the door, and goes through the hallway. Where Doctor Strange is meditating.

Doctor Strange: Meditate with me, Kai.

Kai: Alright.

Kai sits down, and starts meditating. He breathes in, and breathes out. After a while he falls into almost a sleep like state. It feels like he is dreaming, but he isn't dreaming. He feels stronger, and stronger. Once he opens his eyes he realizes he has a white aura.

Doctor strange: You just learned how to use your powers. Well one of them. I used lets just say one of "my powers" to see in the future. You just used your ability to make yourself stronger.

Kai: Do I have any magic?

Doctor Strange: No… Why do you want magic?

Kai: Never mind.

Doctor Strange: Alright the. Now what you have to do is focus energy in your hand, and make a slash in the air sending out a blast of energy.

Kai: Okay

Kai sits there for a while focusing on his hand. His energy just wasn't focusing on one point. He tried harder and harder. Eventually the energy started slowly flowing from the rest of his body into his hand. Then he makes his hand straight so he is not making a fist. Then he makes a slash in the air, and the energy from his hand make a blast that slams into the wall. Doctor Strange her to dodge the blast because it came right for him.

Doctor Strange: Don't aim at me!

Kai: Oh, sorry. I didn't really think about it

Doctor Strange: Yeah, I could tell you weren't thinking. Anyway those are probably your most important powers. You have one more power that you control, and another power that works on its own. I think you should be able to figure them out. I don't want to take away all the surprises.

Kai: Can I ask you one more favor?

Doctor Strange: Sure. What do you want?

Kai: Can you show my friends magic? I told them it was real, and they didn't believe me.

Doctor Strange: Just show them your powers!

Kai: That's really not magic though.

Doctor Strange: Kids have no respect for magic. But sure, I'll show your friends magic. What time?

Kai: 3 o'clock outside of school.

Doctor Strange: See ya then!

Doctor Strange makes a portal, and leaves. Then Kai trains for the rest of the day before going to sleep. He wakes up, and goes to school the next day. Azrael just believed he was stalling again. Then at the end of the day they were standing outside of school.

Kai: He should be here any minute.

Azrael is tapping his foot. Then Doctor Strange comes out of a portal.

Doctor Strange: You lot needed to see some magic. Then here you go!

Doctor Strange splits the world in half. Then all the kids fall into the center of the earth. They fall into the lava with their eyes closed. Then they swim to the top of the lava. They then realized they were in an ocean. Where there was a volcano. The volcano was erupting, and a price of rock flew off, and hit them. Then when they opened their eyes again they were back at home.

Doctor Strange: That's magic. I'm leaving now!

Doctor Strange portals out as he always does. Everyone is shaking in fear because they technically we're just in 2 different scenarios where they would die.

Natalie: Is that really how we are going to die?

Kai: No, he was just showing off by making all these really intricate places. The reason why you die each time is because of you didn't close your eyes during every scene change it wouldn't look as real.

Jax: How do you know all this stuff?

Kai: He explained to me what the spell does before he used it on you guys, but after he used it on me.

Natalie: I hate magic!