Taking Down Detective Steel

Kai and Slade are training in hand to hand combat.

Slade: Now that we have just about worked your body to its absolute max. We can now really start with martial arts.

Kai: We have already started martial arts though.

Slade: Yes, but now martial arts and working out will be flipped. So now we will be doing more martial arts. A lot more.

Slade grabs two batons like sticks, and passes them to Kai. He grabs two for himself.

Slade: This is a really great way of training. We use the sticks as weapons. You have to try to not get hit, and to hit me back. All the while I attack you.

Kai: That doesn't sound like fun at all!

Slade: The meaning of this isn't fun. This is training.

Kai: Fine.

Slade starts swinging the batons at Kai, and Kai blocks a few before slade hits his leg with the stick.

Kai: Ah, Fuck that hurts a lot more than I thought it would!

Slade: It's wood!

Kai and slade keep going. They keep hitting the sticks together. Then after a little while of Kai getting used to it Slade got bored, and kicked him down. Kai fell right to the ground.

Kai: I thought we were only using sticks!

Slade: You gotta be prepared for anything, and you shouldn't be questioning me. I have been having to go pretty easy on you.

Kai: That's because we just started.

Slade: I'm not going to baby you. You got a feeling for it. Now I'm going to try my hardest, and you better do something against it. Unless you want to have a lot of bruises after training every day.

Kai: Alright, you can go all out whenever you want. I am ready for it.

Slade rushes him, and starts swinging his batons like crazy. Kai can barely even follow him with his eyes never mind trying to react to what Slades doing. Slade then jabs Kai in the stomach with a baton. It knocks all the wind out of him, and slade flips him. Kai lands on his back.

Kai: Ow!

Slade: You should have dodged.

Kai: Ow!

Slade: I guess training can be over for the day. We will pick this up tomorrow.

Kai: I think that's a good plan.

The next day Kai was trying to avoid training so he was hanging out with his friends.

Kai: What're you guys doing?

Azrael: Did you guys here about a rogue cop?

Natalie: Why would we care about some old loser?

Kai: Wait, who is it?

Azrael: Some Detective named Connor Steel. He killed six people while out drunk.

Natalie: Wow, that story became way more interesting!

Jax: That's exactly what I was thinking!

Kai(In Head): After my last run in with Steel I knew he wasn't a great guy, but to kill six people because you were drunk...

Kai snaps back into consciousness because Natalie was saying his name.

Natalie: Kai!

Kai: Huh, what?!

Natalie: We decided on a restaurant to go to, and you just stopped walking out of nowhere. What's wrong with you?

Kai: Uh nothing, just daydreaming. Where is everyone else?

Natalie: I told them we'd meet them there. I just gave the excuse that I needed to buy something so we had extra time. Now, how the hell am I gonna ask you a question, and then you respond with a question?!

Kai: Everything's fine.

Kai starts walking, and Natalie walks a little fast to catch up. Then they start walking at the same pace.

Natalie: Yeah, everything was fine until Azrael mentioned a cop. Then you decided to go to la la land.

Kai: Why do you ask so many damn questions?!

Natalie: That wasn't even a question, and who the fuck do you think your talking to?!

Kai: I'm sorry.

Natalie: Yeah, you should be. Now answer my damn question for once!

Kai: I know detective Steel!

Natalie: How?

Kai: He was the detective on the case of my parents murder, and he got the wrong guy. I went to tell him that he got the wrong guy, and he told me that the person he got was another bad guy. He didn't care about catching the right criminal. He just wanted to get another case closed before retirement.

Natalie: I'm sorry, but he got what he deserved. He was a rogue cop, and got fired for it in the end.

Kai: Yeah, he did, didn't he, and right before retirement.

They both laugh.

Natalie: See, isn't it better to answer questions then dodge them until you can run away?

Kai: I didn't know you held so much rage?

Natalie: Yeah, right.

They meet up with Azrael and Jax. They all sit in a booth at Big Belly Burger. Jax and Azrael sit together. While Natalie and Kai sit together. They all order burgers, and eventually the waitress came out, and gave them their food. The waitress then talks to a girl named Carly who loves the place. She says the strange man is coming to eat again.. The waitress kicks her out.

Natalie: What, is that kid this place lookout?

Kai: I don't know, but that girl is weird.

Everyone is eating their food except Natalie.

Kai: Why aren't you eating?

Natalie is staring confused at the burger.

Natalie: The burger is huge! How do you expect me to eat that?!

They start laughing at her.

Kai: What, are you too little to eat a burger?

Natalie: Yes!

Azrael: See, to eat a burger of such great magnitude. You must "snake it."

They all start laughing. Then Azrael drops his jaw as much as he can before shoving more than a fourth of the huge burger in his mouth. He takes the bite, and can barely chew. Then he nodded proudly at his accomplishment. They all just keep laughing.

Azrael: That's how you eat a burger!

Azrael says that he is still shaking his head.

Kai: Natalie, I don't think your at Azrael's level, yet.

Natalie: Obviously!

Azrael: With hard work, and dedication you can accomplish any task!

Jax: Oh yeah, and how much hard work did you do to be able to do that.

Azrael: Nah, that was my first time. Some people are born legends, me, while others are born peasants, you.

They all just laugh at Azrael. While Natalie bites off smaller bites than a normal person would. While they make fun of her for being tiny, but being stronger than any regular person could ever be. Then a guy walks in. He walks right past the booth that Kai and his friends are in. Then he sits in the booth in the back corner of the restaurant.

Kai: Holy shit, that's Detective Steel.

Jax: I thought killing six people meant you go to jail.

Azrael: There wasn't enough proof for him to go to jail, but there was enough proof to get him fired. Wait, how do you know him, Kai?

Kai: Lets just say he's an old friend.

Another shady man walks in, and sits down on the other side of Detective Steels booth. Kai can't hear them talking.

Azrael: Holy shit.

Kai: What?

Azrael: I can hear what they are saying.

Natalie: Well!

Azrael: SH! They are saying only talking about normal stuff.

Jax: That's such a let down!

Kai: You know what. I am gonna go pay the bill, and try to listen in. You guys don't want anything else right?

Natalie: I haven't even finished my burger!

Kai: We all know you're gonna take your burger home.

She shakes her head in agreement, and everyone else says that they're full. Kai goes up to the storefront to pay. They give him the check, and he takes out money.

Detective Steel: If I get my job back because I never actually killed those guys then they will have to give me even more benefits for my retirement.

???: You really fucked yourself over killing those guys.

Detective Steel: Everyone wants to talk about how I did it! The other people were drunk too!

???: Yeah, but they were arguing with you so you took out your gun, and shot them. When they were trying to run away because you drew your gun.

Detective Steel: I will admit it wasn't the smartest decision in my life, and if I could do it over again I would. So will you get someone else blamed for the murder?

???: Yeah, but it'll cost you.

Detective Steel: How much?

???: fifty grand.

Detective Steel: Wow, that's way less than I was expecting.

???: It's an easy job. I cost more for jobs where I have to kill.

Detective Steel passes him half the check. Then the shady dude leaves. Kai finishes paying the check, and turns around. Kai and Detective Steel bump into each other.

Kai: Oh, sorry!

Detective Steel: Watch where you're going!

As he walks off he mutters "useless kid", and then leaves the restaurant. Kai sits back down with his friends.

Kai: Guys-

Jax: Did you pay the bill?

Kai: Why is that what you want to hear about?

Jax: I don't want to pay for it!

Kai: Yes, I paid the bill, but I also heard Detective Steel's conversation.

Azrael: And…

Kai: He is going to frame someone else for his murder.

Natalie: I'm sorry Kai. I wish we could do more.

Jax: Wow, people can just get out of things that easily?

Azrael: How is he even getting out of this? Why are you guys in the dumps? He might not even actually be able to do it.

Kai: He just paid fifty thousand dollars to have it done for him.

Azrael: Man, he is going to get out of murder.

Kai: You know what. We should stop him.

They all look at Kai like he is retarded.

Kai: You guys act like this is really that far fetched. I have been put under a ton of training. Natalie is strong enough to probably punch through metal.

Natalie: Almost. It takes two punches.

Kai: People can't normally punch through metal in two hits Natalie. Jax, your not really abnormal, but you have a lot of connections. Plus since you are a regular person you can fight. Now, Azrael your useful for two reasons. First you can be used as an excuse to why we are where we are. We can say that your blind, and people will look the other way to whatever we are doing. Then you have the fact that you have powers.

Natalie/Jax: Wait what?

Azrael: People were gonna have to know sometime. Since I don't have sight all my other senses are better. I can see all of you technically, but not well at all. If someone punched I would be able to dodge it. If two people punched I would be done for.

Kai: Yeah, you're kinda a loose cannon, but anything is better than nothing. So, are you guys in?

Azrael: Normally I would say no, but you just so happen to make an offer I couldn't refuse. So I'm in.

Natalie: In your words "Natalie is strong enough probably to punch through metal." So it looks like you're going to need me.

Jax: What if he has a gun?

Kai: Then we will get a gun before we go.

Jax: And who is gonna sell us a gun?

Kai: I'll figure something out.

Jax: If you get a gun. Then I'm in.

Kai: I'll have it by tomorrow!

Kai leaves, and then tries to think of some way to get a gun.

Kai: Why do I always make these dumb promises. First it was with magic, and now it's with a gun!

Stick: Did I hear someone say gun?

Kai: Why, can you sell me one?

Stick: What are you gonna do with it?

Stick looks in Kai's eyes.

Stick: It's free.

Kai: Really, why would you give me a free gun? There must be something to this deal. What are you not telling me?

Stick: Oh, all I want from you is training later on in life. I will come to you when it's time for your training, but I will warn you that this decision has more weight than you think.

Kai: ...Fine.

Stick: That's my boy.

Stick hands him the gun. Kai starts to walk off. Then once it sets in that he can't even fathom what he has just promised Stick. Kai turns around and Stick is gone.

Kai: Shit!

Kai goes to sleep, and wakes up the next day. Now it's Saturday, and Slade wakes up Kai for training.

Kai: Uh, I actually have something to do. So, no training today.

Slade: Are you still scared because I beat your ass. I didn't even beat you that bad.

Kai: No, I just have something to do.

Slade: Alright fine, but this is your last day off, and we will be picking up the training tomorrow even harder than normal. We gotta make up for that lost time somehow.

Kai: Alright, I guess that's fine.

Slade leaves, and Kai gets dressed before leaving. All the kids meet back up at Big Belly Burger.

Jax: Did you get it?

Kai: Get What?

Natalie: Don't be stupid *whispers*(the gun)

Kai: Oh yeah, I got it.

Azrael: I could have just told you he had it.

Jax: Shut up, and be blind!

Azrael: Why don't you shut up and be retarded. It feels like my brain becomes mush whenever I'm around you.

Jax: That's because your brains always mush.

Azrael: No it's because your breath is like toxic fumes that melt brains whenever you talk.

Jax: I use mouthwash!

Azrael: Clearly not enough!

Kai: Really guys?

Azrael and Jax turn to Kai ready to start listening.

Kai: Alright, we are going to have to spread out, and find him. Does anyone have a phone?

Natalie: I got a phone!

Jax: Me too!

Kai: That means we are going in groups of two then. I say Natalie and Azrael. Then Jax and me.

Natalie: What, you don't have a phone! Why can't I go with you?

Kai: Azrael is strong, but he is not as strong as me or you. I would put you with Jax because you are the strongest, but he is the only one group that would have phones. It just seems like the best option.

Jax: I didn't know my only use was my phone.

Kai: Yes it is Jax.

Natalie: I guess if you have thought it through.

Kai: Alright, lets go guys!

They started to scan the city for any questionable activities that were going on. The kids were trying to uncover the location of Detective Steel, but for hours were unable to assess his location. Detective Steel was nowhere to be found, but as this was untrue they were finally after hours able to locate his presence.

Jax: Is that him?

Detective Steel was standing at a stop light waiting. Jax and Kai then ran up to the stop light to then wait there with detective steel.

Detective Steel: Haven't I seen you kids before?

Kai looks at him a sec. Pretending he doesn't remember who Detective Steel is.

Kai: I don't thi-

Jax: Oh wait, you were in the diner!

Detective Steel: Oh, that's what I know you kids from. Well stop bothering me. You puny little ingrates piss me off.

Kai: Hey!

Detective Steel: You come up to me being loud and obnoxious. Where are your parents?

Kai: We are both 14. We can walk around the town without our parents.

Detective Steel: What are your nam-

The light turns on signaling the cars to stop, and the people to then be able to walk on the crosswalk.

Kai: Well, we gotta go. It was nice meeting you.

Jax and Kai walk away. They walk out of Detective Steels sight as Steel just gets onto the crosswalk.

Detective Steel: Damn kids.

Back with Kai and Jax they are climbing a fire escape.

Jax: I ain't climbing up there!

Kai: Why not?

Jax: Once we see Detective Steel we are just going to have to climb down. There is no real point in climbing the fire escape.

Kai: Just come on, and stop complaining!

They climb up the fire escape.

Jax: We have climbed up the stairs, now what?

Kai: Look.

They see Detective Steel walking down the street.

Kai: Let's follow him!

Kai jumps across the building tops.

Jax: I don't think that's the most efficient way of traveling!

Kai: Yeah it is.

Jax: Too many risks. I think I'll just climb down.

Kai: Steel will see you, and he has already seen us once.

Jax: I fear heights more than I fear bullets.

Kai: Come on, it's not like your jumping 50 yards. Your jumping 10 feet at most. Even if you do fail. I could catch you. There is nothing to worry about.

Jax: Fine, I have been moved by your speech. I will jump, and then I will fall. Just to prove you wrong.

Kai: Well than you better hope that I'm right.

Jax: That's not very reassuring.

Kai: You said you were going to jump, now jump!

Jax walks back. Then runs forwards, and leaps. He just barely makes the jump, and starts to stumble backwards. Kai grabs his wrist, and pulls him forwards so that he falls onto the roof, not off it.

Jax: Hey, I did it.

Kai: Yeah, I know. You just really like making things difficult.

They start running across the rooftops, and eventually the sky turns to dusk, and Detective Steel goes inside an old abandoned warehouse.

Kai: What's with bad guys and abandoned warehouses?

Jax: There pretty secretive, and he is clearly doing an illegal trade. What, do you want him to do an illegal trade in an open shady alleyway?

Kai: Fair point. you got me there. I'm gonna go inside. You stay back, and call Azrael and Natalie. Wait for them here so you three can all come in to back me up at the same time.

Jax: Alright, but are you gonna be fine?

Kai: Probably.

Kai jumps down from the rooftop. Then runs over to the warehouse. He creeps inside through one of the windows. Then hides behind old storage crates. He can hear and see Detective Steel having a conversation with a shady figure.

Detective Steel: And here. You can have the other half of your payment now.

???: It was a pleasure doing business with you.

Detective Steel: It's always a pleasure.

The shady guy leaves, and Kai throws a rock at Detective Steel.

Kai: Hello Steel.

Detective Steel: I knew you were following, but I'm not sure why. What did I do to you? I have done a lot to many people. Sometimes your brain just needs a little refresher.

Kai goes in for a punch, and Detective Steel grabs Kai's fist to push him back.

Detective Steel: Still waiting for that refresher, and I must have done something really bad to you. Since you clearly have had combat training, and you don't even remember the basics.

Kai(in head): Don't throw a punch. Your hands are your best defense. Stay focused Kai!

Kai kicks Detective Steel in the back of the leg, and Detective Steel falls to one knee. Kai tried to kick Steel in his face, but Steel grabs his leg to throw him across the room.

The shady man walks back into the warehouse.

???: I thought I heard some commotion here when I left.

Kai(in head): Damn, I didn't wait long enough for him to be far enough away.

Detective Steel: How much do you want for taking him out?

???: That's gonna be free. We'll call this your good customer bonus.

Detective Steel runs out the backdoor of the warehouse.

???: Let's have a good ol one on one.

Natalie: I think the odds should be skewed a bit.

Natalie, Azrael, and Jax all come into the warehouse through the door.

Jax: Kai, go get Detective Steel. We'll take care of this chump.

Kai: Alright.

Kai runs out the backdoor too. Natalie goes in for a punch, the shady guy dodges it. Though Natalie puts a hole in the floor of the warehouse.

???: Strength.

Azrael goes over, and tries to punch the shady man. Azrael misses most of his punches, but hits his last punch.

???: Skill, but what is that kid over there?

Natalie: Jax we need your help! We can't hit him!

Jax: I'm just a regular guy.

???: Then you'll be my first kill.

The man takes out a knife, and almost stabs him, but then Jax gains an aura of fire, and it's too hot for the man to get close.

???: Power.

Natalie: Who even are you?!

???: I suppose it's not too late to reveal myself. I am the Soul Slicer.

Jax: Wow, that's a dumb name! Wait a second. Why am I on fire?!

Azazel: Calm down! This must be a hidden power! Now you're actually useful.

Jax: Better than dolphin echolocation!

Natalie went for a punch at Soul Slicer's head.

Soul Slicer: Wow, you could've killed me! You really want blood on your hands at this age?

Soul Slicer took out a short-bladed sword. He did a flip towards Azarael and swung his sword rapidly. Azrael used his powers to dodge the swings but his rapid swings were too much for him. He cut Azrael on the shoulder. Natalie came from behind and punched Soul Slicer into a wall. He hit the wall hard but recovered fast. He threw his sword at Natalie. She brought up her arm to block. She was sent hurdling back into a bunch of boxes from the impact.

Jax: It's up to me!

Jax tried firing a fire blast at Soul Slicer. He used his sword to protect himself from the blast.

Soul Slicer: Wow! You people are jokes! Peasants to me! I'll enjoy taking your lives!

Natalie, in a fit of rage took her glove off and threw it at Soul Slicer. It hit him in the head like an actual fist. He fell violently to the ground. Jax tried to burn him alive. But Soul Slicer used his powers to go 5 seconds back in time just to dodge the giant fist.

Soul Slicer: Haha! You are all powerless!

Natalie: What do we do now…?

Azrael: We fight.

Soul Slicer went over to Jax to land the killing blow but Soul Slicer's arm was cut clean off! He turned his head and saw none other than Stick. He tucked away his sword.

Stick: Send a message to Sam. We're coming.

Stick kicked Soul Slicer onto the ground.

Stick: Get outta here! I can't clean up everyone's messes!

Natalie, Jax and Azrael got up and ran out of the place.

Back with Kai. He's running down Detective Steel. Steel then stops, and turns around to see Kai holding a gun.

Detective Steel: Now, are you going to tell me why you hate me so much?

Kai: You have really hurt that many people that you can't figure it out?

Detective Steel: I already told you that. Answer the question.

Kai: I was the boy that you found in his parents blood.

Detective Steel: Oh, your Kai Adara.

Kai: You lied to me saying that you would avenge my parents. Then you blamed someone else for their murder for your own personal gain.

Detective Steel: Do you want to know why I didn't try to find their killer.

Kai: Why?

Detective Steel: For one, I did want to get that other guy, but also for another reason.

Kai: Go on.

Detective steel: I killed your parents, but I only had time to dispose of one body.

Kai: Why couldn't you dispose of all of them?!

Detective Steel: I didn't have enough room in my car for more than one. So I thought it would be best to get rid of their worker. I was right, and no one ever even thought to blame me. So I also had to cover my own tracks.

Kai starts crying.

Detective Steel: Now give me the gun. I know you won't shoot me. You're just a kid. Just a regular kid trying to bite off more than he can chew. Just a regular person trying to make it through this world.

Detective Steel creeps closer and closer to Kai as he keeps talking.

Detective Steel: You're just a kid that wants his parents back, and how could I blame you? This world has unforgivingly taken away something from you it shouldn't have.

Kai: Stay back!

Detective Steel: Give me the gun!

Detective steel tackles Kai trying to take the gun from him. Then a shot rings across the city.

The gun goes off with a loud bang, and blood starts to spread over Kai. Kai has to muster up the courage to pry the dead body off of him. As he is crying he pushes Detective Steel's body off of him. Azrael then shows up a few minutes later.

Azrael: Shit, what did you do? You know what. This is fine. It doesn't seem like anyone heard the gunshot so we have time. We will dispose of the body.

Kai: Just me and you.

Azrael: What about the rest of the group? You're not only going with me to kill me too right?

Kai: I have known you the longest. I trust you the most.

Azrael: Alright then, let's dispose of a body. I think I know the perfect place to hide this.

Azrwel gives Kai a head start before telling everyone to go home because Kai has been through a lot. They didn't immediately agree to leave, but when they saw Kai wasn't right outside they agreed. Azrael eventually met up with Kai at what seems like an entrance to the woods.

Kai: Why do the trees go into a shape that forms a… door frame?

Azrael: A huge open door. Come on, we are going to have to go pretty far in.

They walk through a few miles of jungle. Eventually they hit a lake.

Kai: Is this what you brought your backpack for?

Azrael: Kinda, but not to cross the river.

Kai: Well yeah, there is already a canoe over there. Why is there a canoe over there?

Azrael: Me and my father would come out here when I was little. It doesn't seem like a lot now that I'm older, but when I was little this few mile walk seemed like we will in our own world. The beautiful scenery, and so much wilderness was just cool you know. It was different to not have so many buildings around us. Then we finished the walk by canoeing in this small pond.

Kai: I'm sorry.

Azrael: For?

Kai: Ruining a sacred place for you. This is a place you could always come back to, and think happy memories. While it will now be a place where you think of murder, and I'm sorry for that.

Azrael: You don't have to apologize. We don't go on the walk anymore, and I barely even come up here. Plus, even if these are bad memories to you. This place will always be a symbol of our friendship. We will help each other through anything, even murder.

Kai: I'm guessing your gonna make me canoe over there myself.

Azrael: Hell yeah, there's leaches in there. I got you this far figure it out by yourself.

Kai: That's fair.

Azrael takes out his cinder block, a rope, and trash bag out of his bag. They put Detective Steel in the bag, and tie the cinderblock to the bag. They then put him in the canoe, and Kai joins him. Kai starts paddling down the pond. Then once he gets into the middle of the pond he pushes the body over the side with the brick first. He then paddles back to shore. He gets out of the boat, and just stares at the water.

Azrael: It's time to go home Kai. It's time to go home.

When they are almost to Kai's house.

Azrael: Because I helped you, you're going to owe me a favor.

Kai: What is this favor?

Azrael: You can't kill anyone else. You have to try your hardest. Don't kill anyone, please.

Kai: I wasn't planning on it. It's not like I'm a psychopath. Consider your favor done.

Azrael: Alright, it's getting way too late. I have to get back now.

Kai: See ya Azrael.

Azrael: See ya.

Kai: And Az.

Azrael: Yeah.

Kai: Thanks again.

Azrael: Anytime.

Azrael leaves, and Kai walks inside his home to see Slade sitting in a chair on his phone. Waiting for Kai to come home. Kai walks inside, and him and Slade just stare at each other. Slade looks him dead in the eyes, and stands up. Slade walks over and hugs him.

Slade: I was hoping you wouldn't have to kill so young.

Kai: How did you know?

Slade: You have the eyes my son. The eyes of someone who has killed. They aren't eyes someone wants, but they are the eyes of the strong. Strong recognize strong Kai. Strong recognize strong.

Kai starts crying as Slade holds him. Then a week later Kai shows up to the church he used to live in.

Priest: Kai, Is that you? Well you sure have grown. Why are you here, child?

Kai: It's been a hard week, and I had nowhere else to go so… I'm just gonna leave.

Priest: You pray till your heart's content. This is a safe place. Remember god is always listening,. You do not need to come to church to talk to him, child. In case you ever have another hard week while you're away.

Kai: Thank your priest.

The priest leaves, and Kai sits down.

Kai(in head): God, if you're even listening. I have had to go through so much in my life. Why put me through this? Is it going to get better? Whats the point of going through life if its torture? I don't even know if Azrael will set me up? Even though I have been betrayed before I still trust him. I believe that you should trust people until they give you a reason not to, but is that the right way of thinking? I have so many questions, and you can't answer any of them! This is stupid I should have never came here!

Ms.Margaret: Kai!

Kai: Hm, what?

Ms.Margaret: You look like you were having a problem. Are you okay?

Kai: No, I'm not. I have been through so much, and for what? God doesn't give me any answers so what's the point in talking to him about it?

Ms.Margaret: God isn't here to give us answers. He is here so we don't feel alone. He can help you to answer, but you have to figure it out yourself. Telling you what to do isn't his job.

Kai: If he doesn't want to give me answers so bad then why does he make my life so bad? If he didn't then I wouldn't have so many questions.

Ms.Margaret: God doesn't put you on the easy path. Life isn't supposed to be easy, Kai. God doesn't pick the life that's the easiest. He picks the life where you will come out better at the end, but he believes in you to help him help you get there. If you make every decision that you think is right. Then you are doing all he asked of you.

She puts his hand on Kai's shoulder.

Ms.Margaret: He asks very little, and gives you so much. You can at least follow one request, right?

Kai nods.

Ms.Margaret: Then you will be on a journey Kai. Whether you think it's the journey for you or not. Accept your journey, or hate it. Only one can give you happiness. Choose your path wisely Kai. Choose the right path for you, and everyone around you.

Ms.Margaret walks away.