Five years later its 2016. Kai went through romance, and chilled with his friends. The four friends grew a deeper bond, but all of them went away for their own reasons. Natalie and Azrael went to college. While Jax got a small apartment in Manhattan trying to get signed to a record label. Kai had finished high school a year ago, but has just been working a regular old job at gamestop. Then one day slade was done with Kai not trying to live his life.

Slade: Kai!

Kai: Yeah?

Slade: You have had an entire year to choose what you want to do. I have money. You could dabble in different colleges until you figure it out.

Kai: I don't have a lot of academic smarts so what would I do?

Slade: I don't know. Work as a soldier for the army.

Kai: That's actually kind of perfect. What part of the army?

Slade: Your not going to be part of any army. Your going to be part of a more secret operation.

Kai: Why?

Slade: They pay better, and you get more out of doing it. The jobs will be more dangerous though. Are you up for the job?

Kai: Yeah.

Slade: Well then, I know what organization you're gonna join.

The next day Slade handed Kai a job application which was well detailed.

Kai: Alright, "what is your combat skill level graded from 1 - 10. 1 being two punches and a kick whil 10 means you could never lose." I would give myself a nice hefty dose of an 8. Scratch that! Let's do 8.5, yeah. "What would you grade your plan making skills 1 - 10." I was taught by the great Slade Wilson. I don't know if he is a big name, but whatever. So I give myself a 10. I would say 10.5, but thats over doing it.

Kai had to answer a few more questions. He had to answer how else he graded stuff like, gun usage, obedience, moral code, etc. Then he had to write an essay about the people he has trained under, and what they have taught him. Kai gave it to Slade, and Slade gave it to the corporation. In a few weeks they sent a letter. Slade walked in with the letter to read it to Kai.

Kai: What's the letter say?

Slade: *Clears throat* "After reading your application we have become interested in what you can do. We want to have you come to *blah blah* to show that you weren't lying on your application. Sincerely A.R.G.U.S.

Kai: Oh, cool.

Slade: That's it. Your first reaction is "Oh."

Kai: I don't have a very expressive personality.

Slade: I can tell.

Kai: So when are we going?

Slade: A.R.G.U.S doesn't waste any time. So probably tomorrow.

Kai: That's… soon.

Slade: Scared?

Kai: No, I just didn't expect it to be tomorrow. I show some emotion, and then get flagged. See this is why I don't have an expressive personality.

Slade: Now you're trying to blame things on me. Don't blame me for being defective!

Kai: I'm going to the gym.

Slade: Maybe you should.

Kai leaves then goes to the gym. When he goes to the gym he has to max out all the machines he does. He works out for a little bit before going home to take a shower. When he gets out of the shower Kai and Slade have dinner then go to bed. When Kai wakes up he is stormed by a bunch of soldiers that put a cloth over his mouth. Kai then falls right to sleep. When Kai wakes up he is in a completely dark room with a badge on. The badge says his name, and stats about him. Then a hologram pops up before him of a woman in a suit.

???: My name is Amanda Waller. You are in an advanced virtual reality training program. You must go all out to survive in this program. The stats on your card will depend on what your scores are during the virtual reality. Your stats will determine whether you're hired or not. Now, you may begin.

Big blue pixelated words pop up above Kai.

Announcer: Stage 1 starts in 3… 2… 1… begin!

The darkness changes into a room with completely white designs with black lines almost as if everything was drawn, but drawn in realistic. He sees stuff like cups on a table. Once kai analyzes the situation more he realizes that he is in an office building. Kai picks up a mug, and starts to walk around. Then a man with a gun starts to run in. The man puts up his gun. This man is no regular man. He is a white silhouette of a man, and is wearing a black bulletproof vest. He holds up his gun, and Kai puts his hands above his head.

Kai: Well I didn't expect this.

???: Turn around.

Kai: Fine, just don't search me.

Kai turns around

???: Well that's suspicious. I'm gonna have to search you now

He pats down Kai.

???: Turn back around so you're facing me.

Kai turns around, and the guy starts to pat him down. Once the guy starts checking Kai's pant pockets Kai knees him right in the face.

Kai: That was simple, and look at that.

Kai picks up the man's gun.

Kai: I'm the one with the gun.

Two more guys come out of what seems to be nowhere. They tried to surround Kai by going around someone's cubicle, but since they didn't get around the cubicle at the same time Kai shot the first one, waited, and shot the second guy.

Kai: These guys have terribly done plans. They can't complete any of their ideas right.

Then all the sudden Kai is in an elevator surrounded by guys with machetes, and all he has is a gun.

Kai: And that's how you go from a good situation to a bad one.

Announcer: Stage 2!

???: AHHHH!

They all charge kai. Kai shoots one in the head. Than bends over so one misses his attack, and trips over Kai. Kai shoots the silhouette that fell, and takes his machete. Kai gets back on his feet, and then kai slices another guy's neck. Lastly, he uses the guy he just killed as a shield. The other guy slices at the human shield, and Kai shoots him.

Kai: Well than.

Kai than changes to being in a gym.

Announcer: Stage 3!

The same hologram appears in front of kai again.

Walker: This time you will be testing out all the equipment in this gym so that we can get your stats.

Kai: Can I max out the machines or…

Waller: You might want to check the max of the machine before you set it to max. These machines go much higher than the ones you're used to.

The hologram disappears.

Kai: Well this got really boring really fast.

There isn't a lot of equipment in this particular gym. There is only a bench press, a treadmill, and a punching bag. Kai works out on all the equipment as hard as he can. He got tired out really fast, and then words appeared above him again.

Announcer: Stage 4. Get out of the gym.

Kai: Shit!

Kai runs over to the bench press, and then grabs one of the weights. A guy runs in with a gun, and Kai throws the weight at him. The man falls down, and Kai runs over to pick up his gun. Then he gets shot at by someone else. Kai quickly grabbed the fallen man's gun, and hid behind something so the bullets didn't hit him.

???: Stop hiring!

Kai(in head): If sticks training still works than he would be about-

Kai only puts the gun above his cover, and then shoots the guy dead on without even having to look.

Kai: Dead, alright how many bullets I got? This is a… Glock 19.

A guy starts to sneak up on Kai.

Kai: Alright so that means with the minus one that I have 16 bullets.

The guy jumps around the corner, and Kai is gone. The guy turns around to see Kai holding him at gunpoint.

Kai: 15.

Kai shoots the gun, and the bullet goes right between the silhouettes eyes.

Kai: Why do I feel like they are only making me fight one guy for a reason.

???: Get him.

A group of guys start running at him. Some of them have guns while others have knives.

Kai: I'm gonna need more bullets.

Kai shoots one guy in the head, and then grabs another guy in a neck hold. Kai quickly switches the guy from a headlock to human shield. Then the guy gets shot in the stomach. Kai drops him, and shoots the guy that shot his shield.

Kai: 13.

A random guy starts slicing at Kai, and just barely grazes Kai's stomach.

Kai: You son of a bitch!

Kai hits him over the head with his gun, and then shoots the guy once he falls on the floor.

Kai: You deserve that!

Kai than moves his head back barely in time to not get shot in the head, and sticks his arm out as far as he can before shooting the guy that shot at him.

Kai: 11, right?

Then an armored guy comes out. He is wearing armor on his body Kai never saw before.

Kai: Is this a mini boss?

Kai shoots him, and then it doesn't do anything so Kai shoots him again. The guy just proceeds to come closer and closer to Kai. Than Kai shoots him again.

Kai: 8.

Kai shoots the guy again.

Kai: 7.

Kai shoots him again.

Kai: 6.

Kai shoots him again.

Kai: 5. I don't think this is working

Kai runs at the guy full speed, and then jumps to do a flip over him. Then Kai shoots him in the back.

Kai: Hey, remember me.

???: GRRRRR!

Kai then sees he still has the mug from earlier that he put in his backpack. Kai then throws the mug at the guy, and starts running at him.

Kai: Oh hey, look it's an idea.

Kai slides on the ground, and picks up one of the mugs broken shards. He stabs the man with it, and the man starts bleeding. The shards size made it not have a large effect though. Kai quickly sweeps the man's leg so he falls, and Kai hops up to jump back.

Kai(in head): if it has an effect on sharp objects than that means he is only wearing bullet proof armor. I got another idea! Wow the ideas are just flying outta my head today.

The guy starts running at Kai.

Kai: closer.

The guy keeps running at Kai.

Kai: That's about close enough.

Kai shoots the man 4 times straight in the head. Then runs at him, and takes off the mans mask. The guy than slams Kai onto the ground.

???: Your outta bullets!

Kai puts his gun to the guys head.

Kai: Maybe you should count again.

Kai shoots the guy in his head for the death blow.

Kai: One left in the chamber.

Than the whole area turns back to darkness, and a door opens a good distance away from Kai. Kai walks through the door to see Slade, Waller, and some random dude working at the computer.

Computer guy: Let me update your card.

The computer guy takes Kai's card, and changes most of the stats.

Computer guy: alrigh, your stats say your a 6'3" make with a strength of 2,500 a defense of 5,000 a speed of- Just check the card. All of your stats can go up or down depending on how you live your life, but since your working with us your stats will probably increase.

Kai: So, Waller, did I pass your test?

Waller:... You start tomorrow. You will be living here so pack your bags.

Amanda Waller leaves right after that.

Kai and Slade then go home. Kai starts packing, and Slade helps him out here and there. Than Kai finds a rubber chicken.

Kai: A rubber chicken? When did I ever own a rubber chicken?

Slade: I donno. I never owned a rubber chicken either.

Kai finds his old magic book that Slade tried to use to help teach him.

Kai: Remember when I was in senile about magic?

Slade: Yeah, you really just couldn't believe it existed.

Kai: Good times.

The next day Kai has all his stuff loaded in his car.

Kai: Slade, thank you for all you have done for me. You were like a father to me when I didn't have anyone like that in my life.

Slade: Jeez kid you can always come visit.

Kai: They're going to send me on military expeditions that are long and could end with my death. I think it's the perfect time to tell you this.

Kai Hugs Slade. Than gets in his car, and drives away.

Slade: Even if you don't die it's gonna be the last time you ever see me. My job is done faking being your father.

Kai turns back to his house.

Slade: I'll be seeing you.