Ice Ice Baby

After they fought demons everyone said goodbye, and decided to go back home. Kai and Az took a plane back home together because they needed to talk about something.

Az: Grandfather is back in the city.

Kai: Do we have evidence on him?

Az: No, but I'm working on it. I have a feeling he is going to target you again. So you should probably leave the city until I can get that info.

Kai: I have to leave again!?

Az: Sadly for you, yes you do.

Kai: Seems like you've become a better rapper.

Az: Took almost ten years, but I think I'm at least a little better. Anyway, you should rest up for a week, and then go on another year-long mission.

Kai: A whole damn year!

Az: Yeah, The grandfather isn't exactly easy to track down!

Kai: Ugh, well thanks for looking out for me.

They fist bump, and Kai takes a nap the rest of the flight. Once they get back Kai does exactly as said. Kai takes a week off, and then uses the bank of Cal to ask to pay for a later date. Cal said 20 grand again in a year. Then Kai went to the police department. This time they gave Kai an 80 grand bounty. This bounty is in alaska. Kai gets a plane for free out. Then he goes to a hotel, and gets a key.

Kai(in head): Well first let's start at my favorite place. It's time to go to the bar.

Kai goes to a bar, and watches the news. He sees another guy sitting down.

Kai: Hey, have you ever heard of the ice queen?

Random guy: Oh, that's just an urban legend. It doesn't matter anyways. That's Ketchikan legend. So everyone here wouldn't even have to deal with an "Ice Queen."

The guy takes another swig of his drink before looking back at Kai. When he looks back Kai is gone. Kai went back to the hotel to take the rest of the night off. For the next few months Kai had to travel through the snow to get to Ketchikan. Then as Kai is walking around five guys jump him with knives.

Thug1: You look like you got some money on you.

Kai: I do.

Thug2: Then you die!

They all rush in, and kai gets down to one knee. Then Kai takes out his staff, and spins it above his head hitting all the thugs.

Kai: You should pick your enemies better.

Kai puts his staff away.

Kai: Where can I get info?

Thug1: Why would we tell you?

Kai: Because i'll pay you.

Thug1: One hundred.

Kai gives him one hundred dollars.

Thug1: His name is Account. He lives in the only church this town has, but you'll have to pay him too.

Kai: See, you didn't even have to get beat up.

Kai leaves to go to find the church. After like twenty minutes of walking he finally finds the church. He walks in, and the church is completely empty.

Kai: Account, I want to do business.

A green alien looking thing crawls down the wall, and then it looks like it absorbs back into the person. The person has dark skin and a big green coat. He looks young and confident.

Kai: Why do you live in a church? You seem more like a demon.

Account: Are you willing to pay for the answer?

Kai: Well, no.

Account: Then you don't get the answer. What's your question?

Kai: I'm looking for the Ice queen.

Account: 5 thousand, and I'll tell you everything I know.

Kai hands Account the five thousand.

Account: She goes by Sleet. She was here for a while, but she kept killing people. So she decided to leave. Last place I knew she was going to Nome. My friend was actually going there to find her. You could probably get some info out of him.

Kai: Name, picture?

Account: I said I would give info about Sleet, not my friend. A name and a picture is five thousand my friend.

Kai hands him another five grand. Then Account hands him a picture of his friend.

Account: His name is Joseph Beller. He works at a machinery factory.

Kai: Pleasure doing business with you.

Account: It's always a pleasure.

They shake hands.

Account: Would you mind telling me your name?

Kai: So you can send someone after me? I don't think so.

Account smiles as Kai leaves. It takes Kai eleven months to travel through the snow from Ketchikan to Nome. he had to travel through the harsh weather of Alaska, and had some pit stops. Some people needed help, and he would stop and help them, but he eventually made it. Then he got a hotel and rested for the day. When he awoke he started looking around for the factory. After asking a few strangers for help he was pointed in the right direction. He walked into the factory, and asked one of the workers where their manager was. The worker told him his office, and Kai walked into the office.

Manager: Did I say you could walk in here?

Kai: I'm looking for Joseph Beller.

Manager: That would be me.

Kai: Alright then.

Kai sits down in the chair, and Joseph takes in a sip of water.

Kai: I'm here to take down Sleet.

Joseph: Oh, you're not here for me?

Kai: I could be. Why would I be here for you?

Joseph nervously says.

Joseph: Well, I don't know. So your here for information about Sleet?

Kai: Can I have the information.

Joseph: Shes just to the north of this town. She lives in an igloo made of ice.

Kai: Couldn't someone see through that?

Joseph: The ice is too thick to see through. I tried to take her down, but I couldn't do anything against her ice powers. You should be carefull.

Kai: I think I'll be fine. What would be north of here from your front door?

Joseph: Straight.

Kai: Thanks. I lost my compass.

Kai starts walking, and eventually finds the ice shaped igloo. The ice door opens, and Sleet walks out of the door.

Sleet: I haven't had visitors in a while.

Kai: Maybe because you attack everyone you see.

Sleet: I have gone through pain you can even imagine-

Kai: No, you never got over pain. I would understand if you killed the person who murdered your daughter and then ran, but that isn't what you did. You killed an entire police department because one person did a bad thing and got away with it. Then you move to Alaska, and can't even stop killing. You lost the ability to call it pain a long time ago. Now it's just an addiction.

Sleet gets ready to attack.

Sleet: You don't know the pain!

Kai gets ready to fight.

Kai: Of my child dying, no. Of someone important to me dying, yes.

Sleet shoots icicles at kai. Kai takes out his staff, and spins it around blocking all the ice. Then huge pillars of ice form, and try to slam into Kai crushing him. Kai lets go of his staff, and jumps back. Kai staff gets stuck between the two pillars. Then Sleet shoots more icicles at Kai. Kai breaks all of them with his hands. Then an Ice dome surrounds Kai so that he is trapped in an ice prison. Kai punches the ice, shattering a hole in it. Then Kai looks up, and there are at least one hundred ice javelinas aimed at him from the sky. Kai manages to dodge a lot of them, but one javelin goes straight through his stomach. Kai pulls the javelin out, and slowly starts walking over to Sleet while bleeding. Sleet can start to see the wound in Kai's stomach heal. Sleet makes ice spikes come out of the ground under Kai. Kai jumps up, and sticks the javelin down. Then Kai balances one foot on the javelin. Then Sleet makes another javelin, and shoots it at Kai as he is on one foot. Kai grabs the javelin before it is able to hit him. Then he throws the javelin up, and when it hits the perfect angle he spin kicks the javelin at Sleet. Sleet barely manages to jump out of the way. Kai jumps over the spikes, and back into the snow. Then Kai walks up to Sleet. He goes to punch her, and then all the sudden he feels ice. Sleet put ice armor on, and blocked the punch. Kai tries to roundhouse kick Sleet. Sleet makes herself a sword and shield out of ice, and blocks it. She swipes her sword at Kai, and Kai grabs the sword between his hands. Then Kai kicks Sleet in the knee. It breaks through the armor, and breaks her leg. The armor fixes itself around her leg to start healing it. Then Kai spin kicks her head while she's on one knee, knocking her out. The armor shatters to a million pieces, and falls off of her. Kai checks her pulse, and she's still alive.

Kai: You went down the wrong path because of one man. I am truly sorry that your life has gone this way.

Kai takes her back to the airport, and then takes a long plane back to New York. Kai gets off, and collects his 80 grand check.

Worker: You got a letter two months ago.

Kai: Wouldn't that have been in my mailbox at home?

Worker: Not if you're a bounty hunter. We like to make sure you get your mail. Since some of you die, and some don't have homes because they just constantly go on missions.

Kai: Well alright.

Kai takes the letter, and opens it.

Kai(reading letter): "Kai, we are getting married, and we'd love for you to be there. It's going to be a smaller wedding so it will be in three months. The wedding will be in Mexico. You have our info if you have more questions, Jaik and Zuri."

Kai: Wow, just one more month and I would have missed it.