A Beautiful Ceremony

Kai is getting a haircut.

Barber: When was the last time you got a haircut, jeezus?

Kai: Only a year.

Barber: And now you just want it all gone?

Kai: I don't want it all gone. I want a blow out. You know, the top left a little longer.

The barber starts shaving Kai's hair.

Barber: So, why has it been so long?

Kai: Well I was touring Alaska.

Barber: What?

Kai: Yeah, it was pretty fucking cold.

Barber: You seem like a cool guy to hang out with.

Kai: Thanks man.

Barber finishes up.

Barber: Alright, it's finished.

Kai looks in the mirror.

Kai: Stunning as always.

Barber: Try coming every month and not every year.

Kai: I'll try.

They dap up, and Kai hands him his money. Kai leaves to go get a suit tailored to him. Kai buys the suit, and goes home to take a shower. While Kai's in the shower he starts thinking about the wedding.

Kai(in head): I hope I wasn't supposed to bring a date.

Kai finishes his shower, and goes to sleep. Kai wakes up at like three in the morning so a limo can take him to the airport. Kai eats mcdonalds at the airport, and then hops on a plane. He takes two planes. Each plane goes half the way. Then he gets off the plane, and grabs his luggage. He walks throughout the labyrinth that is the airport. Then he is stopped by a mexican man who says he is supposed to tell you where to go. The man explains a few of the things Kai can do at his resort, and then asks for a tip. Kai gives him like twenty bucks, and moves on. Kai finds a man holding up a sign of his name.

Mexican driver: Are you Kai Adara?

Kai: Yes I am.

Mexican driver: Do you have something to prove it?

Kai shows him his license.

Mexican driver: Alright.

The driver opens up the door, and Kai gets in. The driver then closes the door, and gets in the driver's seat.

Mexican driver: I'm taking you to the tulum resort right?

Kai: Yup.

Mexican driver: Just making sure everything is right.

The guy drives Kai around for an hour, and drops Kai off at his resort. Kai checks in with the desk, and they give him a card that he swipes to open his door. As Kai was about to start walking to his room he saw Az.

Az: What's up Kai? How long has it been?

Kai: A little over a year.

Az: Wow, it's been way longer than I thought. Also-

Az starts whispering.

Az(whispering): After this wedding we need to talk.

Kai(whispering): You get the info on grandfather?

Az: Eh, we'll talk about it later.

A very pretty white girl walks up to them. She has longer full dark hair and brown eyes. She is wearing a white tanktop and jeans. She is holding her grey sweatshirt on her arm. She has white sunglasses, and a white beach hat. Kai's enhanced senses start kicking in, and he smells something weird on her. He just passes it off as a perfume or something.

Pretty girl: I just checked us in Az.

Az: Oh yeah, you guys don't know each other. Kai, this is my girlfriend Rhea.

Kai: When did you get a girlfriend?

Az: I don't know!

Rhea flicks Az in his forehead.

Rhea: It's been six months.

Kai: Let me guess. I'm the only one out of the loop, and everyone else knows.

Jaik and Zuri walk up to them by accident because they are in the main lobby.

Jaik: Yeah we know about Rhea.

Zuri: We try to leave you out Kai.

Kai: I wouldn't be surprised.

Az: Why do you take such offense to not knowing we're in relationships.

Kai: Because I see Jaik and Zuri meet each other, and then they call me, and they have been living together for some time now. I think I just need to hang out with you guys more.

Az: Well then let's start now. It's dinner time so we might as well all go to the dinner buffet.

Everyone goes to the dinner buffet, and they all sit down. Then they all have to get up to go get food. Kai starts by getting meat. Kai turns to see on the other side of the room a person filling up his entire plate with jello. Kai just shakes his head in disappointment at the man, and gets the rest of his first round before sitting down. The only other person that has sat down is Rhea. Kai can see that everyone is trying to add as much to their plate as they can.

Kai: They clearly have no idea how buffets work.

Rhea: Just let them act stupid. Once they sit down, and see our plates they'll understand. So, how did you and Az meet?

Kai: He didn't tell you anything about me?

Rhea: Nope, and I'm curious to know why.

Kai: We're just childhood friends.

Rhea: There's nothing more to it then that?

Kai: We're not gay for each other!

They both laugh.

Rhea: I didn't mean it like that.

Kai: I'm not even sure any more.

Rhea: I just want to know why he wouldn't have even mentioned you.

Kai: I'm just too great. If he talked about me you wouldn't get the full experience.

Rhea: Oh, I'm sure.

They both laugh, and soon the rest of the group sits down.

Az: How did you guys sit down so quickly?

Kai: You know buffets are unlimited right? You are supposed to keep going up.

Az's jaw drops to what seems like the floor.

Az: Damnit!

Kai: Dammit is right. Anyway, I'm going back up.

Rhea: I'll go with you.

Both of them get up, and go to grab food.

Kai: What, you wanna talk some more?

Rhea: I really just didn't want to go alone.

Kai: What, you scared?

Rhea: No, it'll look weird if I'm the only person to go for a second round.

Kai: I don't think anyone cares.

Rhea: No, you just don't care.

They both get different foods then they got last time to try everything at the buffet. When they sit down everyone else still hasn't even finished half of their plates. Everyone talks for the rest of the evening, and by night everyone is sleeping from the tiring flights. When Kai wakes up he goes to get breakfast at the breakfast buffet. He sees Jaik there.

Kai: It's just you?

Jaik: Zuri has to hang out with family for some nonsense today.

Kai: Then we'll hang out together.

Jaik: Yeah, it feels like we haven't actually talked in a while.

Kai: That's because we always butt-heads. You're just too serious all the time.

Jaik: And you never care about anything.

Kai: I guess we'll never be on the same page.

They get food, and sit down. Its just complete silence for a few seconds.

Kai: This is awkward.

Jaik: We don't usually hang out.

Kai: That's my bad. I'm always on a mission.

Jaik: Why do you even do yearly missions? You could just do a 20 grand mission every other month. You could probably make more money, and it would be quick.

Kai: Well the first time I wanted to get some practice, and the second time I had no other choice.

Jaik: No other choice?

Kai: I'll explain later.

They finish eating their food, and leave.

Kai: Where do you wanna go?

Jaik: I like bowling.

They walk to the bowling area

Kai: I'm going to destroy you!

Jaik: Have you even ever went bowling?

Kai looks Jaik dead in his face.

Kai: Not once.

Jaik: Do you know how?

Kai: Everyone knows how to bowl.

Kai grabs the ball, and looks at the lane.

Kai: I just gotta hit the pins right?

Jaik: Oh my god. Yes, you hit the pins.

Kai: This is easy.

Kai whips the ball through the air. The ball never touches the ground once. Then it smashes into the pins, and he gets all the pins down.

Kai: Perfect score! I told you I was going to destroy you!

Jaik: You don't throw the ball!

Kai: Then how the hell are you going to get it to the other side?

Jaik: You roll it!

Kai: Yeah, but then I don't know where its going to go.

Jaik: That's the point!

Jaik goes up, and rolls the ball. He gets a near perfect score. Then he uses the second ball to get the rest of the pins down.

Jaik: Now, roll the ball.

Kai rolls the ball, and it goes right into the gutter.

Kai: This is bullshit! I knew you were working against me!

Jaik: Wow, you really suck.

Kai: I should've thrown it!

Jaik: Down the alley?

Kai: At you!

They keep bowling, and by the end the only time Kai hit a pin was when he threw the ball. They decide to leave after that.

Kai: I have found my weakness. It is fucking bowling.

Jaik: Well, maybe you can practice.

Kai: I refuse.

They keep walking. Then Jaik stops.

Jaik: I should probably head back to the hotel.

Kai: Jaik, I just wanted to say something.

Jaik: What?

Kai: I'm really proud of you. You went from this guy that was jealous that I was the demon head to a guy who's settling down. You even protect over Star City.

Jaik: I couldn't have done it without Zuri. There were times that I just wanted to leave Star City, but I've made Star City. The people I love are there. Thank you Kai. You helped me become a better person too.

Jaik leaves to go back to his room, and Kai does the same. The next day Kai meets Az and Rhea at breakfast.

Kai: Where's Jaik and Zuri?

Rhea: They're preparing for the wedding.

Az yawns.

Az: Can we just get breakfast?

Kai: Yeah, we probably should.

They all go in and get food. Then they sit down.

Kai: Looks like you've learned how a buffet works.

Az: I always knew. I was just testing you!

They all finish eating, and leave.

Kai: So what're we doing now?

Az looks at Rhea.

Az: Let's go to the beach!

Rhea looks angry.

Rhea: You just want to see me in my bathing suit!

Az: That's not true. I also want to swim.

They both laugh

Rhea: Ugh, fine.

Az: I always win!

They all go back to their rooms to put on bathing suits, and meet back up at the beach.

Az: Rhea, you gotta pick a spot.

Rhea: To sit?

Az: Yes, of course to sit.

Rhea: Why do I have to pick the spot?

Kai: I'll pick the spot.

Kai walks around. Then he finds a place with good sun that's close to the water.

Rhea: I'm gonna work on my tan.

Az: Fine, we'll just swim then.

Az takes out a football.

Az: Wanna play?

Kai: Eh, sure.

Kai and Az go into the water, and start passing the ball back and forth. This reminds Kai of Oliver, and Kai starts zoning out for a minute. Then Kai misses the ball.

Az: You okay?

These words make Kai snap back into reality.

Kai: Yeah, I'm fine.

Kai grabs the ball, and throws it back to Az.

Kai: So, it seems like you and Rhea are arguing.

Az: Yeah, we've been at a difference of opinion.

Kai: Like?

Az: You know, she wants to move our relationship to the next level. Especially because this wedding is tomorrow. It just keeps reminding her that we aren't serious.

Kai: You said you guys have been together six months. Do you just not want to get serious?

Az: I just feel like it's too soon.

Kai: Just make sure you guys figure it out.

Az: Oh yeah, I wanted to ask why she was hanging around you so much on the first day.

Kai: She said that you had never told her about me.

Az starts struggling to keep eye contact.

Az: Well, you know.

Kai: What is it? There is literally no reason why you wouldn't tell someone about me.

Az: Well, it's because I thought you guys would never meet.

Kai: What?! How does that make any sense. I thought you were gonna say something stupid like you were jealous of me!

Az: No, I'm not jealous of you.

Kai: It seems like you don't trust Rhea at all. I'm one of your best friends, and you didn't tell her about me because you thought you wouldn't have to. Now that I say that back I think you're lying to me.

Az: Why would I lie?

Kai: That's what that smell was! It was blood! She's a killer! You didn't want her to meet me because of my promise!

Az: Smell?

Kai: Yeah, she smells of blood. I smelled it when I first met her.

Az: She hasn't killed in a while though!

Kai and Az get closer to each other so that people don't hear them.

Kai: Why are you dating a murderer?

Az: She's a good person with a bad hobby.

Kai: Then why don't you stop her hobby?

Az: We're working on it.

Kai: Ugh, I guess if you're trying to help a killer stop then it's fine, but now you're gonna have to promise me that you'll never kill.

Az: I promise.

When they get out of the water Rhea is sleeping. They wake her up, and all go to dinner. They eat and go back to their apartments. The next day they wake up everyone has to get ready. They all put on their suits, and meet up where the cars are. They all take a bus to the wedding. Kai, Az, and some guy Jaik knows is there. Then Zuri's family starts sitting down in the front seats. All the bridesmaids come out of a room, and sees that Jaik isn't with the groomsmen.

Rhea(Whispering): Zuri is freaking out.

Kai(Whispering): Nerves?

Rhea: Yeah, she just kicked everyone out. We tried to calm her down, but it didn't work. Can any of you try?

Az: I'm not doing it!

Kai: Ugh, I can try I guess.

Kai walks into the room all the bridesmaids left from.

Kai: Hey… Zuri?

Kai can hear Zuri crying.

Zuri: Get out Kai.

There is a curtain blocking them from seeing each other.

Kai: What's going on?

Zuri: I don't want to talk about it.

Kai: I'm sorry Zuri, but you don't have a lot of time to think this over. I'm just trying to help you come to a sense of knowing what you're doing. You seemed fine the other day. So why are you upset now?

Zuri: None of my family wants me to marry Jaik, and I'm so worried that something might go wrong. I don't even know if this is the right decision!

Kai: Do you want to marry Jaik? Don't think about if other people want you to marry him. Do you want to?

After a minute or two of contemplating what Kai said Zuri finally comes to a decision.

Zuri: I do, I really do!

Kai: Then that's all you need. If your family sees you happy then they'll be happy. Today's all about you Zuri, and we're all here for you. Can the bridesmaids come back in?

Zuri takes a few deep breaths and stops crying.

Zuri: Yeah, I think I'm ready now. Thanks Kai.

Kai: Your welcome.

Kai leaves, and he tells the bridesmaids that they can go back in. The wedding is back on, and everythings going smoothly.

Az: You actually calmed her down! I thought you were gonna fail!

Kai: You have to choose your words very carefully. I hate when I have to do that!

Then the wedding starts. Everyone gets in their places, and the marriage officiant recites the poetic lines. Jaik and Zuri both say I do, and they kiss. After that they all take pictures. After a nonsensical amount of pictures the food comes out, and everyone starts partying. Then at around twelve at night Kai sees the same guy from the buffet eating all the jello they have at the wedding. Kai sees that Jaik isn't doing anything, and asks Jaik about him. Jaik has no Idea who he is, and therefore asks Zuri. Zuri thought he was one of Jaik's friends that she didn't know. Kai decides that he should go escort this guy out of the wedding, but try not to make a scene while doing it. Then as Kai is walking the jelly guy bumps into him accidently, and drops jelly on the floor.

Jelly guy: NO! The jelly is dying!

Everyone starts staring at him.

Jelly guy: I'll save you jelly!

The jelly guy goes onto his hands and knees, and starts giving the fallen jelly cpr.

Jelly guy: Don't… *gives cpr* give… *gives cpr* up… *gives cpr* on… *gives cpr* me… *gives cpr* jelly!

He keeps smashing the jelly even more into the ground. Everyone is just staring at him like he's crazy.

Kai: I think it's dead.

The jelly guy looks back at Kai.

Jelly guy: You did this! You bumped into me, and killed my jelly!

Kai: Well, you bumped into me, and I don't think the jello was ever alive.

Jelly guy: Are you saying that my jelly is some kind of frankenstein.

Kai: Sure, your jelly is Frankenstein's monster. Now, how about we go outside?

The Jelly guy's arm turns into jelly, and he punches Kai. The punch didn't feel like jelly. It felt like a stronger version of a hand. The punch was still nothing compared to Kai.

Kai: Did you just punch me with jelly?

Jelly guy: My name is the same as the time.

Kai: A little past twelve?

Jelly guy: It's motha-fukcin jelly time bitches!

Armor comes around Mr.Jelly time, and he starts shooting balls of Jelly. Kai dodges them so that he doesn't get jelly on his clothes.

Kai: Can we do this outside please? This is a wedding.

Mr.Jelly Time: Then it must have the place where the people got married. That is the perfect stage for our battle! Everyone will watch as they see that jelly is the most powerful being in the world!

Kai: Fine, I really didn't want to have to fight you until we left this area.

Mr.Jelly Time shot more projectiles at Kai. Then Kai dodges all of them, and punches Mr.Jelly time hard. Mr.Jelly Time gets knocked out.

Kai: Nothing to see here! Just a man a little upset over spilled food!

After a little while everyone goes back to partying, and the night is saved from the evil jelly king. Everyone rides the bus back at the end of the night, and goes to sleep in the hotel. The next day everyone leaves the resort, and goes back home. Kai flies back on the same plane as Az, but they didn't get seats next to each other. Later that day Kai and Az sat a bibble and sips eating muffins and drinking coffee.

Kai: What did you want to talk to me about?

Az: I got evidence on The Grandfather.

Kai: We can finally take him down after two years.

Az: What are we going to do now?

Kai: We're gonna wait two months.

Az: Why?

Kai: Jaik and Zuri just got married. Lets let them have their honeymoon, and then settle back in before we try to go after him.

Az: Then I guess I'll see you in two months Kai.

Kai: I guess we will.