
Kai finished making food. Luna and Kai started eating.

Kai: They sent twenty soldiers after you Luna. Why do they want you back so much?

Luna: I don't think they want me back. I think they are trying to kill me. They know we aren't on "good terms." So they are trying to kill me before I can give away any of their secrets, but twenty soldiers seems weird.

Kai: Can you take down twenty soldiers?

Luna: Maybe ten, but not twenty all at once.

Kai: If you haven't even fought ten before then why-

A woman ninja walks in through the window.

???: It's because they have only been following Luna to find Kai.

The woman takes off her mask to show a young beautiful woman with long brown hair.

Kai: Hey Talia.

Talia sits on the couch.

Talia: Luna is an idiot and led the league right to their target.

Luna: Who gives you the right to walk into this house and insult me?

Talia: Because it's not your house. So you have no power here other than asking the actual owner to kick me out. Kai would never do that though because I helped him escape.

Luna: She helped you?!

Kai: Yeah, she shot an arrow.

Talia: Cupid's arrow.

Luna: What?!

Kai: No, an actual arrow. She stalled Ra's, and allowed me to escape. Wait, does Ra's trust you know?

Talia: Not as much as I would like, but we can't all get what we want. Can we, Luna?

Luna scowls at Talia.

Kai: So, what should we do?

Talia: You're going to have to take Ra's on directly.

Kai: But all of his soldiers will be there.

Talia: He will fight you alone if you challenge him to a duel.

Kai: Okay, how will we get there?

Talia: Put on your gear and follow me.

Cal comes in to see the ninja woman.

Cal: What the fuck have you been doing?!

Kai: She's obsessed with cosplay. Don't mind her.

Cal: You are one freaky dude. I'm going to go into my room, and lock the door until you leave.

Cal goes into his room, and Talia tells Kai the place he needs to go.

Kai: Well okay then. Let's all get going already.

Kai and Luna meet Talia at the airport. They all get in the helicopter, and the helicopter starts rising into the the air.

Kai: How long will this trip take?

Talia: It's going to be a few hours. You can sleep on me if you need to.

Luna: He will sit away from you.

Kai: Everybody just chill. I'll just go to sleep on my own. Like a normal person.

Everyone chills out for the next few hours until they see an island.

Talia: We are finally here.

Talia takes out a gun, and shoots the pilot in the head. The helicopter starts spinning around and losing altitude fast.

Kai: What the fuck?!

Talia: See you on Lian Yu Kai.

Talia waits for the helicopter to get close to the water, and then she jumps out.

Kai: Luna, jump!

Luna and Kai jump out of the helicopter and into the water. The Helicopter crashes into the island making a small explosion. Kai and Luna swim to the surface of the water.

Kai: What the fuck?!

Luna: You trusted her!

Kai: We'll argue about this once we get back to the shore!

They both swim back to shore. Kai takes off his sweatshirt and jacket so that the only thing he is wearing is his pants.

Luna: I'm not undressing.

Kai: I didn't expect you to. Well, now we both messed up. You lead the league to me, and I trusted someone that was trying to bring us to our death. Who do you think messed up worse?

Luna: That doesn't matter right now. We need to figure out why they lead us here, and for the record, you messed up worse.

Kai laughs.

Kai: Luna, there are a few ways this is going to go down. Ra's is either going to challenge me one on one, or he is going to send assassins after me to bring me to him. So either Ra's is on this island, or all of his soldiers are.

Luna: So either we are going to go through hell, or you're going to have to go through hell.

Kai: Yes, either we have to fight one thousand soldiers, or I have to fight a man that is just as powerful as all those soldiers combined.

Luna: So, what do we do?

Kai: We wait to see which one it is. I have my hypothesis, but it could be wrong. For now, I'm going to catch fish.

Kai goes out to find a stick, and vines off of bushes. He ties the vines on the stick, and then finds worms around the area. Kai finds a sharp rock with a curve for a hook, and attaches a worm to the rock. Then Kai starts fishing. Luna comes back with some rocks, but mostly logs. She makes a makeshift campfire.

Luna: Now, how do we start a fire?

Kai: Come over here.

Luna walks over to Kai, and Kai hands her the fishing rod.

Kai: If you start to feel a tug, pull the rope. Making fires a bit complicated without glasses or an easy way to do it.

Kai goes and finds softwoods, and another sharp rock. Kai widdles down a stick to make it a short straight smooth spindle. Then Kai puts the spindle on a plank of softwood. After about ten spins with the spindle Kai starts seeing smoke. Kai then blows on the smoke, and he keeps blowing on the smoak until it starts to make a big flame. Then Kai puts the burning board into the campfire that Luna made.

Kai: We have successfully done it Luna.

Kai sees that Luna has caughten twelve fish.

Luna: What have we done?

Kai: Well I was going to say we started a fire, but this is way more impressive.

Luna: All I had to do is catch the fish.

Kai: Yeah, and being the lucky bastard you are you caught twelve. I have barely caughten any fish in my life because those suckers become 400 IQ einsteins whenever I try to fish. They are like "that's Kai's fishing rod. Better avoid that. He's trying to catch me. I can't be caught, mothafucker!"

Luna: Is that what they say?

Kai: No, they think so. You can't speak underwater.

Luna: Your being stupid.

Kai: I'm a genius. I just sent up this whole camp for us.

Luna: Yes you are.

Luna puts down the fishing rod, and then kisses Kai. Kai backs up after the kiss.

Luna: Do you not like me anymore?

Kai: No, I just want to take it slow. Luna, when we first got together we were both lonely. You were a part of the league of assassins, but weren't a killer. I was in the league for a job that I didn't even like or believe in. Not only that, but I had to go though torture just to get intel. So when we found each other we just clicked. I'm in a better place now. I'm not lonely anymore. I have you, Cal, and my friend Az. I hope you can respect my decision.

Kai walks away.

Luna(Whispering): But I'm still lonely.

A man in a black and orange military costume walks onto the beach from the forest. As Kai looks at him his jaw drops.

Kai: Slade!

Slade: That my name kid, but how do you know it?

Kai: Your my father.

Slade takes out one of his swords.

Slade: I don't remember having a kid that looks nothing like me.

Kai: Adopted child asshole. You took me in to train me after Stick had to leave me. Then you were like a father to me for the next, like, five years!

Slade: I think I would remember raising someone for five years.

Kai starts to see a flashback.

Kai: Yeah, Slade Wilson. The guy who adopted me, and raised me. He even got me this job a year ago.

Oliver: How?

Kai: What do you mean how?

Oliver: I put an arrow through Slade two years ago.

Slade yelling at Kai brings Kai back to reality.

Slade: You should pay more attention when an enemy is right in front of you.

Kai: I just had to remember that you're not my Slade. Your Oliver's Slade.

Slade: You know Oliver, Oliver Queen?

Kai: And if I do?

Slade takes out his other sword.

Luna goes to take out her sword, and Kai puts his hand out.

Kai: I need to do this alone. This battle is important to me.

Kai takes out his staff and spins it around his arm until he is in the cat stance.

Slade: I didn't train you in the staff. Your stance is weak.

Kai: No, my stance is light.

Slade puts away his swords, and takes out his staff.

Slade: Like I said, weak!

They both run at each other. Kai swings his staff up. Slade blocks it, and goes to sweep Kai's leg with his staff. Kai jumps back dodging the attack. Then Slade runs at Kai again. Slade goes for a jab. Kai dodged to the side, and goes for a huge swing. Slade blocks the attack, and a huge crack is let out from the staff hitting each other. Slade kicks kai in the knee. Then goes for an overhead strike. Kai blocks the strike, and sweeps Slade's leg. Slade falls to the ground, and they both jump back up. Slade swings his staff at Kai's ribs. Kai blocks it, and while in the blocking stance Kai swings his staff up which hits Slade in the chin. Slade stumbles backwards, and Kai jabs Slade in the stomach. Slade grabs Kai's staff while it hits him. Slade drops his staff. Then Slade pulls Kai forward, and punches Kai in the face. Kai lets go of his staff, and falls backwards. Kai hops back up after the punch.

Kai: Why do you hate oliver?!

Kai goes for a punch. Slade deflects it, and punches Kai.

Slade: He betrayed me, and the woman I love. Then he put an arrow through my eye. I want revenge.

Slade punches Kai in the gut, and kicks Kai onto the ground. Slade then takes out his sword, and holds it above Kai.

Kai: Oliver's dead!

Slade: What?

Slade puts away his sword.

Kai: Oliver's been dead for years.

Slade has a look of guilt and sadness on his face. Then slade just starts walking away.

Kai: We haven't finished our fight!

Slade: You don't want to fight me! You want to fight the man who raised you! We may look alike, but I'm not him kid!

Luna: Kai, are you okay?

Kai: I don't know Luna.

Luna: Why don't we go cook the food?

Kai just stares off in the distance for a minute before looking back at Luna.

Kai: Sure.