20 Ninja

Luna is sleeping. Then A man in a black ninja suit slowly opens the window in the room and sneaks in. He silently takes out a katana. He slashes down. Luna shoots out of bed and breaks through the door. The ninja follows through. As their swords slash into each other sparks fly off. The loud sound of their blades clanking into each other is all they can hear. Then Luna swipes her blade to the right. The ninja parries it, but he staggers. Luna slices the ninja's chest giving him a huge wound. Kai runs over with his staff, and the ninja runs away, and jumps out the window he came in from.

Kai: What the hell is the league doing here Luna?!

Luna: Um-

Kai: You weren't moving around for fun where you? You were going from place to place so that the league didn't catch you.

Luna: I had fun when the league wasn't there.

Kai: You didn't think about telling me this? You just decided it would be better if I didn't know.

Luna: I was hoping they wouldn't find me, and you wouldn't have to know.

Kai: I don't care that the league is after you Luna. In the future, I would like to know the situations I'm forced into a little better!

Luna: I'm sorry.

Kai: You don't need to apologize. It's fine. Now, where is the closes league base?

Luna: I don't know.

Kai becomes furious.

Kai: What?!

Luna: I told you I have never been to New York.

Kai: Yes, and in doing so you have given them a home-court advantage! They know this place better than you! Now we have no way to stop a group of assassins before they corner us! We have all the disadvantages.

Luna: I-

Kai: You know what. I'm going to plan this out. Alright-

Kai sits down and starts thinking to himself.

Kai: We are gonna have to move around a lot during the night. At night we should scout the city for their base. It's much easier for them to strike at night if we stay in one spot, but if we are constantly on the move they will struggle to try to corner us. During the day we will have to relax and rest so that we can travel around during the night.

Luna: We won't have to fight if we do that?

Kai: No, we won't get killed. We have to fight either way. The question is whether we win or not.

Luna: Why are you doing this? This is my problem. I brought this problem to you. You don't have to be a hero that saves me.

Kai turns to her

Kai: It's to finish where I failed. I said that I would break you out, and then I watched you die. So, do you have a suit?

Luna: I'll go put it on.

Ten minutes later Luna meets Kai on the top of their house. Luna is wearing a slim fit league of assassins ninja gear. Then she has her pink hair in a high ponytail. Kai has his regular red sweatshirt, jeans, brown leather jacket over his sweatshirts, and red eye mask.

Kai: Nice outfit.

Luna: Thanks, I worked really hard to make it.

Ten league members jump up to the top of the building from the street below.

Kai: And we're surrounded. You should've got dressed quicker.

Luna snaps back.

Luna: I'm sorry my outfit's hard to put on.

Kai sighs and gets in a fighting position. Kai runs up to a ninja. The ninja slices at him, and Kai grabs the blade, and crushes it in his hand. Then Kai kicks the league member in the stomach. The ninja falls backwards. Kai catches an arrow that was shot at his back, and throws the arrow to the ground to stomp on it. Three ninjas go in for slashes at Kai. Kai quickly gets low to the ground, and takes out his staff. Then Kai spins his staff above him. Kai's staff hits all three of the ninja knocking them out. The same ninja that shot an arrow shoots another one. The arrow stabs Kai in the back. Kai rips out the arrow, and picks up one of the knocked out soldier's bows. Kai shoots an arrow at the ninja, and it hits him in the stomach. Kai drops the bow. Luna takes out her sword, and starts clashing blades with the ninja. She is parrying five ninja's blades all at once. Then as she parry's all of them she pushes her sword back causing them to stagger. Then she slices all of their stomachs as they staggered backwards. They all fell down from their wounds.

Kai: Really, five at one time?

Luna: You gotta be efficient.

Kai: Show off.

Then another ninja jumps onto the top of the building. This ninja's gear looks more high class and well made then the other ninja's. The man takes off his mask, and it shows an asian man with black hair that is tied back.

???: Do you remember me, Tanin?

Kai: Nice to see you again, Sarab.

Sarab: Why so formal? We're friends, remember? Since you will become Ra's.

Kai: You guys still care about that? I thought it was pretty clear that I would rather not.

Sarab: And I thought we made it pretty clear that you didn't have a choice.

Kai: It is my choice, when you can't beat both of us.

Sarab puts up two fingers, and moves them back into his palm. There are twenty soldiers around the building Kai is counting Sarab.

Kai: I didn't know how persuasive you were.

Luna whispers in Kai's ear.

Luna(whispering): Should we run?

Kai(Whispering): If they are after you then yes. You have to run. I can take out twenty soldiers.

Luna(Whispering): twenty soldiers and Sarab!?

Kai(Whispering): Luna, i'm not trying to be that stupid hero that needs to go out of their way to put themselves in bad situations to look cool. I got this, go.

Luna jumps down from the building, and starts running away.

Sarab: Trying to be a hero?

Kai: You wish. If I was just trying to be a hero I wouldn't win this battle.

Sarab: You can't beat all of us.

Kai: Correction. I couldn't beat all of you a few years ago. I have been able to get stronger over the years. Strong enough to have to hold back.

Sarab: Oh, how the seeds of cockiness blossom in the soil of ignorance.

Kai: Nice quote. Who said that?

Sarab: Get him.

The ninja's all start running at Kai. Kai takes out his staff, and spins it around until he holds the staff at an angle where half the staff is behind his upper arm while the other half is just above the ground. Kai swings his staff, and it hits the first ninja in the face knocking him out. Then Kai jabs behind him, slamming his staff into another ninja's stomach. A sword slashes above his head. Kai blocks it with his staff, and kicks the ninja's leg out. Then he swings his staff again which hits the kneeling ninja in the head. Kai moves to the left getting a small cut from a blade coming from behind him. The ninja that jabbed falls forwards, and Kai jabs the ninja in the back with his staff. Three ninja's all go in to stab Kai. Kai Kicks one sword away from him. Then he grabs the other two swords. He pulls the swords out of the ninja's hands, and then jabs the two ninjas with the hilt of their own blades. Kai then tornado kicks the ninja that got his blade kicked in the head. As Kai lands he does a back handspring to dodges three arrows that were fired at him. Then a ninja with two daggers swipes with his left dagger, then his right, finally he spins with the blades out. Kai moved back, and dodged all the attacks. Then Kai went in for a strike. The ninja blocks it with both his daggers, and they get into a weapon lock. Then a ninja tries to stab Kai from behind. Kai kicks behind him hitting the ninja in the chest. Then Kai switches his staff's position which hits the ninja's knee. The bone in the dagger ninja's knee pops out, and the ninja falls over. Kai kicks the ninja in the face, knocking him out. Another ninja goes to swipe his sword at Kai. Kai Dodges, and gets the ninja in a headlock. He then switches the ninja's position. Three arrows hit the ninja in the stomach. Two ninja go to stab kai. Kai ducks down, and holds his staff above his head. The two ninja are hit in the chest with his staff. They both fall back. Kai then holds his staff at his side. A ninja starts running at him, and Kai swings his blade so that it hits the ninja in the head. Then Kai spins around, and hits the ninja behind him. A ninja goes in for a kick, and Kai stabs his staff right through the ninja's leg. The staff gets stuck in the ground. Kai stomps on the ninja's head. Kai then swings around his blade, and his leg sweeps the ninja running towards him. Kai then rips his blade out of the building, and overhead strikes the ninja on the floor. Kai spins his staff which blocks the arrows being shot at him. Then he throws his staff like a boomerang at the three archers. It hits, and knocks out all of them before coming back to Kai.

Kai: You can throw a metal staff like a boomerang. Physics where art thou.

Kai turns around to look at Sarab, but Sarab is gone.

Kai: Expected.

Kai checks his phone to see what time it is.

Kai: It's like midnight.

Then Kai looks up who said that cockiness quote from before.

Kai: Oh, it was Steve Alten.

Kai goes back inside, and goes to bed on the couch. Kai wakes up around eight am. He goes into his room to see that Luna is sleeping in his bed. Kai goes to make food, and Luna comes out of the room once the food is almost done. She looks incredibly tired. She sits down at the kitchen banquette.

Luna: I didn't know you cook.

Kai: I do it all the time because Cal never cooks. Y'know you can eat later if you want to go back to bed.

Luna: I'll go to bed after I eat. I didn't eat anything all night, i'm hungry!

Kai: Jeez, alright.

Back at the league of assassins. Ra's is sitting in his throne, and a woman ninja is bringing him a letter. She then hands him the letter. Ra's opens it, and shoos away the servant. The servant leaves the room, and Ra's starts reading.

Ra's: "Dear Ra's. Kai has proven himself able to take down around twenty soldiers with ease. We need strong reinforcements, and even some of the league's strongest warriors. From Sarab." Yes Kai, prove to me that you're even more worthy of my place. Then, once you kill me you will finally take my place. I am inevitable.