
A helicopter lands at the league of assassins base. Talia and Nyssa walk out first. Kai walks out in handcuffs. Then Sarab walks out behind Kai. They all walk into Ra's throne room. Ra's is sitting on his throne. They all line up next to each other. Sarab forces Kai to his knees. Then the rest of the group kneel.

Ra's: Welcome back Tanin. Did you like your vacation?

Kai: I was enjoying it, but then you cut it short.

Ra's: That's how vacations are. You're expected to come back.

Kai: I thought my vacation specifically stated "never returning."

Ra's: No, you left. I think we both knew that you would be returning. The question was not if it was when.

Kai: What are you going to do now, make me Ra's?

Ra's: No, your going to become Ra's willingly.

Kai: And how is that?

Ra's: Luna is on her deathbed. We can always finish her off. Unless you're willing to make a deal?

Kai: That's forcing.

Ra's: No, I'm giving you a choice. Life gives you hard choices all the time. Pick the option you like better. Join us and not have Luna die, or refuse and make us torture you into it while we kill Luna.

Kai: Is there an option three?

Ra's: I don't give three options.

Kai: You don't like the letter c?

Ra's puts a blade to Kai's throat.

Ra's: This is a serious question. You better answer it seriously before I choose, and lives are lost.

Kai: ...I'll become Ra's.

Ra's: See, we can compromise.

Ra's starts to walk out of the room.

Ra's: Follow me Tanin.

Kai gets up, and follows Ra's out of the room. They start walking around the halls.

Ra's: This will all be yours soon.

Kai: You don't need to show off. I already don't want this.

Ra's: You will.

They keep walking.

Kai: Why would I?

Ra's: Because you don't have a choice. I am too powerful to keep alive, Tanin. You either kill me, or become me. There is no other way this will go, but we both know you won't kill me.

They keep walking until they get to a wall. Ra's pulls down the chandelier that is above them, and the wall slides open. They both walk inside, and the door slides closed. In the middle of the room there is a pedestal with a very thick book on top of it. Ra's walks over and picks up the book. Ra's hands the book to Kai, and Kai opens it to see a photo album. Every page has a picture, a name, and a description.

Kai: What is this?

Ra's: The book of the people the League has murdered. Read it.

Kai: "Joseph Davis, a child molester. Jeffrey Dahmer, a murderer cannibal. Christopher Miller, a human trafficker. Donald Wilson, a corrupt politician and rapist." Why are you showing me this?

Ra's: To show you.

Kai: To show me what? A bunch of bad people.

Ra's: People that the league has killed. Every single person the league has killed is in that book.

Kai: You wanted to show me the good you've done?

Ra's: Not the good I have done, but the good you can do. I wanted to serve justice. This is my way of doing it. When you become Ra's, you can serve justice anyway you want.

Ra's takes the book back from Kai, and puts it on the pedestal. Ra's pulls down the light inside that room, and the door opens. They both leave. Ra's leads Kai to his room.

Ra's: You will be sleeping here. Don't try to escape. I have people all over Luna. There would be no way you're getting to her before I'm alarmed of the situation.

Kai: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Ra unlocks the handcuffs that are on Kai. Kai walks into his old room, and Ra's shuts the door.

Kai: I haven't been in here for a while.

Kai lays on the bed.

Kai(in head): What am I going to do?

Kai falls asleep thinking to himself. When Kai awakes he takes a shower, and then puts on the league gear that's in his dresser.

Kai(in head): Never really cared for these colors. I like red way better.

Kai hears a knock on his door.

Kai: Come in.

Ra's walks into the room.

Ra's: You're dressed, perfect. Follow me.

Kai and Ra walk down the long hallways until they make it outside.

Kai: What are we doing?

Ra's: Finishing your training.

Kai: Why?

Ra's: You trained with Stick, Slade, Me, and then you trained with Stick again. Stick and I were close friends. I will be finishing your training, but instead of Stick taking you. That will be my job. We'll start with hand to hand combat.

Ra's gets ready to block, and Kai runs up to him. Kai double roundhouse kicks Ra's.

Ra's: Ok, let's move on.

Kai: I threw two kicks?!

Ra's takes out two swords from his sides.

Ra's: Take out your staff.

Ra's starts blocking, and Kai runs over. Kai thrusts his staff into Ra's. Ra's side steps dodging the attack.

Ra's: Hmm, you have shown me enough of your skills.

Ra's makes a hand sign, and two ninjas bring out two wooden blocks. They space those blocks about six inches apart. Then they put a piece of some type of metal on top of the blocks.

Ra's: Break this metal.

Kai goes to pick it up.

Ra's: No, karate chop the metal in half.

Kai: Is that even possible?

Ra's: With enough force.

Kai gets his hand ready, and then he swings his hand down like a giant axe. His hand breaks the metal into two pieces.

Ra's: That's what I thought.

Kai: What?

Ra's: That was tungsten. Which means you are fighting the wrong way.

Kai: How am I fighting the wrong way?

Ra's: Your fighting with your feet. Someone that fights with their legs doesn't have the upper body strength to deal enough damage with their fists. You have the ability to use a wide array of different moves, but you only use kicks. Then I saw that you were sloppy with your staff. You thrusted, leaving yourself open for any attack if I dodged that attack. Your fighting is sloppy and unrefined. We have a lot of work to do Tanin.

Ra's starts walking away. For the next two months Ra's trained Kai. He refined Kai's fighting in hand to hand combat and with the staff. During this time Luna heals some, and has to stand with a cane. Ra's became even more fixated on Kai becoming the next Ra's. He has worked so hard he knows that Kai will become Ra's indefinitely. After the two months it is finally early 2021, and Kai is 23. Everyone is outside for the declaration of Kai becoming the new Ra's. Kai is kneeling below Ra's. Everyone else is lined up in rows behind Kai and Ra's. The higher league members sit in chairs to the side of Ra's. Luna is one of them because she can't stand for too long.

Ra's: After having this ring for centuries upon centuries the head of the demon must choose a new head. Since I have had no sons I had to find a male powerful enough to take my place. I found that in Tanin. I found a powerful man. A man strong enough to become the next Ra's al ghul. Tanin, do you accept this transfer of power.

Kai looks to Luna. Then Kai looks back at Ra's.

Kai: I do not accept. I challenge you for my freedom.

Ra's laughs at Kai. Then Talia puts her blade to Luna's throat.

Ra's: No, put your sword down Talia.

Talia looks mad, but then obeys. She sits back in her chair.

Ra's: I accept your challenge Kai.

Ra's takes off his shirt, and throws it on the ground. His shirt drops to the ground making a crash. Ra's shows that he is not just an old man. Ra's looks bigger than a bodybuilder. Then Ra's takes out his two swords. He holds one of them regularly. Then he holds his left swords upside down so that it follows along his arm.

Kai: Wow, you're really just flexin on me.

Kai takes out his staff so that it follows along behind his right arm. All of the league backs away to form a circle around them

Ra's: Begin!

Ra's moves faster than Kai has ever seen him move before. Ra's goes for a slice with his right blade. Kai just manages to switch the way he's holding his staff to block it. Ra's uses his left blade to try and slice Kai's stomach. Kai blocks it, and goes for a swing to Ra's side. Ra blocks it with his right blade. Ra's kicks kai to the stomach. Kai blocks it with his staff, and he still gets pushed back. Ra's slides on the ground, and tries to slice Kai's leg. Kai jumps back, and Ra's throws his right blade. Kai blocks it, and the blade flies up into the air. Ra's jumps up grabbing the blade upside down. Then Ra's stabs down at Kai with both blades. Kai rolls back, and the blades stab into the dirt beneath them. Ra's repositions his blades so both of them follow his arms. Ra's starts slicing with each blade back and forth. Kai blocks it with his staff, but they are equal in speed. Ra's slices up with both the blades, and Kai's staff gets cut in half.

Kai: Your blades are powerful.

Kai switches the way he holds the two pieces to holding them like batons.

Kai: But now we both have two weapons.

They start swinging on each other. They both completely matched in power. As Kai slows down from fatigue Ra's does not. Ra's slowly starts getting small slices into Kai. Then Ra's slices, and gives Kai a big cut on his side. Kai drops to one knee holding his side, and then slams his right baton on Ra's knee. Ra's drops to one knee too. Ra's slices at both sides of Kai. Kai blocks it with his batons, but they get cut into pieces. Kai rolls back, and then gets to his knees. Ra stands back up, and drops his dual blades to the side of him. Ra's runs at Kai, and Throws a jab to Kai's stomach. Kai doidges it, and tries to elbow Ra's Head. Ra's uses his other hand to block it, and then Ra's uses his left leg to kick Kai in the stomach. Kai holds Ra's leg there, and moves his leg up so that Ra's is off balance. Kai then uppercuts Ra's in the jaw. Ra's starts falling to the ground, but he flips landing on his feet. Ra's flies back to Kai. Ra's punches Kai in the side before Kai can react, and then uppercuts Kai back. Ra's goes for a right hook, but Kai grabs his arm, and elbows Ra's in the side. Ra's stumbles backwards, and Kai does a jump front kick to Ra's head. Ra's gets knocked down, and Kai picks Ra's up by the collar. Ra's starts speaking with a bleeding mouth.

Ra's: Kill me!

Kai has a flashback from months ago.

Kai: You wanted to show me the good you've done?

Ra's: Not the good I have done, but the good you can do. I wanted to serve justice. This is my way of doing it. When you become Ra's, you can serve justice anyway you want.

Kai snaps back into reality.

Kai: No, since I have been here I have been thinking about killing you. You don't deserve death. Your a good man. You just have bad morals.

Ra's: If you don't kill me I'll kill everyone you love! I have infinite resources! You will join me even if it takes one thousand years! I am inevitable! If you kill me you become Ra's. If you don't then you become Ra's!

Luna starts running over.

Ra's: How many lives do you want to be taken so that you can have freedom?!

Luna draws her sword, and stabs Ra's in the back.

Luna: None.