Smoke talk

Luna drops to her knees holding her wound while her blade is still in Ra's.

Ra's: Take my ring.

Ra's slowly takes his ring off his finger as blood fills up in his mouth. Ra's puts the ring in Kai's hand, and then passes out. Talia, Nyssa, and Sarab are all gone. The rest of the league ninjas all drop to one knee. Ra's drops to the ground, and Kai helps Luna inside to his room. Luna starts resting on the bed as Kai sits in a chair thinking.

Luna: I had to-

Kai: Don't even.


Kai: Luna, I have one rule.

Luna: And maybe if you weren't blinded by it you would be able to think logically!

Kai: How are you any different then him! He kills for justice, and now you do too! Why even run from him then?! You clearly have the same goals!

Luna: He would have killed anyone to get to you! We can't even put him in prison! He would just escape! He's immortal with endless resources! What were you going to do?! Sit on top of mountains away from everybody so that you had no friends for him to kill?! What was going to happen if he was still alive?!

Kai: I was going to cut off his hand! I was going to take the ring from him without killing him! Then I was going to use the league to build a prison for him! I was going to take over the league!

Kai throws the ring at Luna, and she catches it.

Kai: You killed him. It's your responsibility now! I'm leaving!

Kai walks out of the room, and to the top of the league's base. A few league members follow him to the top of the base.

League member1: Ra's, where are you going? We will escort you.

Kai: I transfer my power over to Luna until either Luna dies, or I return to this island.

League member1: Are you sure?

Kai: Yes, spread the word.

Kai gets in the helicopter, and it starts to take off.

Pilot: Where are we going?

Kai: Bring me back to New York.

The helicopter starts flying away. There was a change of clothes on the helicopter which Kai used so he wasn't in league gear. Eventually they land at one of the New York airports. Kai gets out, and gets in his car. He drives back home, and walks inside the house tired and dismal. Cal walks out of his room, and sees Kai.

Cal: Luna and you break up?

Kai just goes into his own room without saying a word.

Cal: I'll take that as a yes.

Kai lays on his bed, and Cal leaves the house. Kai sleeps for a few hours. Eventually his phone went off from a text, and it woke him up.

Kai: Az wants to meet at bibble and sip?

Kai texts back sure. Kai gets in his car, and drives over. When Kai gets there he gets a coffee, and then sits with Az.

Az: We haven't talked in a long time.

Kai takes a sip of coffee.

Kai: Too long.

Az: So, I wanted to know if you would like to go to a concert with me and a few friends.

Kai: Who else is going?

Az: Rhea and a mystery person.

Kai: Mystery person?

Az: It's a surprise.

Kai: At least tell me who's singing at the concert.

Az: Rapping, and that's a surprise to.

Kai: I don't like surprises. They scare me.

Az: Well then prepare to be frightened.

Az gets up from his seat.

Az: You should get a croissant too. They're great.

Kai: Isn't it just a regular croissant?

Az: Nope, they use a lot of butter. Way different.

Kai: Talk to ya later.

Az: See ya.

Kai leaves without getting a croissant, and then goes back home. Kai sleeps through the night, and wakes up later in the day. He gets some cereal out of the fridge. Cal comes out of his room.

Cal: Oh, I thought you were just going to be sad in your bed all day.

Kai: Where are you going?

Cal: Concert later today.

Kai: Me too.

Cal: Really, the teflon concert?

Kai: I don't know. My friend said it would be "a surprise."

Cal: You should probably ask him the time of the concert. So you at least know when you should be ready.

Kai: I'm an adult! I know these things!

Cal: Just saying. Anyway, I gotta go. Talk to you later.

Cal leaves the house

Kai: How is that guy always busy?

Kai texts Az, and Az tells him to meet him at six thirty at a certain location. Kai chills for the rest of the day, and then takes a shower. After the shower he puts on new clothes, and drives to where Az told him so. Az gets out of his car, and so does Kai.

Kai: So what's the surprise?

A girl gets out of the car. She is dark skin, and long braids. Her hair is black, and she has light eyes. She is wearing black short shorts, and a black teflon shirt. She runs over and hugs Kai.

???: It's so good to see you!

Kai: It's been a while Natalie.

Natalie: That's it? It's just been a while. You have nothing better to say than that?

Kai: What do you expect me to say?

Natalie: Why not "Natalie, I missed you so much!"

Kai: Sounds really lame.

Natalie: You're really lame.

Az: No bickering! We're going in my car because you have to pay for parking.

They all get in, and Kai is forced to get in the back.

Kai: Why is no one sitting with you?

Az: Rhea will be. I just have to go pick her up, but first!

Az brings out a remote control.

Az: I bought a toy for my car so I don't have to listen to you two remenist about the good ol' days.

Az pushes a button, and black sound proof glass slide up to block the driver from his passengers.

Kai: He's not a limo driver! What is this?!

Natalie: Maybe he's a secret chauffeur?

Kai: Doubt it. So, what have you been up to? You went to college, but you never said what you wanted to do.

Natalie: That's because I went to college not knowing what I wanted to do. By the end of college I had grown up enough to finally choose my profession.

Kai: Stop building the tension! What's your job?

Natalie: I'm a nurse. I help people.

Kai: Well that was anticlimactic.

Natalie: Asshole. Then what's your job if mine is so boring?

Kai: Well, I didn't need to go to college. I joined the military, and got to go on missions like taking down super powered people and ninjas.

Natalie: I think you're exaggerating.

Kai: How could you not believe me! Have I ever lied to you?

Natalie: Yeah.

Kai: Nonsense!

They both laugh.

Natalie: We both have gone through a lot, but I wanted to ask you something.

Az rolls down the glass. Rhea is sitting in the passenger seat.

Kai: When did Rhea get here?

Az: You two were too busy doing shady shit in the back to see her get in the car. Anyway, we're here.

Kai: At the concert?

Az: Where else?

They all get out.

Kai: Just making sure.

They all walk into the concert building. There is a giant crowd where everyone is waiting in a dark room where the lights are dimmed. Then a platform slowly rises from below. A light skinned man with short dark hair, and a five o clock shadow is looking down at the ground with a mic in his hand. Red lights shoot across the stage, and the man starts rapping.

Kai: Is that Jax?!

Natalie: Yeah, that's why it was a surprise!

Jax: When I'm sitting your feeling every word I say

While haters try to bring me down because they need to get laid

They can't stop us because we bumping

Can't stop us, they know we bumping

Try to bring me down but they know i'm bumping

The concert rages on as the crowd roars in excitement. After the concert ends everyone starts going home. Natalie drags Kai backstage, and they see Jax.

Jax: You guys came!

Natalie: Of course we did! Why wouldn't we?

Jax: Well, I haven't talked to Kai in years. So…

Kai: I still would have come if I knew it was your concert. That awesome that you finally got signed! I knew you could do it!

Jax: Kai, since we haven't seen each other in so long you should come with me and Az.

Kai: What are you guys doing?

Jax: Partying.

Natalie: Can I come?

Jax: Nope, dudes only!

Natalie: Well then! Kai you should go. Az is going to drop me and Rhea off so we can chill together too. Then he'll meet up with you.

Kai: I guess I'll go then.

Kai and Jax get in a car together. The driver brings them to Jax's place, and they both go inside. Jax sits on the couch, and Kai sits on a chair.

Kai: I'm surprised we didn't go to a club.

Jax: Nah, too many people will be there trying to get signatures and pictures.

Kai: I get it.

Jax takes out a blunt and lighter. He starts smoking.

Jax: Oh, sorry. Want to smoke?

Kai: Sure.

Jax passes Kai the blunt. Kai starts smoking. Then Kai coughs after he takes in a deep breath.

Jax: Have you not smoked before?

Kai: No. Why would I have smoked?

Jax: Man, it's what you do!

About thirty minutes of smoking later Az gets there, and joins in the party. Another hour after they are all high and just spewing nonsense.

Jax: I just realized something.

Kai: What?

Jax: You can't move backwards on the stairs.

Kai: Your right. Y'know, I still need a job.

Jax: You don't have a job?

Kai: Nah, I've just been living life.

Jax: That's what we should be doing man.

Kai: Yeah.

Jax: You should make your own business!

Kai: Nah.

Jax: Yeah, you should. Come up with a good idea, and boom. Business.

Kai: I don't know how to run a business.

Jax: Man, it's easy. I'll even throw some money down.

Kai: Heh, nah man.

They both look at Az passed out.

Kai: Is he dead?

Jax pokes Az.

Az: Don't touch me! I'm sleeping.

Kai and Jax just shrug.