The Purple Coat

Kai is sleeping on Jax's couch. Az pokes Kai, and wakes him up.

Kai: What time is it?

Az: It's like ten, get up. I'll drive you back to your car.

Kai: Alright.

They both get into the car.

Az: You're going to start a business?

Kai: We were high, and you were asleep!

Az: Yeah, but when you're high you have the best of ideas.

Kai: Or the worst.

Az: Nah, only the best.

Eventually Az pulls up next to Kai's car.

Az: You should at least think about starting a business. I made a restaurant, and it blew up. Now I have multiple restaurants, and I can do whatever I want. I think if you made a business it could be really successful.

Kai: I might.

Az: Alright then, see ya man.

Kai: Yeah, see ya.

Kai gets out and into his own car. Kai drives home. Once he gets inside he notices Cal isn't there. Kai takes a shower, and starts making food. Once Kai finishes making the food he starts eating.

Beast(In Kai's Head): Go to oscorp in your hero gear.

Kai(in head): Can't you see i'm busy eating!

Kai gets no response.

Kai: Dickhead.

Kai goes and puts on his gear. Then Kai teleports to the roof, and starts running to oscorp.

Kai(in head): I forgot I don't have my fucking staff! Damnit Ra's!

Kai gets to Oscorp, and then he sees a news chopper fly past him, and it starts flying above Oscorp.

Kai: I guess I gotta get to the top.

Kai sits down, and meditates. Soon he teleports to the top of the building. Kai sees a man in a long black coat with multiple purple zippers. Then he has a purple cloth wrapped around his waist like a belt. The edges of his coat are also all purple. Then the man is wearing a white mask with giant black eye holes. He also has purple cloth over his shoulders like a scarf. The man has his back turned to Kai.

Purple Man: Have you come to stop me?

Kai: Depends on what you're doing.

The Man turns around.

Purple Man: Are you asking me what I am doing?

Kai: Only if you'll tell me.

Purple Man: Beat me first.

Kai runs up to the man. Kai goes in for a jab. The man drops to the ground, and sweeps Kai's leg. Kai started falling to the ground. The man used his other leg to kick Kai upwards. Then the man jumps above Kai, and kicks him into the ground. After this barrage of attacks Kai jumps back up.

Kai: Of course you know martial arts! Why wouldn't you?!

The man runs at Kai. The man tries to roundhouse kick Kai. Kai ducks under it, and elbows the man in his stomach. Then Kai roundhouse kicked the man in his head. The man stumbles backward, but regains balance. Kai runs at him. The man does the same. The man in purple takes out a knife, and slashes Kai's side. Kai falls to the ground.

Kai: You son of a bitch! Why would you bring a knife to a fist fight?!

Purple Man: To win.

Kai: Who are you?

Purple Man: You don't need to know-

The man starts holding his head. Then he drops to his knees. All of a sudden he stops holding his head, and he stands up.

Purple Man: Thats a good question, but I can't just tell you! You gotta work for it! You gotta show me that you want it! You feel me?

Kai: I feel the stab you gave me.

Purple Man: Yeah, you get it. Your hint is… Drum roll please.

Kai does nothing.

Purple Man: I'm not hearing drums! That's fine. We'll work on it. The hint is Stanton Street!

Kai: Anymore clues?

Purple Man: Don't be greedy! Give to the needy. Welp, I better leave before the cops come.

The man walks to the side of the building. Then he takes a step off and falls. Soon Kai sees him rise above the building, and then fly away.

Kai: What the fuck just happened?!

Kai ends up going back home, and looking up stanton street. Cal walks by, and sees what Kai is looking at.

Cal: Oh no! Are you going to move?!

Kai: No, I am seeing a friend there.

Cal: Good, cause you have to tell me six months prior to moving, or I'm bringing you to court.

Kai: Cal, have I ever told you that you're a great friend?

Cal: I know I'm the greatest friend you could have. You don't need to tell me.

Kai shakes his head, and Cal goes to leave.

Kai: You love to leave the house.

Cal: Don't be mad that I have a life and you don't

Kai: Fair point.

Cal: Yeah, that's right.

Cal leaves, and Kai keeps looking up stuff about Stanton Street.

Kai: There isn't anything here!

Beast(In Kai's Head): Then why don't you look deeper.

Kai(In Head): Y'know, you have been an asshole lately. You never talk to me. Then you speak one sentence to me before ditching me again.

Kai gets no response.

Kai: Fuck this! I'm not doing nothing for you. The only thing you have ever done for me is save me when I was dealing with a problem you created. I'm not helping you with anything.

Kai checks his phone. He sees he got a text from Natalie.

Natalie(text): Hey Kai, this is Natalie. I got your number from Az. Now text me back so we can hang out.

Kai(text): As forceful as ever I see.

Natalie(text): I'll take that as a yes.

Kai(text): When and where?

Natalie gives him some address, and tells him to meet her at 7pm.

Kai: Well, That gives me a lot of time to check out stanton street.

Kai puts his superhero suit back on, and goes to stanton street.

Kai: People walk up and down this street all the time. I doubt the man is a killer. I didn't see any murders on this street by a black a purple coated man anyway. It also helps that all the murderers on this street were sent to prison or killed already.

Kai sees a drug deal going down. Then Kai hops down. The dealer goes to run.

Kai: I want information.

The dealer trades a bag to a man for a stack of cash. The man runs away, but the dealer stays.

Dealer: What info?

Kai: The man in the purple and black coat.

Dealer: Changes personalities?

Kai: That's him.

Dealer: What for.

Kai: I owe him money. I need to find him before his hitman finds me.

Dealer: I didn't know he was trading big money deals.

Kai: Guess he only did it with me then.

Dealer: He goes by Multiplex. You ain't gonna find him from a simple search. He likes to stay off the grid.

Kai: Is that all you know?

Dealer: That's all I'm at liberty to say to a broke man.

Kai: I'm not broke. I was broke.

Kai hands him a hundred dollars.

Dealer: You must owe quite the large debt.

Kai: Yeah, that's why I need to find him.

Dealer: I'm not saying no more!

Kai: You got stacks or something?

Dealer: You don't have my trust and respect like multiplex has, and I ain't no snitch to friends.

Kai: Fair enough.

Kai walks away. Kai goes home, and changes into nice clothes before driving to the address Natalie gave him. He pulls up to a house, and gets out of the car. He knocks on the door, and Natalie answers it.

Natalie: Kai, come in.

Kai walks in and sits on the couch.

Natalie: How did you know we were going to sit down?

Kai: Because that's what we always do. Whenever I go to Az or Jax's house we sit down on the couch.

Natalie: I'm sorry the couch is too basic for you.

Kai: Nah, I love the couch. Me and the couch are best friends.

Natalie sits down too.

Natalie: Now your in love with the couch. Bipolar much?

Kai: I don't know. I don't use therapists.

Natalie: Why not?

Kai: They just stare at you, and want you to tell them all your secrets. They never even tell me their secrets. It's a one sided relationship.

Natalie: That was extra.

Kai: It was right.

Natalie: Let's move on from therapy. Jax told me you were unemployed.

Kai: What, I said that while we were smoking! I want him reprimanded for this!

Natalie: And you guys came up with the idea that you could become a ceo.

Kai: I'm not doing it.

Natalie sighs in frustration.

Natalie: And that's why I wanted to talk to you.

Kai: Natalie, I don't even have an idea for the business. The idea would fail before it even started.

Natalie: Then think of an idea. All you need is one idea that no one else is doing.

Kai: Stop being inspirational! I don't appreciate it.

Natalie: Az told me that your last job made you leave all the time. I just want you to be able to be happy.

Kai: Happy, the fuck. Why are you being so sentimental? This isn't like you.

Natalie: How would you know Kai?! It's been around six years!


Natalie: At least come up with an idea before you give up.

Natalie gets up, and walks away.

Kai: I pissed her off. I'll give her some time to cool down.

Kai leaves to go home.