The Bears

A week later, Kai is laying down on the couch thinking to himself.

Kai(in head): I can't think of a fucking buisness idea. I'm not a businessman.

Kai is swinging a butterfly knife in his hand.

Kai(in head): This butterfly knife is awesome, but it's making me miss my staff.

Kai has a flashback from months ago. He sees Slade with a look of guilt and sadness on his face. Then slade just starts walking away. Kai comes back to reality.

Kai(in head): I didn't think seeing Slade again would be so strange. Imma just go to the gym.

Kai goes to the gym struggling to get Slade out of his head. Kai maxes out all the machines he uses, and eventually gets bored with lifting so he goes to the punching bag. Kai starts with very light punches. Then Kai gets more flashbacks. Kai remembers back to when he was thirteen.

Slade: Alright, you can go first. Remember to try your absolute hardest on the games of chess we play.

Kai: Alright.

They start playing.

Slade: So, are you setting something up?


Slade: You're really getting into this, huh kid? That's fine. I'll shut up.

They keep playing. They both see their strategies. Then even though Kai thought his plan was going perfectly.

Slade: Checkmate, kid.

Kai: what the- I thought I was winning.

Slade: We will play more tomorrow. Now go to bed! See ya in the morning, kid.

Then Kai remembers a year later. When he was scared after killing detective Steel.

Slade: I was hoping you wouldn't have to kill so young.

Kai: How did you know?

Slade: You have the eyes my son. The eyes of someone who has killed. They aren't eyes someone wants, but they are the eyes of the strong. Strong recognize strong Kai. Strong recognize strong.

Kai starts crying as Slade holds him.

Then Kai remembers going back to Slade's house after an A.R.G.U.S mission.

Kai: Excuse me ma'am. Do you happen to know Slade Wilson?

Older Woman: No I do not.

Kai: Then do you know anything about the owner of this house before you.

Older Woman: No one else has lived in this house except me. Are you okay sir?

Kai: Yeah, it's nothing. Must be the wrong house.

Older Woman: Okay then, have a good day.

Kai: You too.

She shuts the door, and Kai walks back to his car. Kai snaps back to reality, and he punched straight through the punching bag.

Kai(in head): I need to find Slade.

Kai goes back to his house. He gets a backpack, and fills it. He puts his suit, butterfly knife, snacks, and water in the bag.

Kai(in head): That looks like all we have here that I would need.

Cal walks out of his room, and grabs something out of the fridge.

Cal: Where are you going?

Kai: I don't know.

Cal: Well then when are you coming back?

Kai: Drawing a blank.

Cal: Just make sure you have money for me when you get back.

Kai: I won't be gone that long. Maybe a week or two.

Cal: Alright. See ya.

Kai leaves the house, and gets in his car. He drives over to the argus base. When he walks a door opens, and Amanda Waller walks through the door.

Waller: Why are you here?

Kai: I need to know where the Slade that raised me is.

Waller: Why?

Kai: Why not?

Waller: Why would A.R.G.U.S help you?

Kai: Because I'll never ask anything again.

Waller: We're done here.

Kai:Wait! What if this Slade goes rogue. He could take down your whole operation. Especially since he knows about it.

Waller: We'll tell you where he is, but you have to kill him. Deal?

Kai:... Deal.

They shake hands. Kai follows Waller. They end up in the computer lab. Waller turns to one of her computer scientists.

Waller: Put up Slades location.

A huge screen lights up showing a mountain. The top of the mountain is highlighted in green.

Waller: We have been trying to take Slade down for a while now. There is an animal we have never seen before. We believe its a mutation between a polar bear and wolf.

Kai: That doesn't sound that bad.

Waller: It wouldn't be if it wasn't twice as big as a regular polar bear, and had claws that shot out like projectiles. Whenever we try to use a helicopter to fly up there it shoots us down.

Kai: Does this mean you can't fly me up there?

Waller: We can fly you half the way up. You'll have to climb from there. You can grab gear from the same place as always.

Kai: Alright.

Kai walks out of the room and down the hallway. He opens the door into the supply room. He grabs two ice axes, and hooks them onto the sides of his bag. Then Kai grabs an oxygen mask, and changes into his hero clothes.

Kai: I think that's all I need.

Kai walks to the old mission room. He waits there until Waller shows up.

Waller: No jacket?

Kai: I had water constantly dumped on me for a year and a half. Temperature doesn't affect me anymore. Plus I have a sweatshirt on. I'll be fine.

Waller: You know what to do. The helicopter is ready for you on the roof as always.

Kai: Alright.

Waller: This will be your last mission.

Kai: Yeah, I know. Feels good to finally close up loose ends.

Waller: Yes it does Mr.Adara.

Kai leaves the room, and walks up the stairs to the roof. He walks over to the chopper, and then hops into it.

Pilot: Are you ready to go to Jengish Chokusu.

Kai sits down.

Kai: I guess.

Pilot: Good enough for me.

The helicopter takes off. After hours of flying Kai finally sees the mountain. Once they get close to the mountain the pilot steps away from the cockpit. He has an oxygen mask on, and a parachute. The helicopter is still moving closer towards the mountain.

Kai(in head): And he's bailing.

Kai goes as fast as possible to grab the guy. The guy opens the door, and jumps out before Kai could get him.

The helicopter starts spinning out of control.

Kai(in head): Guess I have to jump to.

Kai puts on his oxygen mask, and takes out his ice axes.

Kai: Have to time this perfectly.

The helicopter gets very close to the mountain. Kai jumps out, and his axes hit the rock of the mountain. His axes slide down the rock before his right axe grips onto the mountain. His left axe drops down into the abyss of fog. Kai grabs onto the mountain with his left hand while watching his axe drop.

Kai: Worked like a charm. If you forget that I lost an axe.

The helicopter slams into the mountain above him creating an explosion. Kai puts his left arm above his head to protect him from debris. A few small pieces hit him, but the majority of pieces missed him.

Kai: Parkour and fireworks. My favorite.

Kai starts climbing up the mountain. As his axe cracks through each piece of rock the wind whips his face. Some rocks he grabs onto break, and he has to grab onto something else with his left hand. Eventually, after hours, he found his way to the top part of the mountain. The top half is flatter and walkable, but still rises in height. Kai pulls himself up to this level, and then lays on the cold snow breathing heavily.

Kai: That was a lot of work, but now I have finally reached the top! Should be easy from here.

Kai puts on his hood, and pulls the two strings on his sweatshirt to tighten the hood up a bit.

Kai: Now I can run.

Kai starts running across the snow. Soon he hears a loud roar, and a blizzard kicks up on the mountain. Kai takes his ice axe back out. Large black needles fire through the blizzard at Kai. Kai does a back handspring to dodge it. Then a huge white and blue beast comes out of the fog, and slams into Kai. Kai falls back, and soon the beast is out of sight again.

Kai: This must be the bear.

The huge bear wolf hybrid stands on its back legs to strike fear. The twenty foot tall beast looks like it weighs a few tons. Its coat is white with a blue X pattern across its body. It has a scar across one of its eyes. The beast roars again. Kai goes for an axe swing straight to its stomach. His axe hits the polar bear without actually cutting it. The bear slams its front paws on Kai. Kai gets his hand under the bear's paw. Kai lifts the bear's paw up, and forces the bear back. The bear hides back in the snow, and Kai gets back to his feet. The blizzard calms down, and the bear seems to be gone.

Kai: Fuck man. I don't know if I can take that bear down.

Kai starts walking through the snow again, and eventually he finds a polar bear laying in the snow. It has an X across its body just like that last bear, but this bear is much smaller. Kai walks over to the bear, and sees that the bear is decapitated.

Kai(in head): Is this a female? Are there more of these things?

Kai keeps walking, and sees a cave.

Kai(in head): I need to be careful. I don't know if the other bear is here, or if there are more bears.

Kai sneaks over to the cave. He slowly walks through the cold dark cave until he sees the huge bear laying down. There are bear cubs snuggled up against the big bear. Then Kai smiles.

Kai(in head): I understand. These bears only have a father. Just like I did. I guess that's the reason this bear was so aggressive. Now it's time to meet the man who did this.

Kai leaves the cave, and walks further up the mountain. Once he reaches the top of the mountain he sees another cave. He walks inside, and after a short walk he sees an orange light. Slade is sitting in front of a fire.

Slade: Hey kid.