
Kai is sitting on the couch at home.

Kai(in head): Eagle Eyes power was pretty cool. I wonder if I could create something like that.

The door opens, and Cal walks in the house.

Cal: You're so damn lazy.

Kai: I'm straight chillin. You don't even know.

Cal: Yeah, whatever.

Cal grabs an apple, and goes into his room.

Kai(in head): I should probably go hang out with a friend, or at least do something normal.

Kai texts Natalie.

Kai(text): Wanna hang out?

After like ten minutes Natalie texts back.

Natalie(Text): Sure, where and when?

Kai(Text): Bibble and Sip in about an hour.

Natalie: Alright.

Kai goes to Bibble and Sip, and meets Natalie there. They both order food, and sit down at a table.

Natalie: So, what have you been doing?

Kai: Well, I saw Slade for the first time in years.

Natalie: You haven't seen Slade in years?

Kai: No, he left when I started my job six years ago. It was really good to see him.

Natalie: I'm really happy for you, but while we are on the topic of jobs I want to apologize.

Kai: For what?

Natalie: Trying to force you to start a business. Az told me that your last job took years out of your life, and you weren't happy with it. So I decided to do what he said, and talk you into starting your own business. Especially since you might have to work your old job again, and we wouldn't really be able to see each other.

Kai: I would never go back to doing missions. It sucked and multiple people have helped me realize that it's just not living.

Natalie: That's good.

Kai: Hey, do you wanna go somewhere else?

Natalie: Sure, where?

Kai: Haven't really thought that one through yet.

Natalie: Why don't we go to the movies?

Kai: To see what?

Natalie: We'll figure that out when we get there.

They both get into Kai's car, and Kai starts driving. Eventually Kai pulls over at the movies, and they walk inside. After looking at the movie choice they choose an action movie. They both sit down, and start watching the movie. About half way through Kai puts his arm around Natalie, and she lays her head on him. Once the movie finishes they both get back in Kai's car.

Kai: The movie was pretty cool.

Natalie: Lots of explosions.

Kai: Yeah, because explosions are fucking awesome!

Natalie laughs.

Natalie: Sure they are.

Kai starts driving, and soon they end up back at Bibble and Sip.

Natalie: Really, I already have to leave.

Kai: I got something to do later.

Natalie: Whatever. Text me later?

Kai: Of course.

Natalie gets out, and Kai drives back home. Once Kai gets in the house he goes right to his room, and changes into his hero clothes.

Kai(in head): It's getting dark. I'm guessing Multiplex will be at Lebelle Chemicals soon.

Kai teleports to the top of his building, and starts running to the chemical company. Eventually Kai teleports to the top of Lebelle, and waits there. He waits there all night. Once the sun starts to rise Multiplex makes it to the top of the building.

Multiplex: Now you have your back turned to me.

Kai stands up, and turns around to see Multiplex.

Kai: Why not just destroy Labelle?

Multiplex: All these companies are the same.

Kai sighs.

Kai: I thought as much.

Kai takes out his staff.

Kai: Bring it.

Multiplex runs at Kai. Kai swings his staff. Multiplex dodges it, and goes for an elbow in Kai's stomach. Kai dodges to the side, and slams his staff in Multiplex's back. Multiplex rolls, and turns back to Kai. When Multiplex sees Kai they are a few feet apart. Kai goes for a baseball swing. Multiplex ducks under it, and Kai slams the staff on Multiplex's head. Multiplex lies on the ground.

Kai: This is way easier with a staff.

A news chopper starts floating above their heads recording everything.

Multiplex gets back up.

Multiplex: Ah, Kevin must have taken down Labelle. That sly dog.

Kai: Joe?

Multiplex: You remember me? That's so nice.

Multiplex flies up. Then starts shooting lasers out of his arms. Kai starts dodging the lazers, and Multiplex starts laughing.

Multiplex: Dance for me!

Kai gets hit by one of the lazers, and blasted back. Then as Kai is laying on the ground Multiplex starts shooting lasers at him even more rapidly. He shoots so many lasers that he can't see Kai while doing it. Then Kai slams Multiplex down, and catches himself right before slamming into the ground. Kai starts free falling, and Multiplex starts shooting lasers again. Kai puts his arms in front of his face, and starts getting blasted. Then Kai teleports back to the ground.

Multiplex: One hit. That is all you'll get.

Then lasers come out of Multiplex's eyes. Kai does a back handspring to dodge him. Then Kai starts running at Multiplex while running back and forth dodging the optic blasts.

Multiplex: You think I can only use one blast at a time.

Multiplex starts shooting blasts out of his hands while still using optic blasts. Kai gets hit with Multiplex's eye beams, and they blast him off the building. As Kai is falling down he jabs his staff into the building.

Kai(in head): Fuck. Those blasts are too damn hard to dodge.

Beast(to kai): You ran 100 kilometers in 9 minutes. All you have to do is run fast enough that his eyes can't keep up.

Kai(in head): I don't have super speed!

Beast(to kai): Yes you do. You just don't use it in battle. Run.

Kai teleports to the top of the building.

Multiplex: You should have just run away. This is the last company anyway. You are really putting up a fight for one company?

Kai: Every great criminal gets caught.

Multiplex: Thanks for the compliment.

Kai puts his staff on his back. Multiplex starts shooting lasers again, and Kai starts running as fast as he possibly can. He can see that Multiplex's optic blasts follow right behind him. Kai runs at Multiplex, and then punches Multiplex in the face. Multiplex goes flying, and slams into the ground. A portal opens up above them, and a flying man comes out. Then the portal closes. He has a grey and black muscle shirt. Then a red and black trench coat with a high collar. He wears baggy black pants, and black shoes. He has a white mask with only a left eye on the mask. He floats down to Multiplex.

???: Its been lonely without me, hasn't it brother?

The man helps Multiplex up.

Multiplex: I knew if I did this you would show up!

The man hugs Multiplex. Then Multiplex's depression changes. Multiplex drops to the ground with a hole in his chest, and the man is holding Multiplex's heart in his hand.

???: See you in hell.

Kai: Are you James?

???: Don't call me James. I go by Entity.

A portal opens behind Entity.

Entity: Are you coming.

Entity walks through the portal.

Beats(To Kai): That's a portal to hell. Follow him.

Kai(in head): Why?

Beast(To Kai): Hells been out of order for a while now. He must have something to do with it. Follow him.

Kai(In Head): How long will this take?!

Beast(To Kai): Go.

Kai(In Head): Fuck it! Who doesn't want to take a vacation in hell?!

Kai walks through the portal, and the portal closes behind him.