Bonus Chapter

Cal is watching the news. The news shows Kai fighting multiplex.

Reporter: A new hero has stood up to fight against the masked purple villain. It looks like our hero is losing.

Kai falls off the building, and soon gets back to the roof, and takes down Multiplex. Entity shows up, and then leaves through a portal. Kai follows him.

Reporter: It looks like the new villain has left, and our hero has followed him. Is our hero trying to take down this new villain, or is he working with him?

Cal chuckles.

Cal: Well then.

Cal leaves, and goes to a sword fighting dojo. He grabs gear, and gets out on the mat. They aren't using real swords

Coach: Cal, you don't have to go easy on him. He's one of our best.

Cal: Okay couch.

They start fighting. The student goes in for a slash. Cal parries, and quickly goes for a throat strike.

Cal: I win.

Coach: Alright, we're done for the day.

Cal goes to put his stuff back in his locker, and his couch follows him.

Couch: Why do you even still come here. I can't ever find a challenge for you. There isn't any reason to stay here. You should try to find new opponents.

Cal: I like to keep in practice.

Couch: Well okay, but you're really destroying all the other students' confidence.

Cal: Maybe it'll motivate them to get stronger.

Couch: I have to hope. See ya next week Cal.

The couch pats Cal on the back.

Cal: See ya.

Cal leaves, and goes to the gym, and maxes out all the machines. Then he goes to bench press, and he puts all the weights on. Then he just keeps going for hours until his arms feel like they're dead. Once he finishes working out, it's late, so he goes to the bar. He starts drinking, and watching a sports game. Then he sees a woman looking at him from across the bar. When he was about to go to her, two big guys walk over to her.

Big guy1: What's a pretty girl like you doing all alone at this hour?

Big guy2: Why don't you come with us, and we'll show you why it's more fun to hang out with us?

Woman: Uh, I don't really-

Big guy1: Come on.

Big guy2: We don't bite.

Woman: I gotta go home.

She leaves, and the guys follow her. Cal drinks the last sip of his drink, and puts money on the table. He goes out to follow those guys. He leaves the bar, and goes around the corner to the alleyway to see that the guys have pinned the woman to a wall. Cal walks up to them. One of the big guys goes for a punch, and Cal catches the man's fist in his hand. Then Cal punches the guy in the face knocking him out with one punch. The other guy goes for a punch, and Cal ducks under it elbowing the man in his stomach. The man falls over.

Woman: Why would you help me?

Cal: I hate bad people. Especially people that ruin others' lives for no reason.

Woman: Thank you.

She leaves.

Cal: I need another drink.

Cal goes back inside, and gets a few more drinks before leaving. Then Cal starts walking around town for a little bit. Eventually Cal makes it to a bridge. Under the bridge he sees an old enemy. He sees a man with dark skin and white hair.

Cal: Smiley?

Smiley stands up, and takes out his electric whips.

Cal: I'm not here to fight.

Smiley slashes a whip at Cal, and Cal easily dodges it.

Cal: How did you get out of prison?

Cal slowly walks up to Smiley dodging all of Smiley's attacks. Then Cal lifts Smiley up by the neck, and Smiley drops his whips.

Cal: So how did you get out of prison?

Smiley: None of your business!

Cal: Well how did you become a hobo that lives under a bridge?

Smiley spits at Cal, and Cal slams smiley against the bridge.

Cal: Learn fucking manners.

Cal slams smiley against the wall again, and drops him on the ground. Cal fixes his collar, and walks away. Soon after a dark man with a suit on walks up to smiley.

???: I have the feeling that you don't want to keep living under this bridge, do you?

Smiley: What does it matter?

???: Follow me.

He starts walking away, and Smiley gets up to follow him.

Smiley: Who are you?

The man takes out a blunt, and lights it. Then he blows smoke to his side.

???: They call me Mr.Notorious.

Cal goes back to his house, and starts watching TV. Then he hears someone knock on the door. Cal walks over to the door, and opens it.

Az: Hey Cal, do you know where Kai is?

Cal: No sorry.

Az: Alright. I need him for something, and he hasn't been responding.

Cal: Well he isn't here.

Az: Alright then.

Az leaves, and Cal shuts the door. Then Cal goes back to watching TV.

Cal: Fucking people. Interrupting what I'm doing.

Cal starts watching more TV. Az goes back to his car.

Az: I needed help on figuring out what present to get Kai. It is his birthday in a couple of weeks. Eh, I got like two weeks. It'll be fine.

Jax has just finished another concert. He is getting ready to leave.

Jax: My music is fucking great. Every concert makes me feel like I'm on top of the world!

Jax finishes getting read, and as soon as he gets to the door his manager walks up to him.

Manager: Are you sure you want to leave alone? There are some crazy fans out there.

Jax: I'll be fine. I can hold my own in a fight.

Manager: Alright.

Jax leaves the building, and as soon as he gets a few blocks down he gets jumped by two guys with knives.

Jax: You two really don't want to do this.

Mugger: Why not?!

Jax's hands light on fire.

Jax: Because you don't.

Jax blasts the two muggers with a fireball, and they run away.

Jax: Like I'm going to allow two regular old guys to stop me.

One of Kai's old foes has also been getting ready to make a move. Grandfather is sitting in prison eating a meal in his cell. Once he finishes his meal he goes out to the yard with everyone else. He walks over to the gym equipment, and everyone else there leaves. The grandfather takes off his shirt to show that he is ripped beyond belief Then he starts doing pull ups, and bench presses all the weight he can find. Everyone just tries to stay away from him. Eventually the guards blow a whistle, and everyone goes back inside. When The Grandfather goes back into his room he does not sleep, but sits there, and waits while he stays awake. Then an explosion goes off, and a hole is left in his room.

Righty: We finally got you out boss!

Lefty: Yeah!

Grandfather: Took you long enough.

The grandfather walks out with Lefty and Righty at his side while all the alarms go off. Back at Kai's house Cal has finally got the motivation to get up, and stop watching TV. Cal goes to the store, and buys a flower. Then Cal goes to a graveyard. He walks past many stones before he finally gets to a certain stone before stopping.

Cal: Hey dad. I miss you every day. Life has been pretty easy. I feel like everything is really going my way. I know you're watching over me everyday, and I cannot be more thankful. You were a great father, and I wish I had one last chance to tell you that before you died. I will avenge your death so that you can finally rest in peace. I will make you proud. I love you father.

Cal puts the flower at the grave. The grave says a loved father and a hero. He saved many lives as a policeman. Rest in peace Connor Steel.