
Kai opens his eyes to see himself tied to a chair. Soon Cal, Jax, Natalie, and Az appear in front of him kneeling on the ground with their hands tied. The Knight appears, and starts walking behind them.

Knight: Everyone you love is going to die by my hand.

The knight starts chopping their heads off one by one in front of Kai.

Kai: Stop!

Kai wakes up in his bed sweating. He looks to the window, and squints his eyes to the blinding light. Kai lays back down in bed. His body feels heavy, and he has no motivation to even get up. Kai rolls over, and tries to go back to bed. Cal busts through the door.

Cal: You've been acting weird. We're going to get some coffee.

Kai throws a pillow at Cal. Cal catches the pillow, and starts hitting Kai with the pillow until Kai gets up.

Kai: How am I supposed to sleep with all this ruckus?!

Cal: That's the point. Now get ready. We're going to Bibble and Sips.

Kai gets dressed, and they both walk to Bibble and Sips. They both get coffees, and sit down at a table.

Cal: What's going on?

Kai: Nothing, I'm fine.

Cal: Yeah, you're fine. That's why you have been moping around, and won't get up until 3.

Kai: Yeah, fine.

Cal: What happened?!

Kai sighs.

Kai: A few old friends of mine just died. I had known both of them since high school. We had lost contact for a while, but then we started talking again. Jax was the second friend I had ever made, and Natalie was my first kiss.

Cal: I'm sorry I even asked.

Kai: It's been a hard week.

Cal: Wait, aren't you trying to start a business?

Kai: Yeah, what about it?

Cal: Make sure you give yourself time to grief, but you still have to focus on that.

Kai sighs again.

Kai: I know.

Cal: Are you going back home?

Kai: Nah, if I go back home I'll just end up laying around all day.

Cal pats Kai's shoulder.

Cal: Alright, I'll see ya later.

Kai: bye.

Cal leaves. Kai finishes his drink, and then throws the cup away. Then as Kai is leaving Bibble and Sips he calls Az. The phone starts ringing.

Kai(in head): I need to talk to Az about this.

The phone keeps ringing.

Kai(in head): C'mon Az. Pick up.

The call goes to voicemail, and Kai hangs up. Kai sighs again.

Kai(in head): Guess he's busy, or dead. Nothing I can do about either.

Kai starts walking back to his house to get his car. Kai gets a call from Max.

Kai: Whattup?

Max(phone): I finished the blueprints of the glasses, and even made an extra pair.

Kai: Where do you want me to pick them up?

Max(phone): Just come to my house. I'll text the address.

Max hangs up the phone, and Kai gets the address text. Kai reads the text.

Kai: Guess I gotta drive to the bronx..

Kai goes inside his house, and grabs his keys. Then he gets in his car, and drives to the south bronx. Kai goes to what he thinks the address is, and knocks on the door. He sees a camera above the door look at him. Then Max opens the door.

Max: Come in.

Max moves out of the way.

Kai: Okay.

Kai(in head): Weird.

Kai walks inside.

Max goes into a different room. Kai sees that the house is kind of sloppy. There are bags of empty chips all over the place. Max has action figures, and pop figures on shelves.

Kai(in head): Nerd.

Max comes out of the room with two pairs of glasses, and the blueprints.

Max: That should be enough to patent, and be able to show off.

Kai: Great, thanks. I'll try to set up interviews quickly.

Kai goes back home, and puts the glasses and blueprints on his nightstand. Kai then lays down on the bed.

Kai(in head): I have to set up a time with a lawyer to try, and patent my invention. After that I'll have to set up meetings with investors to spend money into a store to start selling.

Kai looks over to his phone that's on the nightstand. His body feels so heavy again that he can't lift up his arm to reach his phone. Kai falls back to sleep on his bed. Over the next few days Kai sets up time with a lawyer, and gets his invention patented. Each day he feels sluggish and distant. Soon Kai was sitting on the couch, and Cal started talking to him.

Cal: Kai, you have been like a zombie the last few days.

Kai lays down on the couch, and pulls a blanket over him.

Kai: Just doing what I have to.

Cal: I can tell, and it's draining the life out of you.

Kai: What else am I supposed to do? I can't just stop everything in my life.

Cal: I dunno Kai. It's something you're going to have to figure out.

Cal leaves the house, and Kai just stares at the ceiling as he lays on the couch. A timer goes off on his phone.

Kai: Guess it's time to go to the meeting.

Kai puts on formal clothing, and drives to a fancy restaurant. He meets with three big wealthy men. They are all wearing suits. Everyone sits down at a table.

Rich man1: Mr.Adara, have you tried the lobster here?

Kai: Can't say I have.

William: Really? It is simply divine! Tell him Bobby!

Bobby: A nice buttered lobster just melts in your mouth. William would know, all he eats is lobster and deserts!

They all snicker.

Charles: What you really need is medium rare steak tips. The marinated steak tips cannot be beat!

William: Yes they can. By the lobster!

They all snicker again.

William: So Mr.Adara, or should I call you Kai?

Kai: Kai is fine.

William: Well Kai, you said you had a business proposition for us.

Kai: Yes, I do.

Kai takes out a pair of the glasses, and puts them on.

Kai: These glasses are able to register someone's strength in a number. That number is then put to the top left corner of the glasses.

William: Strength? Why would I care about strength?! I can buy strength. I care about money!

Kai: I believe that these glasses could sell, and make a lot of money. Imagine how many people would want to know how strong someone is. Then they could know whether they are safe or not.

Charles: That would never sell. Picture a commercial about glasses that can detect strength. Who would buy that! It sounds like a sham!

Kai: Just try them on. Every person in this room has a different power scale. What if someone hired a hitman to kill you at one of your parties? You could use these glasses to search through the attendees to find who is abnormally strong.

Bobby: I'm still not sold on this preposterous concept!

Kai: Just try them on.

William takes the glasses, and looks at bobby. He sees 2,500.

William: Mr.Adrada. Is 2,500 very powerful?

Kai: No.

William snickers to himself.

Kai: Now do you see the potential?

William: I see an invention that would never sell! You can't just make any invention, and expect it to sell. You don't even deserve the divine lobster. I want you out of my presence!

Kai takes the glasses back, and leaves the restaurant with his head down. Kai drives back home, and slowly walks up the stairs. Kai opens the door to his apartment. Kai sees Cal on the couch, and Kai doesn't say anything. Cal was about to say something, but Kai's ominous presence made him catch his tongue. Kai walks over to his room's door slouching. Kai opens the door, and slams it shut. Kai lays on the bed.

Kai: Fuck!